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Ways to begin an essay. 1. . 背景介绍法. TEM4 的命题特征之一是给出一小段的背景介绍。这段介绍自然不可以原封不动地照抄在答题纸上,但若对此进行加工改写,也不失为一个不错的开头。如 2002 年命题部分的背景介绍 :.
1. .背景介绍法 • TEM4的命题特征之一是给出一小段的背景介绍。这段介绍自然不可以原封不动地照抄在答题纸上,但若对此进行加工改写,也不失为一个不错的开头。如2002年命题部分的背景介绍:
Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. And they have different ways to stay healthy. For example, some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. What do you think is the best way to stay healthy? • Example: • Today, with the improvement of living standard, people attach more and more importance to health. They are trying to find various ways to keep healthy. Some do physical exercises every day, but others prefer keeping a balanced diet. As far as I am concerned, doing physical exercises is a better choice to stay healthy. • 考生对命题背景介绍的语言稍加修改,原义维持不变,最后一句提出自己的观点。
2005 • The Students Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included. • I'm excited that our school will hold an arts festival. I believe it will be to all the students' liking as it can definitely make our dull lives more colourful. My suggestion to the art festival is to hold a painting competition.
2.先抑后扬法 • 顾名思义,抑扬是对立的,文章的开篇也会提出两种对立的观点。先抑即提m观点,做出肯定的评价,后扬即笔锋一转,回到冉己的观点上。如2004年话题:Will Phones KiII Letter Writing? • Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other. So, that phones will kill letter writing. Though phones are more convenient than letter writing, in my opinion, phones will not kill letter writing.
2007 • A wonderful World appears before you when you click the mouse on Internet. The benefits of it have obviously made our daily life more colourful, amazing and exciting. There is al- so the fact that millions of young people have made friends online. However, in my view, it's better and wiser to make friends in real life.
3.引经据典法 • 引用一些谚语、格言、名人名言能有力地充实作者的观点。如2001年话题:Travel Broadens the Mind。 • As a Chinese old. g goes, traveling ten t and miles and reading ten thousand books is the top ideal for people. Travel does broaden our mind. It enables us to appreciate beautiful scenery, value the culture and customs of a people and learn the history.
:The Best Way to Stay Healthy • As a popular saying goes, ~health is better than wealth. " Health nowadays has been attached great importance to especially in such a quick fix society. As to the ways to keep healthy, some people prefer keeping a balanced diet, while others prefer doing physical exercise. I believe that doing physical exercise is the best way to keep healthy.
4.提问回答法 • 这一方法首先以提问的方式提出论题越,然后以回答的方式给自己的观点 • The Best Way to Stay Healthy,, • Nowadays, the desire for good health is universal. You cannot exaggerate the importance of good health too much. What do you think is the best way to keep healthy'.2 As far as I am concerned, the best way to keep healthy is to develop a good quality of mind. • :The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood. • Pressure seems to be a natural part of our daily life in the competitive society. We live under great pressure from education, career and families. How can we live happy lives? I think it is important that we keep a good mood under whatever circumscances.
5.5.综合运用法 Will Phones KiIl Letter Writing? Nowadays as people attach more and more importance to the speed, phones are becoming popular. It goes without saying that making a phone call is far more convenient and much faster than spending hours writing a long letter. But will phones kill letter writing? As far as I am concerned, I think letter Writing can never be replaced.