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University Supervisor Training

Welcome to the University Supervisor Training Agenda! Gain insight into roles, responsibilities, and program requirements for Intern I and Intern II/Student Teachers. Discover the latest updates, guidelines, and grading processes for internship evaluations.

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University Supervisor Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! University SupervisorTraining

  2. Agenda • Welcome & Introductions • Roles & Responsibilities • Intern I • Intern II/Student Teachers • Travel • Procedural Information • Resource Folder - Dropbox • Q & A

  3. OFE Staff • Dr. Chená Flood • Director OFE • Amanda Chapman • Lead University Supervisor & Instructor • Monica Miller • New Early Field Experience Placement Coordinator • Eric Gatilogo • Administrative Assistant

  4. What does it mean to be a University Supervisor?

  5. Relationships in Internship

  6. Roles & Responsibilities

  7. FYIProgram Requirements • Some programs have different requirements for the internship/student teaching component of the program. • For example, some programs require all students to complete an Intern I experience. • Some programs do not require an Intern I experience, but encourage the students to go through it. • Some programs do not offer an Intern I experience at all. It can make it challenging to keep track of your interns if you are telling them one thing and a seminar instructor is telling them something else. • Be aware that one intern’s experience may look completely different than another intern’s experience in terms of completing requirements.

  8. Internship I

  9. What is Intern I? Intern I • Internship I is the first component of the full year internship experience. • Required to start the Internship I experience during the first week of WCU classes each semester. • The number of internship hours each week varies by program, though in most cases Intern I candidates are in their host classrooms the equivalent of two full days (15 hours) per week. • Interns observe the cooperating teacher, participate in classroom activities, and plan and teach lessons as required by program specific guidelines. Interns follow WCU’s calendar during Internship I except for initial start dates. Interns are expected to continue in their placements until the final week of classes (not exam week) at WCU.

  10. What’s New? • Intern I Syllabus will now serve as the Syllabus and Orientation Checklist. • These two documents have been merged together. • Please share with student and CT.

  11. Program Specific Requirements Make sure that you read over the program specific requirements for all your interns.

  12. Grading Intern Is Grading • Grade sheet completed at final conference. • Make sure you have the CT’s grade and initials. • Post grade in MyCat. • See Grade Sheet

  13. Paperwork for OFE • Signed Midterm/Final Evaluation Form • Intern, US, & CT signatures • Final Grade Sheet • Intern I US Checklist • Program-Specific Checklist

  14. InternshipI – Substitute Teaching • Internship I students may not substitute teach on the days they are assigned to a school • They may substitute teach on days they are not in class at WCU or required to be at the host school for internship (Fridays, Spring Break, etc.) • Students should check with the school to inquire about requirements and pay for substitute teaching.

  15. Questions about Intern Is?

  16. Internship II/Student Teaching

  17. What’s New? • Intern II/Student Teaching Syllabus is now available! • This will also serve as the Syllabus and Orientation Checklist. • Please share with student and CT.

  18. Spring 2016 Due Dates for edTPA Portfolio Submission • For interns in Elementary, Middle Grades, and Inclusive/Special Education: March 6 • For interns in Birth-Kindergarten: March 27 • For all other licensure areas: April 4 These dates apply whether you are in an undergraduate, graduate, or lateral entry program.

  19. Student Teaching Time Requirement • INDEPENDENT TEACHING: ST collaborates with CT and team during the planning of units of instruction. • The ST performs all activities of a full-time teacher for a period of time. This is the culmination of the STs progress through the teacher education program and provides the opportunity for the ST to demonstrate his/her professional experience. • Full-time independent teaching includes serving as the lead teacher for the entire school day, including all instructional and curricular planning as well as all professional activities and duties. Full-time teaching may be extended in order for the candidate to demonstrate competencies at the proficient level. • Refer to the program guidelines for the minimum number of full-time independent teaching requirement for each program.

  20. Full-time Teaching Requirements

  21. Portfolio/TaskStream Requirements The US should ensure all these requirements are completed and assessed by the appropriate assessor. edTPA portfolio: Submitted by student on TaskStream. Evaluated by an approved scorer. Please see “Guidelines for Supporting Candidates Completing edTPA.” EE4: Certificate of Teaching Capacity: Paper copy with signatures turned into OFE. Online form also completed by US/AS at final conference. Final Dispositions Assessment: Completed by US at the end of internship/student teaching in TaskStream.

