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佛得角 Cabo Verde. 天然平台 Plataforma Natural. 3 .5 小时到欧洲 3,5 hrs EUROPE. 6 小时到美国 6 hrs US. 1 小时到非洲 1hr AFRICA. 3 小时到巴西 3hrs BRAZIL. 国土面积 Area: 4.033 Km ² 经济特区 ZEE: 735.000 Km ². 佛得角主要经济数据 Cabo Verde em números. 人口 População: 530,000 (UN, 2007).
佛得角Cabo Verde 天然平台 Plataforma Natural 3.5小时到欧洲 3,5 hrs EUROPE 6小时到美国 6 hrs US 1小时到非洲 1hr AFRICA 3小时到巴西 3hrs BRAZIL
国土面积Area: 4.033 Km² 经济特区ZEE: 735.000 Km²
佛得角主要经济数据 Cabo Verde em números 人口População: 530,000 (UN, 2007) 国土面积Area: 4,033 sq km (1,557 sq miles) 预期生命Expectativa de vida: 72,3 years (men), 76,1 years (women) (UN) 人均国民收入GNI per capita: US $2,316 (World Bank, 2006) 人类发展指数Indice Desenvolvimento Humano (IDI): 0.754 识字率Taxa de alfabetização: 79% adults - 97% youngs 国内生产总值增速GDP Growth rate: 2007 – 7.5% ; 2008 – 6.5% 通胀率Taxa Inflação: 2008-6% ; 2009: 2-3 %
打造可比较优势CONSTRUIR VANTAGENS COMPETITIVAS • 海洋资源Recursos marinhos (pesca) • 与西非经济共同体渔业协议Acordo de pesca CEDEAO/ECOWAS • 三分之二的资源尚未开发2/3 destes recursos náo explorados • 需要对船队进行现代化改造和引进新技术 • Necessidade de modernazação da frota e novas tecnologias • 推动建立区域渔业支持中心 • Promover a construção CENTRO REGIONAL APOIO PESCA 渔业PESCA 增长因素 FACTORES DE CRESCIMENTO 海洋 MAR 服务SERVIÇOS 地理位置 Localização • 信息金融技术Tenconologia de Informação & Financeiros • 旅游Turismo • 转乘(海空联程)Tranbordo (mar e ar) 轻工业Industria Ligeira • 2个工业区2 Zonas Industriais • 500万消费人群(西非经济共同体、葡语国家、欧盟、非洲增长机会法案、美国和加拿大)5 milhões consumidores (ECOWAS, PLP , UE & AGOA USA&CANADA 市场 Mercados 开发的经济体+良政和经济形势稳定+社会文化素质高+良好的基础设施 Economia aberta+ Boa Governação& Economia Estável + Sociedade alfabetizada+ Boas Infraestruturas 港口、机场、船舶修复 和服务(能源、零售和海洋) Portos, Aeroportos, Reparação naval e Serviços (Energia, Mantimentos e agua) 失业率Desemprego 13% 劳动力成本和素质Custo Mão de Obra e Qualificada 政府对外国直接投资的支持Suporte Governo para IDE (FDI) 文化Cultura 市场Mercado 经济Economia 社会祥和Paz social 与多国签署相互 投资保护协定 Acordo de Protecçãoo de Investimentos Muitos países
国家转型计划Agenda de transformação 海洋计划-打造成为区域加工、市场营销和海产品出口中心。