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Decolonization. Ch 34. India. Section 1. Congress Party. Who: Hindus & Muslims What: India’s national political party Where: India When: 1940s
Decolonization Ch 34
India Section 1
Congress Party • Who: Hindus & Muslims • What: India’s national political party • Where: India • When: 1940s • Why: India had 350mill Hindus & 150 mill Muslims; most of Congress party were Hindu, but some Muslim; advocated for independence against GB & fought for Indian interests
Mohandas Gandhi • Who: leader of the Congress party • What: launched the 1st nonviolent campaign for independence • Where: India • When: 1920s • Why: his ideas inspired Indians of all ethnic, religious backgrounds to achieve independence; he puts the thoughts of independence in Indians’ heads; a Hindu who doesn’t like his peacefulness b.n Hindus & Muslims extremist assassinated him in 1948
1. What were the major concerns of the Muslim league? • They thought that the mainly Hindu Congress party looked out primarily for Hindu interests, not Muslim interests • Wanted to ensure a safe & secure region for Muslims
Muslim League • Who: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Indian Muslims • What: an organization founded to help protect Muslim interests; rival group to the Congress party • When: 1906 • Where: India • Why: they felt the Congress party only looked out for the Hindus; they stated they would never accept independence if it meant rule by the Hindu-dominated Congress party
2. What problems had to be resolved in the months prior to independence? • Division of India- who should be in power? How should we divide the land? Where would ppl go and how would the gov’t be run?
Partition • Who: British officials, Muslims & Hindus • What: the term given to the division of India into 2 separate Hindu and Muslim nations • Where: India & Pakistan • When: 1946 • Why: British officials were convinced that partition was the only way to ensure a safe region; the NW & Eastern regions of India where most Muslims lived = Pakistan
3. What were the terms of the cease fire? • 1/3 of Kashmir under Pakistan control & the rest under Indian control
4. How did Nehru contribute to India’s modernization? • He led new independent nations in neutral alliances • He industrialized • Pushed for social reform • Expanded human & women’s rights
Jawaharlal Nehru • Who: Prime Minister • What: the independent nation of India’s first Prime Minister • Where: IndiaWhen: 1947-1964 • Why: he was one of Gandhi’s devoted followers; he led other newly independent nations of the world in following an alliance of countries that were neutral in the Cold War; he pushed for industrialization & sponsored social reforms; he tried to elevate the lower castes; his death left the Congress party w. no strong leader= divisions in India
5. What events led to the creation of Bangladesh? • E. Pakistan was hit by huge tidal wave • W. Pakistan didn’t transfer aid quickly enough • Demonstrations broke out- • Civil war in Pakistan • 2 separate nations
6. What major problem did Indira Gandhi face? • Disarming the Tamil rebels • Challenges from Sikh extremists that wanted to be an independent state
Indira Gandhi • Who: Nehru’s daughter, Prime minister • What: took control of India after her father died • Where: India • When:1966-1984 • Why: she faced many threats from Sikh extremists & other political factions throughout India; sent Indian troops to overrun Golden Temple= killed 500 sikhs & destroyed sacred property = assassinated by Sikhs in 1984
7. What was the cause of turmoil in Sri Lanka? • Group of militant Tamils fought for their own country of Tamil
Benizir Bhutto • Who: Bhutto’s daughter; Prime minister • What: took over Pakistan after her father was executed • Where: Pakistan • When: 1970s- 1996 • Why: she was removed from office by a military coup = the military rules Pakistan = continues to struggle w. challenges from Muslim militants & ongoing disputes w. India
Southeast Asia Section 2
Bell Act • Who: Americans & Filipinos • What: established free trade b.n US & the Philippines • Where: Philippines • When: 1960s • Why: this est. & had to be passed b4 the US would pay the $620million in war damages it promised to the Philippines; Filipinos were worried that this would allow US to exploit their resources- but they passed it anyway
a. Why did the Filipinos object to this act? • Filipinos were worried that this would allow US to exploit their resources
b. Why did they agree to sign it? • To have free trade w. the US & get the $$ the US promised them
Why did the US demand a long lease on it’s military and naval bases in the Philippines? • To maintain military presence in Asia w. the start of the Cold War • To get valuable resources
Ferdinand Marcos • Who: President of the Philippines • What: President who imposed an authoritarian regime & stole billions of $$ from Philippines • Where: Philippines • When: 1965-1986 • Why: stoles millions of $$ from public treasury; limited to 8 years of presidential office but imposed a law to keep power; an election brought Corazon Aquino who challenged him- he refused to acknowledge her victory = the public overthrew him =he fled to Hawaii & died
3. Why does the Philippines restrict the Pres. To a single term? • To prevent the abuse of power that occurred under Marcos’ rule
Corazon Aquino • Who: Benigno Aquino’s widow, opponent to Marcos • What: challenged Marcos to presidency of Philippines & won • Where: Philippines • When: 1986 • Why: she won the presidency decisively- Marcos refused to acknowledge it- he made a law to stay in power = ppl were mad = kicked him out & made her president; promised a more open & democratic form of gov’t; ratified a new constitution; ended the lease on US bases thru negotiation
4 A. What role did General Ne Win play in Burmese history? • Set up a military gov’t w. a goal to make a socialist state
4B. What role did National League for Democracy play in Burmese history? • They won 80% of the seats in the 1990 election- but the military gov’t denies it • = the military gov’t stayed in charge in Burma
Aung San SuuKyi • Who: daughter of Aung San, leader of National League for Democracy • What: was active in Nat’l League for Democracy • When: 1988-2003 • Where: Burma, Southeast Asia • Why: for her pro-Democracy activities she was put on house arrest 2 separate times = left many Burmese residents doubting whether their country will ever accept democracy; military gov’t remained
5A. What’s the current political status of Singapore? • Independent city-state
5B. What’s the current political status of Malaya? Sarawak & Sabah? • United into a federation of what’s called “Malaysia”
Sukarno • Who: Indonesian President • What: led the effort to establishing an independent Indonesia • Where: Indonesia • When: 1949 • Why: he proclaimed Indonesia’s independence from Netherlands & named himself president; a guerilla army backed him up; the Dutch attempted to regain control but after losing support of the US the Dutch gave Indonesia it’s independence
Suharto • Who: General Suharto • What: sought power for himself, began a bloodbath in which 500,000 to 1 mill Indonesians were killed • Where: Indonesia • When: 1965-1998 • Why: named President in 1967; turned Indonesia into a police state; heavily criticized; little tolerance for religious freedoms; bribery & corruption- commonplace; economy improved for awhile BUT gov’t repression & economic crisis = forced him to step down= then they moved towards Democracy
6. What factors finally forced Suharto to step down? • Growing unrest over both Gov’t repression & a crippling Economic crisis