  22. TaskStream continued… US, AS, and CT can work with the intern on completing these requirements as needed. • EE6: Teacher as Leader Essay: Submitted by student on TaskStream. Assessed by seminar instructor. US, AS, and CT can work with the intern on completing this requirement as needed. • Individual Growth Plan: Submitted by student on TaskStream. Assessed by seminar instructor.

  23. Intern II - Substitute Teaching • “If the school/school system allows eligible interns/student teachers to serve as substitute teachers, WCU approves a maximum of five days. They are allowed to substitute only for the cooperating teacher in the classroom in which they are placed until the last two weeks of the WCU semester and after completing the required number of days of successful full-load teaching/co-teaching at which time they may substitute for other teachers in the host school. • Due to liability issues, an intern/ student teacher cannot be considered a substitute (thereby becoming an employee of the system) without being paid as a substitute. • WCU does not determine an intern/student teacher’s eligibility for substitute teaching; each school/school system has requirements and policies regarding substitute teaching. • “An intern/student teacher may not have any paid assignment in the school such as driving a bus, coaching or directing a band that interferes with any internship or student teaching responsibility. Intern II/student teachers should not accept outside employment during full-time teaching…”

  24. Intern II/ST - Early Release • Early Release from internship/student teaching will only be considered for fulltime, teaching employment in the student’s area of licensure, will only be granted on a case-by-case basis, and typically will not be granted before two weeks from the end of the semester of the internship/student teaching experience. • Early Release from student teaching/internship does not mean that the candidate has graduated from WCU early, nor does it mean that the candidate has been granted a teaching license by the state of North Carolina. • All interns/student teachers officially continue to be students of the university until the final day of the university’s semester and will continue to be monitored by the university supervisor and the academic supervisor (when one is assigned) until the end of the university’s semester. • Detailed Early Release Procedures can be found in the Handbook.

  25. Grading Intern II/Student Teachers Grading • Grade sheet completed at final conference. • Make sure you have the CT’s grade. • Post grade in MyCat. *Break down each section and give points for specifics.

  26. Paperwork for OFE • Midterm Certification of Teaching Capacity Form • Final Certification of Teaching Capacity Form • Signed by intern, CT, principal, US, and AS (if applicable) • Final Grade Sheet • US Checklist for Intern II/ST • Program-Specific Checklist

  27. Principal’s Signature Students CANNOT receive their teaching licenses with out the principal (or designee)’s signature. • I had over 10 CTCs submitted to the office without those signatures… • This makes my job (and Eric’s, Lydia’s, and Barb’s) much more difficult. So please be kind and get it signed!

  28. *~NOTICE~* Submit all final paperwork NO LATER THAN THE LAST DAY OF FINAL EXAMS. This will insure that licensure procedures can be carried out in a timely manner.

  29. Remind students to submit all forms and fees required for licensure to the Licensure Specialist, Barbara Schade at: bschade@email.wcu.edu or (828) 227-2000

  30. Reminders • Reporting attendance is an expectation of all faculty regardless of course level or discipline.  It would be helpful if you could report first-week attendance within 24-48 hours of the first class meeting. The sooner attendance can be confirmed the better.

  31. Questions about intern II/Student teaching?

  32. Travel

  33. Travel Reimbursement • As of January 1, 2016, an approved rate of $0.54/mile for adjuncts (non-residents of Jackson County). • Full-time faculty and adjuncts residing in Jackson County are reimbursed at $0.54/mile for trips under 60 miles, and $0.30/mile for trips over 60 miles. • State cars are available with one week’s notice. • Contact OFE if you are interested  Submit travel forms monthly for budgeting purpose.

  34. Please only use the NEW Travel Forms that will be on your flash drive, on the OFE website, and in our Dropbox. Must be typed then printed and signed. ONLY PRINT THE PAGES THAT YOU USE!!

  35. Required Reimbursement Information • Use one block per day of visitation • Date: Date of Visit/Observation • From: City and State • To: City and State (RT) • Not a FULL Address • Miles: Total miles for the day • In “Explanation” Column list: • School Visited • Student Visited & Status (INT I/INT II/ST) • Reason for Visit (OBS #1, Initial Visit, Midterm) • Signature at bottom

  36. Round Trips – You go there from your home – then you go back home Difference from Commute – Mostly for Faculty You stop by the school while out doing errands or on your way to another job.