建立货运网络,物流中心、高附加值旅游、船舶修复、提升冷冻工业能力,转船运输等 Cluster do Mar – Centro regional para processamento, marketing e exportação de recursos marinhos. Hub de carga, centro logistico, tourismo alto valor acrescentado, reparaçao naval, capacidade de frio industrial, tranbordo de navios 服务贸易计划- 商务流程外包(财会、信息中心、呼叫中心),离岸服务外包 Cluster TIC - Business processing outsourcing (contabilidade, data centers, call centers), serviços outsourcing/offshore 金融服务 – 银行、保险、证券交易所、发型公共债券、股票经营、投资基金和主权基金 Serviços Financeiros – Banca, seguros, bolsa de valores, emissao de divida publica, gestao de activos, fundos de investimentos, fundos soberanos 航空网络 – 客运网络,提供航空安全服务,航运数据处理,区域性空运服务中心 Cluster do ar - “Hub” de transportes de passageiros, prestaçao de serviços de segurança aerea, Aviation Data Processing, centro regional de prestaçao de serviços aereos
服务平台Platform of services 宏观积极稳定,货币根据欧元通胀水平实行汇率绑定 Macro Stability Credible exchange rate peg- inflation of Euro area 良政 非洲第四-易卜拉欣基金会 GoodGovernance 4nd in Africa- Mo Ibraim Foundation 识字率95% Literacy level 95% 政治稳定-自由、公平选举 Political Stability- Free, Fair elections 物质生活质量指数-非洲第二 Quality life index- EIUnit- 2nd in Africa 佛得角与欧盟的特殊伙伴关系 Special partnership CV/EU 人类发展指数-非洲第三 Human Devl- 3rd in Africa 民主指数 -2010年非洲第二、世界第27位 Indice Democracia EIUnit- 2nd in Africa 27 no Mundo-2010 战略位置 Strategic location- 清廉程度-非洲第三 Low level of corruption- 3rd in Africa 经济自由度-西非经济共同体第一位、非洲第7位 Economic freedom- 1º na CEDEAO, 7º in Africa 社会稳定 Social stability
快速增长的旅游业A Rapidly Growing Tourism Sector • 过去数年旅游业年均增长超过20% • Consistent over 20 percent annual growth of tourism in the last years • 2009年超过40万的外国游客,主要来自欧洲 • Almost 400 thousand tourists in 2009, mainly from Europe • 与中国签署旅游目的地国协议 • ADS agreement with China • 香港、澳门居民访问佛得角享受免签待遇 • Holder’s of Macao and Hong Kong ID don’t need visa to Cape Verde • 193座酒店1.2万个床位 • 193 Hotels with around 12000 rooms
为什么投资佛得角?Why Investing in Cape Verde ? • 绝佳的地理位置,靠近主要市场; • Excellent location, close to the main markets • 2. 政策、宏观经济环境和社会稳定; • Stable political, macroeconomic environment and society • 3. 通向西非市场的门户; • A gateway to the WestAfrica market • 4. 对于外国投资者的特殊优惠措施; • Special incentives to foreign investors • 5. Rule of Law – with good judicial institutions • 法律法规-公平公正的司法机构; • 6. 开放的经济Open economy • 7. 信息畅通Free flow of information • 8. 高素质劳动力,善于掌握新技术Skilled labor force - easy learners • 9. 良好的气候条件Excellent climate 20º C - 25 º C ,365 • 10.对外国投资者、专家及其家属的签证便利。 • Visa facilities for investors, experts and their family
市场准入Acesso a mercados 欧盟-2012年除武器外的所有货品 UE - Tudo menos armas/2012 与欧盟的经济伙伴关系 Parceria económica com UE 与美国、加拿大享受非洲增长与机会法案 USA/Canada – Lei de AGOA 西非经济共同体-2.5亿消费人口 CEDEAO – 250 milhões de consum.
