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Family Violence Program Presents:. HOW TO PREPARE YOUR ANNUAL REPORT. Family Violence Program. Previewing instructions: This presentation is intended to be a review on how to prepare your annual report. You can run the presentation at your own pace by using the arrow keys

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  1. Family Violence Program Presents: HOW TO PREPARE YOUR ANNUAL REPORT

  2. Family Violence Program Previewing instructions: This presentation is intended to be a review on how to prepare your annual report. You can run the presentation at your own pace by using the arrow keys or let the timed program run itself.

  3. Family Violence Program Symbols Takes you to home Frequently Asked Questions Contract Managers contact information Back/Next Returns you to the slide you were viewing

  4. Family Violence Program • Due in our office by October 15, 2009

  5. Family Violence Program Before you begin: Gather your general ledger of revenue and expenses for FY 2009, previous year’s annual report (for reference), and other documents you need to prepare your annual report. Open your 2009 Annual Report page and go to Part I.

  6. Family Violence Program Please enter contractor, contract number, contract period and date completed

  7. Family Violence Program Enter your total Family Violence budget amounts Enter your HHSC reimbursable expenses This column self calculates

  8. Family Violence Program Now, go to your Annual Report page, Part II. Enter the total expenses, related to ALL family violence program activity, regardless of who the funding source may be, in the Total Budget column. Refer to your financial documentation and enter your actual expenses in the HHSC Reimbursable column. The “Other” column will self calculate. There can be no negative numbers in any column.

  9. Family Violence Program Section III. FY 09 Sources of Non-HHSC Resources – Cash and Non-Cash Support You are now going to be entering your Sources of Non-HHSC Resources – Cash and Non-Cash Support Your program must match the federal dollars allocated to you by HHSC (called FVPSA match). This amount is found in the cover letter that was sent with your FY09 fully executed contract.

  10. Family Violence Program Now enter your Cash Sources as shown in the following example in Part III. This is FV cash donations from foundations or grants from sources other than HHSC. Mark the funds you are using for your FVPSA match with an asterisk (*).

  11. Family Violence Program What funding source are you using for your FVPSA match? Mark with * Mark with *

  12. Family Violence Program Now go to your Annual Report page, Part III and add your non-cash sources as shown in the following example. These can be volunteer hours, donated items, food, clothing, etc. Mark your non-cash items that you want to use for your FVPSA match with an asterisk (*).

  13. Family Violence Program Non Cash Sources Mark match What funding source are you using for your FVPSA match? Mark match

  14. Family Violence Program Automatically calculates to give you a percentage spent on HHSC programs ___________________________________________ Signature/TitleDate Last...Don’t forget to sign and date

  15. Family Violence Program You are almost done! Print your annual report page out. Be sure to sign and date the document. Include this page with all detailed financial backup of revenue and expenses for the period 9/1/2008 through 8/31/2009.

  16. Family Violence Program Remember, detailed general ledger by transaction should be cumulative from September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009

  17. Family Violence Program Mail completed report to: HHSC Robyn Mobley Family Violence Program 909 West 45th Street, Mail Code 2010 Austin, TX 78751

  18. Family Violence Program Frequently asked questions Q What months do I include with this report? A You include your whole contract year from September 1 through August 31 Q If I have any questions, who do I call? A You call your contract manager Q How do I find out the amount of my FVPSA match? A You go to your contract allocation letter you received with your approved contract at the beginning of FY 09. Q What if I spent more on expenses than what was on my budget? A You will not get reimbursed for overspending. Likewise, if you did not spend all your allocation, you will be asked to pay back that amount.

  19. Family Violence Program Family Violence Program Manager Chan McDermott 512 206-5143 Contract Managers: Annie Rareshide 512 206-5517 Helen Oh 512 206-5565 Humphrey Matthews 512 206-5123 Judy Forbes 512 206-5040 Sandra Steward 512 206-5125 Bill Turner 512 206-5592

  20. Family Violence Program Let us know if this type of training/review was beneficial

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