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ANNUAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK 2007/8. 25 th January 2007 Deborah Shaw Director of Strategy Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals. PURPOSE. This paper sets out the Annual Planning Framework for Shrewsbury & Telford Hospitals NHS Trust for 2007/8. The Framework outlines:
ANNUAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK2007/8 25th January 2007 Deborah Shaw Director of Strategy Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals
PURPOSE • This paper sets out the Annual Planning Framework for Shrewsbury & Telford Hospitals NHS Trust for 2007/8. The Framework outlines: • the Trust’s planning framework for 2007/8 and our understanding of the context within which we will be operating; • the Trust’s corporate priorities for 2007/8 to provide the basis for more • detailed planning by Divisions; • initial activity and finance assumptions to support Divisional planning for • 2007/8; • the timetable for the next stages of the Trust’s business planning for • 2007/8. • . 2
Money following the patients, rewarding the best and most efficient providers, giving others the incentive to improve Tariff uplift from 2007/08-2.5% PPA reduced to 25% Indicative unbundled prices SHA flexibilities More choice and a much stronger voice for patients Choice: by 2008, choice of any provider meeting NHS clinical and financial standards PBC: All aspects of PCT budgets will be indicatively developed to practice based commissioners Better Care Better Patient Experience Better Value for Money More diverse providers, with more freedom to innovate and improve services 70FTs by Spring 2007, 100 by December 2007 Development of new types of providers Commitment to shift care into community settings Phase 2 ISTs to support choice and help deliver 18 weeks A framework of system management, regulation and decision making that guarantees safety and quality, fairness, equity and value for money Contracts introduced for 2007/08 The future regulation of health and adult social care in England, consultation November 2006 Operating Framework 07/08 4
NHS West Midlands Strategic Framework Initial Priorities: • Reducing health inequalities • Quality and Choice in primary care • Race equality in employment practice & service provision • Reducing infant and perinatal mortality • Systematic management of LTC • Patient focused care • Infrastructure investment that supports a quantified shift towards community based services • Choice secured in geographically isolated areas • Addressing clinical viability issues and reconfiguration • Regeneration through community infrastructure investment • End of life care 5
2007/8 COMMISSIONER EXPECTATIONS The Trust’s main commissioners are developing their plans for 2007/8 but we can expect both Shropshire County and Telford and Wrekin PCTs to be seeking: • Integrated Service Improvement Programme (ISIP) • 5 local programmes will co-ordinate much of this work: • admission avoidance • access to diagnostics • preventative health • shifting the balance towards local services • Configuration • to reduce review outpatients through community-based alternatives or prior approval mechanisms; • outpatients delivered in community settings; • to reduce emergency admissions through service • redesign and community alternatives; • to redesign urgent care • to make early progress towards 18 week RTT • target especially reducing diagnostic waits; • review and reconfiguration of Community based services 6
New Planning process This new process will provide a disciplined basis for: • Delivering financial recovery • Identifying key departmental priorities • Developing business improvement objectives • Allocating limited resources • Committing to agree performance outcomes • Minimising risk to delivery 7
Corporate OBJECTIVES: Are they comprehensive? The Trust has previously agreed a set of five Corporate objectives: 6. To improve partnership working in developing and delivering a coherent vision for the future of health and social care in Shropshire We will develop effective engagement strategies with key stakeholders that will secure sustainable long term success for the organisation. We will shape our services to meet the needs of the populations we serve through effective integrated planning with our commissioners 1. To achieve Foundation Trust Status by April 2008 We will ensure that the Trust achieves Foundation Trust status through improvement in its strategic planning, governance and HR processes to ensure best use of resources available, a stable financial position and a secure base for future development of our services 2. To achieve all key national targets and priorities on an annual basis We will strive to achieve sustainable financial recovery. We will continue to achieve all key national and local targets and seek to develop a culture of continuous improvement within the organisation 3. To continue to improve patient safety and the patient experience We will continue to work to improve the quality of care we provide including addressing issues of infection control, the patient environment and privacy and dignity. We will seek to ensure services respond to patient needs including the needs of the diverse communities that we serve 5. To recognise and enhance through organisational development, the contribution of the workforce to the success of the organisation We will develop and foster a culture and environment in which employees feel valued and are treated with fairness, dignity and respect. We will ensure that the Trust has effective systems in place for the recruitment, development, management and retention of all of its staff groups 4. To achieve Teaching Hospital Status We will continue to promote teaching, education and research as part of our services and we will ensure that our capital and operational plans secure the resources required to deliver the agreed expansion of undergraduate teaching capacity and capability. 8
2007/8 TRUST PRIORITIES (1) It is proposed to set 8 main strategic priorities to enable the Trust to make progress towards its corporate objectives during 2007/8. 9
NEXT STEPS IN ANNUAL PLANNING PROCESS Key milestones in the Trust’s new annual planning process are summarised below. 1st cut LDP w/c 18th Dec 2nd cut LDP w/c 2nd Jan Issue Annual Planning w/c 15th Jan Framework to Divisions LTFM submission to SHA 19th Jan Plans to achieve national priorities 19th Jan LDP target confirmed end Jan with commissioners First Cut Divisional 9th Feb objectives inc. CIP Review of Divisional w/c12th Feb Submissions Second cut Divisional 19th Feb objectives Board workshop 22nd Feb SHA Confirm & Challenge February Draft Trust Annual Plan 2nd Mar Final SLA negotiations March Annual Plan presented to Trust Board for approval March TB 14