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On-board navigation systems

WHILE THINKING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY…. Driving Distractions. A one second delay in hazard recognition could result in a rear end collision. On-board navigation systems. How should a driver properly use this technology?. - pull over and stop...or have a passenger help.

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On-board navigation systems

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  1. WHILE THINKING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY… Driving Distractions A one second delay in hazard recognition could result in a rear end collision On-board navigation systems How should a driver properly use this technology? - pull over and stop...or have a passenger help It engages the mind to concentrate on the task…which keeps the eyes away from the road for longer stretches of time …even some of the innovations designed to help us can be a serious distraction

  2. Driving Distractions One of the greatest distractions is the improper use of the cell phone Some research has indicated that drivers are four times more likely to have collisions while using cellular phones. Why do you think is it more dangerous than just listening to the radio? Listening to the radio is usually a passive background noise we get used to…while talking to another person requires a concentrated active participation.

  3. Driving Distractions Many drivers in various surveys have admitted to: - having drifted into another lane - cutting people off - tailgating others - not noticing traffic lights changing - nearly hitting other vehicles Have you ever noticed anyone distracted while using their cell phone? Have you ever known anyone who was involved in an accident?

  4. Driving Distractions Let's think about some safe cell phone practices for vehicle usage

  5. Driving Distractions What are some safe cell phone practices for vehicle usage ??? Safe cell phone practices: Never dial the phone or take notes while driving…make calls only when parked or give a passenger permission to dial a call If the phone rings (especially in a demanding driving situation), let voice mail take the call…listen to message after pulling over If you must answer the call, tell the caller that you are driving, keep the conversation brief or suspend it until you can pull over Hands free phones are preferable…place the phone in a location easy to see and reach…be familiar with the phone’s features Avoid stressful or emotional conversations…pay attention to the road and the traffic situation, not the phone call

  6. Even more distracting is attempting to dial a number…this often will take your eyes off the road for a couple of seconds

  7. Even more distracting is attempting to dial a number…this often will take your eyes off the road for a couple of seconds Jack, this is Al, mind if I call you back?

  8. What could this bad habit lead to? Driving Distractions 1 of 4 women put on makeup or style their hair while driving • When should you do these things? • either before leaving • after you stop at your destination In Motion magazine, a General Motors publication

  9. What could this bad habit lead to? Driving Distractions 1 of 4 women put on makeup or style their hair while driving • When should you do these things? • either before leaving • after you stop at your destination This may seem extreme…but it does happen…can you think of other weird distracting behaviors? . . . let's consider other people distractions

  10. Driving Distractions Let's consider another people distraction This may seem extreme…but it does happen…can you think of other weird distracting behaviors?

  11. As the driver, you are in charge. If passengers are distracting, tell them to stop or you will pull over. Driving Distractions This kid also needs a seatbelt! Passengers in your own car: In what ways could this situation be distracting? • - talking with you • complaining/arguing with you • crowding the driver Save this for a better time Again, these type of situations require you to keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel and your mind on your driving What do you think is the number one distraction for parents?

  12. Driving Distractions #1 distraction for parents ----- CHILDREN • Be sure they are belted in • Give them books, hand held games, things to look for along the road • Traffic games • Watch TV or tapes What are some ways children can distract the driver? They cry, scream, fight, moan and complain… Often the result is turning around in an attempt to quiet them down with some verbal response… What are some ways of preventing child distractions in the car? What did your mother say or do?

