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Explore the life of Timothy, one of Paul's special assistants, and learn how to stay faithful in the face of false teachings and challenges. Discover the importance of sound doctrine and guarding the truth. Available in multiple languages.
Stay on the Job BE FAITHFUL I Timothy 1 By Warren W. Wiersbe
Advertisement • Timothy • One of Paul’s special assistants • Brought up in a religious home (II Tim. 1) • Led to Christ by Paul • “my own son in the faith” (I Tim. 1:2) • Born of mixed parentage: Jewish mother & Greek father • Devoted to Christ that the local church recommended him to Paul (Acts 16:1-5) • Reminded that he was chosen for the ministry (I Tim. 1:18, 4:14) • Faithful to the Lord (I Cor. 4:17) • Deep concern for God’s people (Phil. 2:20-22) • Took some tough assignments in the churches Paul founded • Was easily discouraged regardless of spiritual gifts and clos association with Paul • Had physical problems (I Tim. 5:23) • Not receiving proper respect form some of the church members (I Tim. 4:12, II Tim 2:6-8)
Ephesus • Devoted to the worship of Diana, the goddess of sexual instincts • Promoted sexual immortality of all kinds (Acts 19) • Paul’s work for three years (Acts 19:10) • Satanic obstacles (I Cor. 16:8-9) • Letter • Paul wrote to encourage Timothy, explain how a local church should be managed, and enforce his own authority as a servant of God Teach Sound Doctrine (1:1-11) • Paul affirmed his authority as a servant of God • An apostleship came by “commandment” from Jesus Christ • Commandment: royal commission • An apostle, one whom God sent with a special commission • “Savior”, a title used 10 times in Pastoral Epistles (I Tim. 1:1; 2:3: 4:10: II Tim. 1:10; Titus 1:3-4; 2:10, 13; 3:4,6) • “Our hope” (I Tim. 1:1) • Knowing that Jesus Christ is coming for us encourages us to serve Him faithfully
Reason to stay on the job: false teachers are busy trying to capture Christians • False teachers have no good news for lost sinners • False teachers seek to lead Christians away • “Charge”, a military term meaning “to give strict orders from a superior officer” • Eight times (command, commandments) in KJV in two letters (I Tim. 1:3,5,18; 4:11; 5:7; 6:13,17; II Tim. 4:1) • Christian soldiers, not just a pastor, from the King • Orders “Do not teach different doctrines from those taught by Paul” • 32 references to “doctrine”, “teach”, “teacher, “teaches”, and “teaching” • People were taught the Word of God and the meaning of the basic truths of Christianity. • God committed the truth to Paul (I Tim. 1:11) who committed it to Timothy (I Tim. 6:20) • Timothy’s responsibility to guard the truth (II Tim. 1:14) and pass it along (II Tim. 2:2)
False teaching: “fables and endless genealogies” (I Tim. 1:4) • False teachers used the Old Testament law and especially the genealogies to manufacture novelties • False teachers were raising more questions, not answering them • False teachers were not promoting “God’s saving plan” • False teachers were leading people away from the truth • Their doctrines caused divisions, hypocrisy, and other problems • Conscience: to know with • Twenty-one times in his letters and six times in pastoral letters (I Tim. 1:5, 19: 3:9; 4:2; II Tim. 1:3; Titus 1:15) • The inner judge that accuses us when we do wrong and approves when we do right (Rom. 2:14-15) • Possible to sin against the conscience so it become “defiled” (Titus 1:15) • Repeated sinning hardens the conscience and it becomes “seared” like scar tissues (I Tim. 4:2)
Doctrines • “healthy doctrine” (sound doctrine) I Tim. 1:10) • “the doctrine…according to godliness” (I Tim. 6:3) • “sound words” (II Tim. 1:13) • “sound doctrine” (II Tim. 4:3; Titus 1:9; 2:1) • “faith” (Titus 1:13; 2:2) • “sound speech” (Titus 2:8) • Vain jangling: in NIV, meaningless talk • In preaching, teaching , and music • Many songs: no doctrine and false doctrine • Reason for false teaching • Misuse of the Old Testament law • False teachers didn’t understand the purpose of God’s law • Leading believers out of liberty of grace (Gal. 5:1ff) • Into the bondage of legalism • Flesh loves religious legalism because rules and regulations enable a person to appear holy without changing his heart • Fourteen kinds of people listed by Paul (I Tim.1: 9-11)
