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Human needs , human rights , and social work as a practice of humanism. An argument for the rights to health , education , and social equality Stockholm July 2012 Notker Schneider. Preliminary Remarks. What it is : an approach to the fundamentals to the prospectives
Human needs, human rights, and socialworkasa practiceofhumanism An argumentfortherightstohealth, education, and socialequality Stockholm July 2012 NotkerSchneider
PreliminaryRemarks Whatitis: an approachto • thefundamentals • totheprospectives ofSocial Work from a philosophicalpointofview Notker Schneider - FH Köln
PreliminaryRemarks What we may get: • theoretical & analytical insights • application on the basic rights, e.g. to comprehensive health care Social Work will be understood as a political human rights practice Notker Schneider – Cologne University of Applied Sciences
PreliminaryRemarks Social Work as a „profession of human rights“ (Silvia Staub-Bernasconi) “common sense” But what is the exact meaning? What’s the linking? Notker Schneider - FH Köln
PreliminaryRemarks relation & linkingof human rights human needs socialwork Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Human Rights Question: Social Work substantiatedby Human Rights Human Rightssubstantiatedby … ? criticizedasrepresenting a special, local, historicaltradition (i.e. theeuropean) Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Human Rights A comprehensive, global, and sustainable commitment arising from human rights strongly calls for a significant deeper foundation innermost sense and actualmeaningof Human Rights a fruitful, creative, and equal intercultural dialogue about human rights Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Deeper Foundation Whatunites human beingsas human beings? anthropologicaldimension „Anthropology“: something like an empirically justified essence of humanity basal human needs and capabilities Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Human Needs possible is something like a listof basal needs which share all human beings (see Martha C. Nussbaum) nourishment, safe housing, health care … education, interpersonal communication, sexual self-determination, just political participation Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Consequences 1 human needs express whatwecallhumanity to deny the fulfillment of these needs means to deny his or hers humanity basal human needs are the material concrete of the more formal and abstract concept of “human dignity” Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Consequences 1 concretization& giving real content tothemoreabstract “human dignity” • makes possible specific & political discussions • gives Social Work clear mandates • in client empowerment • in social-political action Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Consequences 2 Human needs: a demand, a question different answers(culture, history, preference) not: „oneworld – onesolution“ this is a plea for difference, for respect and esteem of diversity, and not an excuse for bad solutions Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Consequences 2 The answer we have to give to the question of a human need must always be the best possible. “one world – the best possible and most preferred solution” a newconceptof global distributive justice on thebasisofequal human needs Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Consequences 3 human needscrucialfor • Human Rightsand • Social Work human needs human dignity human rights Notker Schneider - FH Köln
Consequences 3 Human Needs and SocialWork Social Work hastointervene in thecaseofsocialproblems socialproblemsarisewhen human needscannotbefulfilledbystructuralreasons Notker Schneider - FH Köln
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