  13. Driving Distractions Another common inside distraction Reaching for things What could be the result of this distraction? vehicle drifting into parked car on the right Even worse…reaching for something on the floor… never do this! Again, these type of situations require you to keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel and your mind on your driving

  14. Driving Distractions One final inside distraction… Dashboard distractions Looking too long at gauges and dials could cause you to miss important traffic info It can be especially distracting if your fuel gauge is almost empty It’s best not to glance down at your dashboard for more than ____second one

  15. Driving Distractions Let’s now consider one last source of distractions…

  16. Driving Distractions The distractions in our mind …like that fuel gauge getting close to empty on a lonely highway, there are many things that can flood our minds distracting us Worries Thinking about problems Disturbing news reports on radio Needing to use the rest room What are common distracting thoughts for teen drivers? An exciting sporting event on the radio All thoughts diverting your mind away from the driving task are unsafe

  17. Driving Distractions

  18. SUMMARY: Basically there are three types: • Those outside the vehicle • Those inside the vehicle • Those inside our mind • (unrelated to driving) Distractions could also be classified as visual, mechanical or cognitive Eat at Al’s One moretime…be careful to keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel and your mind on your driving!

  19. End of Driving Distractions Quiz time…how much do you remember?

  20. Driving Distractions - Review Questions 1. It is estimated that driver distraction is the cause in at least _____% of vehicle crashes. 30 • True or False: A distraction is anything that draws the • mind away in another direction. True 3. The 3 types of distractions are: those outside the vehicle, inside the vehicle, and those inside our ________. minds • True or False: Different things distract different people. • Driving distractions in your life will • probably change as you get older. True 5. Seeing people along the roadway is often a major distraction. Taking your eyes off the driving task could lead to a traffic law violation or worse, a _______________. collision 6. Distractions that are especially dangerous with young drivers is seeing their __________ and wanting to be noticed by them. friends

  21. 7. True or False: Concerning roadside advertisements, if the traffic scene is not demanding, (no potential hazards ahead) it may be safe to briefly glance at them. True 8. In busy urban areas, roadside advertisements can definitely distract you. In these situations it’s best to keep your _____ on the road and your ______ on your driving. eyes mind 9. Traffic jams and accidents present another type of distraction. Because you are moving more slowly your level of concentration may decrease. Compensate for this by keeping a greater _________distance from the vehicle in front of you. following • What should you do if you want to enjoy a beautiful sunset • or breath-taking scene as you are driving? • _______________________. pull over and stop 11. Listening to very loud music can reduce your ability to _________________ on the driving task as well as distract other drivers hearing the excessive volume. concentrate 12. It is _____ times more likely you’ll get into collision inserting a CD than just looking at the speedometer or fuel gauge. Don’t attempt to do this while the car is ___________. six moving

  22. 13. Eating food and drinking beverages is often both a mechanical and a ___________distraction. At higher speeds, looking away from the road to get your drink can cause the car to significantly __________. visual drift • Reading a map or newspaper while driving is very dangerous • because even a one second delay in seeing a hazard • ahead could result in a _______________________. rear end collision 15. If you have onboard navigation its best to have a passenger study it or if driving by yourself it is safest to _____________. pull over & stop 16. Some research has concluded that drivers are ____times more likely to have a collision while using cellular phones. 4 17. Listening to the radio is usually a passive background noise we get use to…but talking on a cell phone requires an _________ participation reducing our concentration on the driving task. active 18. If the cell phone rings in a demanding driving situation, its best to allow the _________ ________to take the call. You can then call back later. voice mail 19.True or False: Never dial the phone or take notes while driving. If you must answer a call, tell the caller you are driving. Keep the conversation brief or suspend it until you can pull over. True

  23. 20. As the driver, you are in charge. Tell distracting passengers to stop what they are doing or you will ____________________. pull over and stop 21. True or False: The number one distraction for parents is children. Being prepared ahead of time with something to occupy their attention will minimize distractions. True 22. If something falls on the floor while driving ________ reach down and attempt to pick it up. never 23. Dashboard distractions can also cause problems. It’s best not to glance down at the dashboard for more than ______second. one 24. True or False: An exciting sporting event on the radio can be a driving distraction. True 25. One more time…Be careful to keep your ______on the road, your ________ on the wheel, and your ______ on your driving! eyes hands mind

  24. End of Driving Distractions

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