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Pallets are known to a lot of people whereas there is still a lot of population who do not have any idea about the pallets.
Wood Pallets or Composite Pallets- Which One Is Best? Pallets are known to a lot of people whereas there is still a lot of population who do not have any idea about the pallets. The pallet market is full of variety, which makes it difficult for the customer to select the best pallet for them. Although, pallets have various uses but majorly, pallets are used for manufacturing of concrete blocking. Wood or composite: Which one is best? First of all, no matter what we do, we should never harm our environment. Of course, wooden pallets for concrete blocks are usually made by cutting the trees, which are definitely a big NO for the environment. So, if you are looking for something which is friendly with the environment, you should definitely go for the composite pallet blocks. In business, we usually look for the items, which are highly durable in nature. If you will compare the wood and composite, you will easily see that composite has got more durability. The wooden pallets can easily deteriorate over time and will have a lesser half-life. So, it is good to select the composite over wood. Composite pallets can easily withstand different weather conditions but it is difficult for the wood to bear multiple weather conditions. Wood can never bear water extremities and will definitely suffer from the weather conditions. Composite pallets do not need high maintenance whereas wooden pallets would definitely require high maintenance. Wooden pallets will require polishing, vanishing, oiling whereas composite will not require such things. So, it is good to select the composite over the wood. German Plant Experience Pty Ltd 311; 227 Collins Street,Melbourne, VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA +614 2193 1745 akash@compositepallet.com http://compositepallet.com/