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Briefing on SAMDI’s Mandate, Performance and Strategic Directions

Briefing on SAMDI’s Mandate, Performance and Strategic Directions. Presentation to the Select Committee on Local Government & Administration Cape Town 9 June 2003. Statutory and Policy Framework. Constitution Public Service Act, 1994 (Act ? Of 1994)

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Briefing on SAMDI’s Mandate, Performance and Strategic Directions

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  1. Briefing on SAMDI’s Mandate, Performance and Strategic Directions Presentation to the Select Committee on Local Government & Administration Cape Town 9 June 2003

  2. Statutory and Policy Framework • Constitution • Public Service Act, 1994 (Act ? Of 1994) • White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service (November 1995) • Batho Pele: White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery (September 1997) • White Paper on Public Service Training and Education (July 1997) • New Public Service Regulations (1999) • White Paper on Human Resource Management in the Public Service (year?)

  3. New century, new challenges • More complex public problems • Nature of politics, governance and intersection with public policy is more complex • New discourse and significant impulses that impact on the nature of the state – realisation that transposing, imposing or importing no longer tenable • Role of private sector is being re-defined • New technologies re-define work processes and options available • New labour market challenges • Contradictory pressures on the nation state • Public sector reform, budget reform, managing for results, accountability and monitoring and evaluation are reaching universal prevalence – convergence across countries

  4. Public Sector Transformation • Transformation of the Public Service relates to the function and purpose of the Public Service – effective & efficient service delivery (within government’s mandate) • Also relates to nature and profile of the public service – race, gender, values, norms and orientation • Transformation of the Public Service inextricably linked to social and economic transformation • Building the new developmental state is a progressive process – we need to respond appropriately

  5. Public Service and social and economic transformation • Most strategic and receptive site for state intervention • Mobility between public and private labour markets • “Bureaucratic petty-bourgeoisie” – historic possibilities • Feed skills into societal institutions • Articulation with the economy – including the “commanding heights of the economy”

  6. Summary of operational objectives • Focused on service delivery outcomes • Assigns managerial responsibility for results and for resources applied in achieving outputs • Accountability for actions • Conducts business professionally, transparently and ethically

  7. Report on the state of the Public Service (November 2001) • Assessed the values proposed on the constitution • Some progress, but serious challenges remain • Key challenges and opportunities – • combating corruption and mal-administration, improving service delivery and developing human resources • Improved monitoring and evaluation

  8. Priority areas within the Public Service • Priority areas: government business processes, hard skills in policy analysis (data intensive), maturing institutions, policies, move to performance budgeting, indicators, priority to improve probity.

  9. How? HRD? • HRD? – beyond a limited conception of education and training • Usefulness of “Human Capital” as a concept? • Clear generic skills training – improve efficacy • Responsive to the context – post-industrialisation, huge public sector reform (not “catching up with the past”), global parallels, focus on performance, results and service delivery • Articulation with business process reform, systems redevelopment, new practice

  10. What HRD should entail? • Effective and transformed HRM • Training generic skills: procurement, basic business process, people skills, service delivery ethos • High level analytical skills: policy analysis, data analysis beyond narrow quantitative applications, problem-solving, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation • Link between “doing” and “learning” – moving beyond rhetoric, articulating with system design, development and implementation

  11. Assessment of challenges and SAMDI’s programmes

  12. Service Delivery challenges –current programmes

  13. continue

  14. In progress – programmes that impact on service delivery

  15. Statistics on outputs

  16. Recent impact studies Insideout / strategy and tactics have done impact studies on training provided for the public service through SAMDI and JUPMET. Studies were the folowing: • Selected SAMDI programmes (PSLDP, PAS and Service Delivery) from January to end May 2001- (151 trainees and 30 supervisors interviewed) • JUPMET training in 1998 and 1999.(392 trainees and 103 supervisors interviewed)

  17. Summary The findings suggest that the three SAMDI programmes have contributed towards the • acquisition and implementation of new skills • the increased levels of staff motivation, confidence • the overall improvement of the departments’ perceived performance

  18. Monitoring of SAMDI’s training programmes • Track implementation of AWP • Monitor attendance compliance with Course Bookings • Capture and analyse course reaction data • Monitor & evaluate training on-site • Assess course material compliance to outcomes • Provide administrative support to PAT & PSC meetings • Develop M&E Framework • Access specialised skills for Impact Assessment • Apply M&E Results strategically • Manage Information Effectively • Report timely and accurately


  20. Challenges identified in the PSETA Sector Skills Plan • Retaining effective managers • Developing career paths for lower level workers • Coping with limited resources • Increasing organisational complexity • Restructuring the Public Service, redeploying and retaining existing staff • Managing change and conflict • Managing ICT • Financial skills for managers • Creating new organisational structures • Improving service delivery • Employment equity

  21. What are the strategic challenges • Public Sector reform • Budget reform • Accountability • Strategic Planning • Performance Management • Policy formulation • Policy implementation (includes project management) • Organisastional development (Procurement systems, business processes)

  22. Emergence of new management development institutes • Cape Administrative Academy (operational); KZN Institute (not launched yet); Free State Institute (launched); North-West Institute (not launched yet) • Mpumalanga in conceptual stage and other provinces to likely to follow • National Departments – DTI; Health, Home Affairs; and NIA • Also have service level partnerships established (eg. Eastern Cape) • Implications for SAMDI?

  23. Local Government Initiatives • Cabinet Lekgotla of 2002 – extended mandate to include local government • Benefits to having a national and uniform public service • Discussions underway to take this further with DPLG – proposal developed • Work closely with DPLG and SALGA • Have to develop innovative ways to meet challenges and scope

  24. Beyond Public Service • Take a broad view on human capital development – medium term perspective and links with private sector labour markets • NEPAD – central challenge relates to the efficacy of delivery vehicles – public services

  25. NEPAD • Two distinct dimensions to NEPAD that are relevant • First, the NEPAD programme raises many complex and urgent challenges (trade policy, market access, monitoring, good governance, peer review, managing external resources and mobilising more domestic resources, management of domestic macro-economic and fiscal policy, improving effective social services delivery) • This requires the formulation and stewardship of local policies that resonate with NEPAD, while collaborating in the elaboration and stewardship of the NEPAD programme • We will have to rise to these challenges with some severe shortcomings in our public sectors • Second, the focus and collective political investment in NEPAD creates unprecedented opportunities for public sector reform and MDIs

  26. Challenges in the wider global context • Follow up on Millennium Summit, WSSD, UN, Pan African Conference of African Ministers of Public Service • SAMDI needs to advance SA’s foreign policy objectives and benefit from collaboration with national, regional and global institutes and expertise


  28. First step to respond to requirement to have a strategic plan • Clarify strategic re-positioning of SAMDI • Address pressing organisational shortcomings • Formulate medium term strategic plan consistent with challenges • Establish and institutionalise commensurate organisational structure, modalities and business processes

  29. Conclusion • Opportunities – context is becoming more enabling – policy and law, better sense of role of public service, maturing institutions • HRD – has immense potential leveraging power • We seek to build on SAMDI’s strengths to take further our capacity to discharge our present mandate • We seek to make maximum use of the strong political capital available to us

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