税收鼓励措施 FISCAL INCENTIVES: 经营首个五年享受税收全免待遇 Full exemption from fiscal obligations during the first five years of operation 出口型企业免征10年的公司税 Export companies enjoy 10 years exemption from corporate tax 10年后税率水平为10% After 10 years the tax rate is 10 % 海关优惠措施 TARIFF INCENTIVES 免征设备、原材料和半成品进口税 Exemption of taxes in the importation of equipments, raw materials and semi-finished products 保障措施GUARANTEES: 保护私有财产的法律支付Legal protection of private property 自由汇出企业利润和收益Unconditional transferability of net profits and dividends 自主管理外汇账户Privately managed foreign currency accounts 允许雇佣外国劳动力,并给予本地劳动力同等地位Permit to hire foreign workers as permanent labor force 无差别,透明和公平Non - discrimination, transparency and fair 战略项目予以土地优惠 Land Concession for Strategic Projects 对投资者的鼓励措施Incentive for Investors 11
营商机会Business Opportunities • 佛得角市场Cape Verde market • 建筑机械Construction Machinery • 家用电器Household Electrical Appliances • 电子电气产品消费Consumer Electronics and Electrical • 电脑和通讯产品Computer and Communication Products • 照明设备Lighting Equipment • 建筑和装饰材料Building and Decoration Materials • 卫浴设备Sanitary and Bathroom Equipment • 家居Furniture • 厨房用品和餐具Kitchen & Tableware
投资机会Oportunidades de Investimentos • 轻工业 制造业、制鞋、鱼类产品加工、海盐加工、农牧业产品、供水、能源、水泥和瓷器生产。惰性气体、油漆、电力材料、农工业生产、饮料和冷冻剂生产。 • Indústria- Ligeira : Confecções, calçado, processamento de pescado, sal marinho, produtos agro-pecuários, água, energia, cimento, porcelana, Produção de inertes, tintas, material eléctrico, Agro- industria, bebidas e refrigerantes; • 旅游 酒店、度假村、游船码头、高尔夫球场、交通设施、餐饮、旅游基础 设施、旅游特色开发和水肺潜水等。 • Turismo Hotéis, Resort, Marinas, Golf, Transportes, Restauração, Infra-estruturas Básicas, Animação Turística; Scuba diving, etc.
投资机会Oportunidades de Investimentos • 渔业 捕捞、储存、鱼类加工和营销 • Pescas - Captura, conservação, processamento e comercialização de pescado. • 服务业 – 支持旅游和工业发展的产业、贸易免税区、公共交通(岛际交通)和金融服务 • Serviços – Actividades ligadas ao turismo e à indústria, zonas francas comerciais (CIN) , transportes de passageiros (inter-ilhas), financeiros.
InvestmentOpportunities 佛得角如下国有企业进行私有化改造: State owned companies to be privatized: • CABNAVE - 佛得角船舶修理厂 • TACV - 佛得角航空公司 • ENAPOR - 佛港口管理公司 • EMPROFAC - 佛药品进口销售公司 • ELECTRA - 佛水和电力公司 • ONAVE –小船生产厂商
已经在佛得角开展业务的中国公司Chinese Enterprises Operating in Cape Verde Huawei华为公司 Xinnuoli厦门信诺立电子有限公司 Liaoning International辽宁国际 Jinan Sijian济南四建 CNFC中国水产公司 CBMC中国建材 CLOU/PCA深圳科陆公司
外国直接投资机会综述Conclusion on FDI Opportunities 0 • 一个处于绝佳位置、连接欧洲、非洲和美洲三大洲的贸易、转口商品和空运枢纽中心 • An excellent trade, merchandise transshipment, sea and air center in the crossroads of 3 continents: Europe, Africa and America. 佛得角Cape Verde • 一个绝佳的金融服务中心:银行服务、投资基金、保险和企业注册 • An excellent financial service center: banking, investment funds, insurance and company registration. • 成套设备生产、组装、转船和转口贸易 • 对于中国企业理想的投资目的地:纺织、电子、再生能源、渔业和船运 • Place to finish, assemble, transship & reexportation products • Ideal to base Chinese companies: textiles, electronic, renewable energies, fishing and shipping.
马里奥·维森特Mário Vicente 佛得角派驻代表Delegado Cabo Verde 中国-葡语国家经贸合作论坛(中葡论坛) Fórum para Cooperação Económica e Comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa (Fórum Macau) 电话/Tel. + 853 2872 3961 传真/Fax. + 853 2872 3962 电子邮件/E-mail: mariovicente@gfce.gov.mo 网站/Websiste: www.forumchinaplp.org.mo 谢谢 Thank you