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Kopf- und Neurozentrum Klinik für Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde Direktor Prof. Dr. med. R. Knecht. p16INK4a-expression in relation to E6/E7-mRNA-expression of human papillomaviruses in tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC). Anna Sophie Ihloff Journal Club. Basics.
Kopf- und NeurozentrumKlinik für Hals-, Nasen-, OhrenheilkundeDirektor Prof. Dr. med. R. Knecht p16INK4a-expression in relation to E6/E7-mRNA-expression of human papillomaviruses in tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) Anna Sophie Ihloff Journal Club
Basics HPV prevalence in head and neck (HN) SCC all anatomical sites 20 % - 30 % tonsillar carcinoma 50 % - 60 % Hoffmann et al., Acta Otolarygol (Stckh) 1998 Gillison et al., J Natl Cancer Inst. 2000 Klussmann et al., Cancer 2001 Hoffmann et al., Cancer Lett 2005
Basics Patients with HPV positive tumours present with more aggressive biological behaviour better survival rates in comparison to HPV negative cases Andl et al., Cancer Research 1998 Gillison et al., Semin Oncol 2004 Klussmann et al., Am J Pathol 2003 Ritchie et al., Int J Cancer 2003 Hoffmann et al., Cancer Lett 2005
Basics HPV infection leads to inactivation of p53 by E6 => no p53-mutations inactivation of pRb by E7 => reduced pRb-level => overexpression of p16 HPV positive SCC are considered to be a specific tumor entity in head and neck cancer Klussmann et al., Cancer 2001 Hafkamp et al., Int J Cancer 2003 Braakhuis et al., J Natl Cancer Inst. 2004 Begum et al., Clin Cancer Res 2005
Material and Methods • 39 patients with TSCC • 8 female & 31 male / 44-85 (62,1) years • 30 palatine tonsil / 9 lingual tonsil • HPV-DNA-detection PCR MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ with Luminex Southern Blot Hybridization (SBH) • HPV-E6/E7-mRNA-detection RT-PCR with SBH Northern Blot Hybridization • p16-Immunohistochemistry paraffinembedded antibody MTS-1, BIOLOGO Klaes et al., Int J Cancer 2001
Results • HPV-DNA • 21/39 HPV-positive TSCC (53,8 %) • 20/21 infected with HPV16 • 01/21 infected with HPV35
Results • Gelspur DNA Result • SmartLadder • SiHa (250 ng) HPV16 • 3 SiHa (2.5 ng) • 4 SiHa (25 pg) • 5 Nr. 110 HPV16 • 6 Nr. 194 HPV • 7 Nr. 201 HPV16 • 8 Nr. 274 HPV16 • 9 Nr. 275 negative • 10 Nr. 295 HPV? • 11 Nr. 339 HPV? • 12 Nr. 362 HPV16 • 13 Nr. 401 HPV16 • 14 Nr. 417 negative • 15 H2O • 16 SmartLadder MY09/11-PCR
Results • HPV-E6/E7-mRNA • 11/21 with strong expression of E6/E7-mRNA (52%)
Results • p16-immunohistochemistry • 12/39 with p16-overexpression • 12/21 HPV-positive TSCC with p16-overexpression • 9/21 HPV-positive TSCC without p16-overexpression 6/9 without E6/E7-mRNA-expression 3/9 with E6/E7-mRNA-expression-signals only after hybridization
Results p16 expression in correlation to HPV DNA and E6/E7 mRNA expression • elevated p16 expression could be assigned to HPV DNA positive tumours • correlation of p16 overexpression and HPV-positivity proofed to be statistically highly significant (p=0.0018) • 10 HPV DNA positive cases with p16 overexpression expressed E6/E7 mRNA in the tumour tissue
Summary • The predominant majority of HPV DNA positive TSCC show an E6/E7-mRNA-expression. • The detection of p16-overexpression correlates with the pattern of E6/E7-mRNA-expression, yet not with the HPV DNA status.
Conclusion • HPV DNA presence is correlated with viral mRNA expression and subsequent enhancement of p16 levels reflecting biological activity of the viruses in the infected tissue • p16-overexpression predicts translational active HPV-infection in head and neck cancers, thus giving rise to the opportunity to identify active HPV infections in HNSCC on a practicable and routine way applying p16 immuno-histochemistry