The lawful use of the law: expose, restrain, and convict the lawless • The law only reveals their need for the Savior • Upon believing he is free from the curse of the law • The righteous demands are met by the indwelling Holy Spirit as a believer yields to God (Rom. 8:1-4) • Five commandment (Ex. 20) • #5 “Honor thy Fathers and mothers” – “murderers of fathers and mothers • #6 “Thou shalt not kill” - ”murderer of fathers and mothers…manslayers” • #7 “Thou shalt not commit adultery” - ”whoremonger (fornicators)…them that defiles themselves with mankind (sodomites)” • #8 “Thou shalt not steal” - ”menstealers (kidnappers)” • #9 “Thou shalt not bear false witness” – “liars…perjured persons”
“Glorious gospel” • Law and gospel go together • Law without the gospel is diagnosis without remedy • Gospel without the law is the only good news • The law is not gospel Proclaim the Gospel (1:12-17) • What Paul used to be (v. 13a) • Blasphemer for he denied the deity of Jesus Christ • Persecutor using physical power to destroy the church • Murderous threats (Acts 9:1) • Consented to the stoning of Stephen and made havoc of the church (Acts 8:1-4) • Injurious; proud and insolent; bully • Basic causes of his godless behavior: ignorance and unbelief • His back ground • He was well-educated and brilliant (Acts 22:3; Gal. 1:13-14) • Religious man
How Paul was saved (13b-15) • Mercy and grace • God in His mercy did not give Paul what he deserve • God in His grace gave Paul what he did not deserve (Eph. 2:8-9) • Ignorance related to Lev. 5:15-10 and Num. 15:22-31: he was permitted to bring sacrifice to atone for sin • Also “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” • “exceedingly abundant” grace • Greek huper- ; English prefix hype • Superincrease of faith (II Thess. 1:3) • Superbounding power (Eph. 1:19) • Superconqueror (Rom. 8:37) • Salvation for all who receive Jesus Christ (I Tim. 1:15) • If Jesus could save Paul who was the chief of sinners, He can save anybody • “Least of the apostles” (I Cor. 15:9) • “Least of the saints” (Eph. 3:8)
What Paul became (12,16) • Persecutor into a preacher • Murderer into a minister and missionary • Called and commissioned by Christ • Maintained a good conscience • Was entrusted the gospel • Was enabled to minister the gospel • Became an example (1:16) • Proof that the grace of God can change any sinner • “born out of due time” (I Cor. 15:8): beginning of the church age Defend the Faith (1:18-20) • charge (1:18): an urgent command handed down from a superior officer • Toughto serve God in pagan Ephesus • Soldier’s task is to “please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier (II Tim 2:4) • Army to navy (I Tim. 1:19) • Hold fast to “faith and a good conscience”
A good conscience is important to a good warfare and a good ministry • “Inner voice which warns us that somebody may be looking” H.L.Mencken • Professed Christians who “make shipwreck” of their faith by sinning against their consciences • Bad doctrine starts with bad conduct and secret sin • Hymenaeus and Alexander rejected their good conscience to defend their ungodly lives • “Delivered unto Satan” (20) implies an apostolic discipline and disassociation from the local church • “learn”: learn by discipline • Refusal to repent • The local church should exercise discipline • The fellowship of the local church gives a believer spiritual protection • The local church is in constant battle against the forces of evil • Satan is the originator of false doctrine (John 8:44) • Defend the faith by exposing the lies and opposing the doctrines of demons (I Tim. 4:1)
The Ministry must be balanced • Preaching the gospel, teaching the truths of the Christianity and opposing the false doctrines • Constant battle • Timothy’s job: winning the lost to Christ, teaching the saved, and defending the faith • Problem with some local church: pastors and leaders are involved in too many extracurricular activities and not doing the tasks God has called them to do • Spiritual inventory