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Shared Services, Reform and The Home Office

Shared Services, Reform and The Home Office. Stephen McCormick Director Strategy & Business Development, Home Office Shared Services November 2007. Shared Services Vision.

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Shared Services, Reform and The Home Office

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  1. Shared Services, Reform and The Home Office Stephen McCormick Director Strategy & Business Development, Home Office Shared Services November 2007

  2. Shared Services Vision “To make a meaningful and lasting contribution to the government’s broader citizen-centred transformation of public services by freeing people, time and money to focus on front-line service delivery”

  3. The Opportunity • Benefits • Improved Service Delivery to the citizens and staff • More productive, better trained and motivated staff adding greater value • Saving of at least £1.3 billion per year in HR & Finance • Significant improvements in business processes, critical information and IT systems • Support of other initiatives – Lyons, Productive Time, Procurement • Objectives • Optimise investment decisions through reuse and sharing • Dramatically reduce the number of locations • Coordinate the approach to interacting with the market • Use standard organisational structures, processes and technology • Match the best performance levels in the private sector • Simplify processes to make it easier for staff to work with HR and Finance • Enable Finance and HR professionals to concentrate on strategy and high impact activities

  4. On the main agenda Shared Services Vision Home Office (Departmental Framework - Reform): “The [Home Office] Shared Service business will deliver high-quality customer services, speedier access to information and data, increased flexibility and a long term, sustainable platform for future cost reductions and service improvements“ … “All Sharable functions” …”All Home Office Organisations” … “We will have a commercial relationship”

  5. Home Office Operating Model Ministers and Home Office Board Strategic Centre Headquarters Delivery Groups Office for Office for Security Crime Reduction Criminal and Counter - and Community Justice Reform Terrorism Safety Group Home Office (Trilateral) Shared Services Professional Services Delivery Agencies Criminal Border and Identity and Records Immigration Passport Bureau Agency Service Delivery Partners NDPBs including Serious Organised Counter - Terrorism Crime Agency, Partners National Policing Improvement Agency Local Partnerships 43 Police Forces Front line service delivery to the public

  6. Service Portfolio Finance Human Resources Procurement Pay & Pensions Legal Services Service Propositions Information Technology Estates Case Management Contact Centres Technical Infrastructure Correspondence VAT/Tax Advice Implementation Support

  7. Government Customer Government Customer Government Customer Government Customer Government Customer Government Customer Government Customer The Vision – Supplier Independent Provision Utilise Good Quality Cost Effective Services Broad and Deep Commodity Service Provision Manage Provision from across Government & Private Sector In-house Provision Wider Government Provision In-house Provision Private Sector Provision Wider Government Provision

  8. Core Competencies Internal Support Services Trusted Advice Customer Acquisition Contract Management Procurements On-Boarding Support Competencies Standards Setting Proposition Development Alliance Management Operations Solution Build Continuous Improvement

  9. The Shared Service Business Corporate Support Directorate Corporate Support Policy & Strategy – Finance, Procurement, HR, IT, Estates etc. Customer Advisory Committee Strategy / Policy / Performance Joint Management Board Business Needs & Priorities Supply relationships CoreHO SBS BIA OGD IPS EDS CRB Fujitsu NDPBs Other OGD/CJS

  10. Case Study: Home Office Key Learning Points • Stakeholder Management is critical, especially as senior stakeholders move in and out of roles and continuity is lost – proactively engage to gain and maintain support • Establish a Governance structure that spans the full scope of organisations – this may require engaging a differing levels of board. Be ready to revise and adopt the Governance structure if the opportunity presents itself • Restructures and machinery of Government changes can present opportunities, e.g. Home Office Reform and the future Operating Model now includes Shared Services, the NDPB Review/Rationalisation supports shared service adoption. Threats come from these major political and structural shifts too. • Take care when driving out synergies across operations – strike the balance of pace and risk – differing levels of synergy exploitation: management, non-operational and operational integration • Driving adoption of shared services requires a customer engagement approach that is ‘voluntary’, staged and relies on business development skills. This is not core business for Government but is key to success. Do no underestimate the effort and associated cost of sale.

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