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EDEN Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

Vision for future learning with ICT and Social Computing by Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Marcelino Cabrera and Yves Punie IPTS, DG JRC, European Commission. EDEN Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007 The views expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the EC. Outline.

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EDEN Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

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  1. Vision for future learning with ICT and Social Computing by Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Marcelino Cabrera and Yves Punie IPTS, DG JRC, European Commission EDEN Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007 The views expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the EC Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  2. Outline • JRC IPTS, e-Applications • Learning Spaces vision for future learning • Emerging technologies • Social computing supporting future learning • Challenges • Conclusion Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  3. JRC – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies IPTS: Part of DG JRC of the EC: 7 Research Institutes across Europe Mission: “to provide customer-driven support to the EU policy-making process by researching science-based responses to policy challenges that have both a socio-economic as well as a scientific/technological dimension” Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  4. e-Applications 2007 Lisbon & i2010 Policy goals Inclusive IS Quality of life Better public services Innovation and R&D E-Government ICTs for Inclusion and Quality of Life ICT for Health The future of eServices E-learning E-Inclusion Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  5. Learning spaces vision => A joint DG JRC/IPTS – DG EAC Workshop held in Seville, 20-21 October 2005 • An overview of trends and drivers shaping the future of learning in Europe • The defining elements of the “learning spaces vision” • A discussion of the impacts for inclusion and of the realization of the vision • Trends and drivers challenge existing learning and institutional models • Lisbon and E&T 2010: need for modernisation and fundamental transformation of E&T in Europe • Need for a new vision of Learning in the Knowledge-based Society • ICTs have a particular role to play in realizing these changes The “learning spaces” vision is a holistic attempt to envisage and anticipate future learning needs and requirements in the KBS: - It puts learners at the centre of learning; - It conceives learning as a social process; - It sees learners as co-producers in the learning process - It recognises that guidance and interaction continue to be very important. - It is acknowledges that thinking about the future of learning is not just about instrumental changes but also about fundamental/normative visions on the meaning of learning and knowledge in the society Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  6. Dimensions of ICT supported future learning space Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  7. ICT potential for learning spaces • Connecting and social – Wifi, VOIP, P2P, Videoconferencing, MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Bebo… • Personal – RSS, ATOM, Newsreaders, Google interfaces, future PLEs? • Trusted– peer rating and accreditation, bookmark sharing, collaborative content (Wikipedia, Wikiversity, Amazon, Ohmynews, Rate-my-Teacher …) • Pleasant and emotional – Second Life, Habbo hotel, gaming, allowing choice! • Dedicated for learning – mLearning, simulations, pedagogical design is important! • Creative and flexible– Podcasts, Vodcasts, 43Things, YouTube, modularity of curricula! • Open and reflexive – Server based tools and platforms, wiki tools, discussion boards, open resources, blogging… • Certifying the learning results – ePortfolios, LMSs, competence definitions, references to blogs in news and scientific works … • Managing knowledge resources – Searches, metadata, tagging (specialized searches, del.icio.us, CiteULike, page/topic suggestions collected from user behaviour, … ) • Inclusive– eAccessability approaches, different delivery and presentation media,interest-based communities (ConnectViaBooks), accommodating different learning styles! Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  8. Emerging Social Computing Applications • Connectivity: • 180 million Skype users • P2P represents 60% of all Internet traffic • Increasing number of wifi hotspots, wifi sharing… • 45% of total web users visit “social networking” sites • +/- 1.8 billion web pages viewed/month in EU sites = >57 million every day! • YouTube: 120million clips viewed daily • MySpace: 116 million users in 3 years, More page views/day than any site on the web • 57 Million blogs already exist, 100.000 blogs created per day (+/- 1 each sec). • 12% internet users contribute to blogs, 10% of blogs updated weekly • Top blogs are amongs most referred news sites • Wikipediaavailable in 112 langs with at least 1000 articles (229 overall) • 300 000 authors, 1.4 million articles in english, 15th most visited site worldwide. • Collaboration platforms and tools: • Wikis and blogs increasingly utilized also inhouse • Free server-based applications for emailing, chatting, calendar, discussion, office applications, personalized searches and interfaces… • Users participate in producing services, ratings, taste: eBay, Ohmynews, Amazon, patent reviewing, monitoring bikelane offenders… • → Increased role of the user in supplying content, services and innovations • → New models for businesses, work, leisure time Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  9. Social computing provides new potential for learning related tasks, such as… • Searching for information (wikipedia, tagging) • Following topics of interest (personalized selection of RSS feeds coming from news, blogs, bookmarks, topic sites...) • Producing content (open source projects) • Building new knowledge in collaboration (wiki/discussion tools) • Personal reflection and getting feedback (blogging) • Reaching experts and fellows for discussions, advice (topic specific sites) • Showing tacit knowledge (“people who read this article, also chose…”) • All of these are relevant both for learners and teachers • Provide new possibilities also for collaboration between them, and for people to act as both learners and teachers • Opening new connections between educational institutions and outside world • Can be used for both organized and informal learning Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  10. Challenges • Question of trust • Shift from trusting the teacher to trusting communities • Question of information quality • Need for new skills • Skills for learning to use the tools and to use them for learning (both for learners and teachers!) • Importance of digital information literacy! • Attitude for lifelong and lifewide learning • Implementation of the promises • Interoperability of tools, resources, databases, education providers • Pedagogical models to utilise the opportunities of technologies • Relevant and available resources for learning and developing it • Use of social computing in the ageing society • Acknowledging learning outside formal education • eInclusion • Digital, social (language, education, money…), regional divides • Addressing exclusion (immigrants, marginalised youth, …) Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  11. The unexpected and massive take-up of SC tools cannot by ignored by research and policy and has important implications for learning • Moreover, ICT and social computing for learning has a strong potential to contribute to EU social challenges and the renewed Lisbon objectives, such as: • Innovative and participative learning approaches can improve the learning results, and contribute to wider participation of people in society (social cohesion) • Improved access to learning and updating skills in all phases of life and by communicating with experts improves workers’ skills, contributing to more and better employment • New collaboration models in learning inspired by SC models fits stronger with the interactive model of innovation and could lead to more innovation skills in Europe • Networked communities provide new possibilities for participation, taking up learning again for e.g. ageing people, unemployed, immigrants (social inclusion) • Future learning needs to be considered more holistically • Learner-centred view of combining different resources, situations and types of learning, also from the viewpoints of different policies • Need for skills and access for tools and for using them for lifelong and lifewide learning! Social computing in education has a strong potential for addressing EU social challenges and to improve learning and skills in the KBS Conclusion Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

  12. Thank you! kirsti.ala-mutka@ec.europa.eu http://www.jrc.es Eden Conference, Naples, 13-16 June 2007

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