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Strategic issues. M. Nyenhuis , R. Busskamp, S. Göbel, T. Lüllwitz. Technical reference. Status-quo analysis (Oct 2009-Aug 2010) Report sent to key European organisations for review (3 review cycles)
Strategic issues M. Nyenhuis, R. Busskamp, S. Göbel, T. Lüllwitz
Technical reference • Status-quo analysis (Oct 2009-Aug 2010) • Report sent to key European organisations for review (3 review cycles) • User requirements and gaps; catalogue of organisations, programmes and projects (FP6, FP7, GMES etc.); strengths, challenges, opportunities; • European expert workshop on Water SBA (May 2010, BfG) • Pan-European organisations and programmes & major actors at European Member States level (via HLWG); 35 organisations contacted • Review of status-quo report; breakout sessions on strategic topics such as data sharing, international cooperation, user requirements etc. • Reports are available at http://www.eugene-fp7.eu/
Status quo analysis – main findings • European strengths in Earth observation • Earth observation technology/systems & expertise • e.g. operational hydrological networks; data archives; satellite missions that deliver hydrological & meteorological data; WFD; • Programmatic frameworks • e.g. GMES, INSPIRE, EU Framework Programme, capacity building programmes (focus on Africa); • International cooperation • e.g. Europe supports implementation of key international frameworks such as GCOS/GTOS, IHP and HWRP; EU Member States host international data centres (GRDC, GPCC, IGRAC) ; support to GEO/GEOSS (!) • Main challenges for Water SBA • Fragmentation of the Water sector in Europe & lack of coordination of EU contributions towards GEO/GEOSS • Obstacles on data sharing, especially as regards in-situ data
Strategic recommendations for action (1/3) • Improve coordination of GEOSS related hydrological activities in Europe. • Europe has developed extensive capabilities and expertise in the water sector; • Europe is facing a strong fragmentation of the water sector (diversity of topics; institutional responsibilities); • GEOSS as on overarching framework to establish a pan-European coordination process in the Water area; • Actions: • Establish links of the HLWG to existing European expert groups in the field of hydrology, e.g. WMO Working Group on Climate and Hydrology within the Regional Association VI (Europe); • Increase internal and external visibility of European GEOSS activities;
Strategic recommendations for action (2/3) • Develop coordinated, targeted observations of the global water cycle and assure a proper European branding. • In support of the political/strategic role of the HLWG, coordinated actions at implementation level need to be elaborated; • Coordinate European contributions to the Water SBA Tasks and aim at closing major observation gaps; • Actions: • Establish a European regional branch under the GEO Water Cycle Community of Practice (CoP) to support the implementation of the Water SBA; • Link relevant programmatic developments with the Water SBA Tasks, especially the development of the GMES in-situ component (coordinated by the EEA) and the GMES Africa Action Plan; • Support the deployment of remote sensing technologies for hydrological applications, e.g. in the framework of a CEOS virtual constellation Hydrology;
Strategic recommendations for action (3/3) • Foster the exchange of hydrological data. • Technological issues and restrictive, complex data policies pose a major obstacle for the exchange of hydrological data; • INSPIRE, GMES, WISE (Water Information System for Europe) as major European frameworks for (hydrological) data exchange; • Actions: • Support the development of standards for the exchange of hydrological data, e.g. in the framework of the OGC Domain Working Group Hydrology; • Work towards compatibility of INSPIRE and the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles; • Enable the access to the WISE database through the GEOSS Common Infrastructure; • Facilitate the implementation of GEOSS Data Sharing Principles in European Member States;
Thank you ! Michael Nyenhuis, Stephanie Göbel Department of Geography, University of Bonn michael.nyenhuis@uni-bonn.de Ralf Busskamp, Thomas Lüllwitz Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) busskamp@bafg.de
Water GEO Strategic Target. Before 2015, GEO aims to: Produce comprehensive sets of data and information products to support decision-making for efficient management of the world's water resources, based on coordinated, sustained observations of the water cycle on multiple scales. European Target. Europe aims to improve the sustained observation of water cycle components and the coordination of hydrological activities in Europe, combined with an increased exchange of data. Europe intends to offer its expertise and to work with its GEO partners to support global capacity building, with a specific focus on Africa. Actions (derived from water study)
European strengths • Earth observation systems & expertise • Operational hydrological networks maintained by NMHS; • Data archives, monitoring and early warning systems and maps, e.g. Water Information System for Europe (WISE), European Water Archive (EWA), Int. Hydrogeological Map of Europe (IHME), European Flood Alert System (EFAS), European Drought Observatory (EDO); • The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) as a legal basis for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM); • European and international satellite missions that deliver hydrological EO, e.g. SMOS, ASCAT (on MetOp), GOCE, GRACE, future GMES Sentinels and meteorological satellites as such;
European strengths • Programmatic frameworks • The GMES programme • Water resource and food security services and products in Europe, but also at global level, and with a special focus on Africa; • Transfer of GMES into the initial operations phase (2011-13) is an important milestone to establish a sustainable Earth observation programme in Europe; • Through the INSPIRE process, Europe has acquired considerable experience in the field of spatial data standardisation and infrastructure development; • EU Framework Programme contains funds dedicated to GEO • Engagement in capacity building for Earth observations through dedicated programmes such as PUMA, EUMETCast, TIGER and AMESD and various national European projects;
European strengths • International cooperation • European contributions to implementation of key international frameworks such as GCOS/GTOS, IHP and HWRP; • EU Member countries host international data centres such as GRDC, GPCC and IGRAC and provide scientific expertise; • WFD as a legal basis for international cooperation and data exchange in transboundary river catchments; • European support of the GEO process • Financial contribution • Representation in GEO Committees • Support to GEO Tasks • Contributions are ‘self-organized’, no overall EU plan/strategy visible