  37. Support for Co-Teaching • WCU fully supports a co-teaching partnership in which student teacher and cooperating teacher plan and implement instruction collaboratively, sharing or alternating the role of lead teacher as outlined here. The expectation is that all Intern IIs/Student Teachers will assume full planning and teaching responsibility for at least one full unit of instruction and over a period of time lasting at least six weeks in length, depending on individual program requirements.NG • There is no single strategy of co-teaching that fits every situation, nor is any one classroom setting limited to one strategy. The following are strategies that fit in various settings from early field experience through the final Internship II/Student Teaching semester.

  38. Co-Teaching Models • SHARED TEACHING: CT and ST plan together and teach together to the whole group/class, building on each other’s instruction, and sharing leadership of the lesson. Relatively common, especially in secondary classrooms. • ALTERNATIVE TEACHING: CT and ST plan together. One leads a formal whole-group/class session. The class is often divided into groups for reteach, remediation and/or enrichment. CT and ST each lead groups. This method is beneficial in classrooms with a wide range of abilities because of the flexibility to use alternative methods, techniques, or materials to reteach and/or extend lessons. • STATION TEACHING: CT and ST plan together with attention to group differences. Each monitors/facilitates a station or stations. This method is responsive to individual needs and is a venue for implementation of mini-lessons and/or mastery learning. Relatively common, especially in elementary classrooms.

  39. edTPA Strategies for Formative Support Formative support may be offered during academic terms prior to the completion of edTPA in a clinical experience or may extend early in the term edTPA is formally developed and submitted. Acceptable forms of formative support include: • Providing explanations of terminology and concepts covered by edTPA • Identifying connections between assignments completed during coursework and tasks in edTPA • Assigning parallel tasks during coursework, e.g., analyzing a videotape of teaching and learning, constructing a unit of instruction, assessing student work. • Distributing edTPA support documents such as Making Good Choices • Arranging technical and logistical support for video recording and uploading documents into electronic platforms • Providing and discussing samples of previously completed edTPA portfolio materials (with appropriate permissions granted). • Using the rubrics for evaluating embedded signature assessments, course assignments or other formative assessments in the program prior to final edTPA completion • Using rubric constructs or rubric language to debrief observations made by field supervisors or cooperating teachers as part of the clinical supervision process • Offering candidate seminars focusing on the skills and abilities identified in the edTPA, such as an Academic Language seminar • Offering the above types of assistance through clinical teaching seminars or through a separate course (methods, foundations, or other modules focused on edTPA components).

  40. Action Plans • Establish and retain documentation of all interventions (consult with academic supervisor) • Notify/provide documentation of interventions (i.e. action plan, conferences) to OFE and appropriate program coordinator/department head regarding concerns/issues related to intern performance • See Action Plan Template

  41. Attendance Policy Internship I • During Intern I, if an intern misses more than two days in the assigned school, he/she must notify the Director of Field Experiences and the university supervisor via email to explain the reasons for the absences. If there are not substantiated valid reasons (illness, family emergency, etc.) for the absences, then the university supervisor, cooperating teacher, program coordinator/department head, and Director of Field Experiences will develop an action plan for the student. • If the intern fails to meet the established terms of the plan, s/he may be removed from the internship. Internship II/Student Teaching • Intern II/student teachers are not permitted to miss school days for reasons other than illness or emergency, unless a request is made to the Director of Field Experiences in advance and in writing. • The university/academic supervisor(s) and cooperating teacher must give written approval for the absence for a specific reason (professional conference, observation in another setting). • If the intern/ student teacher misses more than three days, he/she must notify the Director of Field Experiences and the university supervisor via email to explain the reasons for the absences. If there are not substantiated valid reasons (illness, family emergency, etc.) for the absences and the pattern of absences is deemed a dispositional issue, then the university supervisor, cooperating teacher, program coordinator/department head, and Director of Field Experiences may develop an action plan. • Failure to meet the established terms of the plan may result in removal from the internship. Attendance at an announced WCU event is considered excused absences from the school and do not require approval from the OFE.

  42. New way to access and keep up with the most current forms as well as collaborate and share resources with each other.

  43. Already have Dropbox? Let me know which email address you have associated with you DB account and I will share the folder with you. Don’t have Dropbox? How do I install Dropbox? To install Dropbox, just head to the Dropbox download page. To get the most out of Dropbox, you'll want to install Dropbox on all of your computers and mobile devices. Once it's installed, you'll see a Dropbox folder on your computer. Put your stuff in your Dropbox folder and it will automatically upload for availability on all of your computers, phones, and tablets. It's called syncing, and it'll revolutionize the way you use computers.

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