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EUROPEAN DISABILITY FORUM: WORK & VISION PEKKA TUOMINEN Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities FPD. EDF: WORK & VISION. Table of contents: What is the European Disability Forum ? 2 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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  1. EUROPEAN DISABILITY FORUM: WORK & VISION PEKKA TUOMINEN Finnish Association of People withPhysicalDisabilities FPD

  2. EDF: WORK & VISION • Table of contents: • What is the European Disability Forum ? • 2 United Nations Convention • on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • 3 Priority work areas

  3. EDF: WORK & VISION What is the European Disability Forum ? • Established in 1996 • Non-profit • European umbrella organisation OF persons with disabilities and their organisations • More than 120 member organisations: • 29 National Councils (27 EU Member States, Norway and Iceland) • 24 European disability-specific NGOs + other European, regional & national NGOs concerned with disabilities • Defends & promotes rights of persons with disabilities in the European legislation

  4. EDF: WORK & VISION EDF missions, values and vision • Mission→ guarantee Fundamental Rights and active participation of persons with disabilities • human rights • equal opportunities • non-discrimination • positive and constructive approach • Vision → a society that includes people with disabilities is a better society • Values →

  5. EDF: WORK & VISION EDF achievements • - reference in the EU treaty • 2000 - first European directive protecting persons with disabilities in the employment field • - European Charter of Fundamental Rights • 2001 - directive on accessibility to public city buses • 2003 - is the European year of persons with disabilities • 2004 - directive on public procurement • 2006 - first specific legislation for disabled air passengers • - principles of non-discrimination and accessibility European Structural Funds • 2007 - more than 1.300.000 citizens underwrote our “1million4disability” campaign • in favor of a wide-reaching legislation in the field of disability • - first conference held at EU’s ministerial level on disability issues in Berlin

  6. EDF: WORK & VISION Discrimination • There are more than 65 million citizens in Europe with a disability • Persons with disabilities face discrimination and prejudice on a daily basis and in all fields of life • Persons with disabilities do not have equal access to education, are on the top of unemployment rates and generally live on significantly lower income • Persons with disabilities cannot move around freely, go to work, to a restaurant, to theatres, to cinemas, to libraries, shopping, meet friends, or any other daily activity, due to inaccessible public transport, pavements or buildings

  7. EDF: WORK & VISION EDF in the Brussels lobbying arena Brussels 15.000 lobbyists 2.600 interest groups • EDF makes our voice heard towards the European institutions • EDF consults NGOs, industry, consumers & social partners • EDF provides real expertise to the EU decision-makers and has long standing experience working with the EU institutions

  8. EDF: WORK & VISION Disability and Europe • Disability and social policies- not a EU competence • Legislation on non discrimination is exception • EU competences that have an impact on persons with disabilities: • Transport, gender violence, access to goods and services, safety of products...

  9. UN Convention United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • A response to an overlooked development challenge (approximately 10% of the world’s population are persons with disabilities). • Persons with disabilities continued being denied their human rights and were kept on the margins of society in all parts of the world.  

  10. UN Convention United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • The Convention sets out the legal obligations on States to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities. It does not create new rights. • Both a development and a human rights instrument • A policy instrument which is cross-disability and cross-sectoral • Legally binding

  11. UN Convention United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • 147 signatories + 95 ratifications • First human rights treaty to be ratified by the EU • 14 ratifications in the EU • Will inform all EU policies and procedures- now is the benchmark for all • Involvement of DPOs is an obligation

  12. Priority work areas Equal Treatment Directive • Horizontal proposal that covers four grounds • Must close gap in protection against discrimination • Will cover access to goods and services, healthcare, social protection, education • The decision is in the hands of EU Member States!

  13. Priority work areas Independent living • De-institutionalisation and living in the community • Provision of adequate and affordable services of high quality based on choice • Social inclusion through accessible environment, inclusive education and access to employment

  14. Priority work areas Access to goods and services • Respect for “design for all” principle • Common standards on accessibility • Specific legislation on e-Accessibility • Equal access to financial services and insurance

  15. Priority work areas Access to transport and built environment • Implementation of the passengers’ rights legislation • Completion of the transport package with new proposals (on accessibility of ships and coaches) • Standards and wise use of the Structural Funds to achieve accessibility

  16. Priority work areas European Disability Pact- 2010 Annual Campaign • The Disability Pact is the European framework for disability policies • We are asking the EU institutions, including the Member States for: • stronger commitment to disability issues • clear indicators and disability mainstreaming in all relevant areas of life • Many elements are now in the new EU disability strategy for the next decade • A Council decision is needed to make this strategy more than a recommendation for the EC, more than wishful thinking

  17. EDF More info: www.edf-feph.org

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