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International Conference on Big Data Management and Computer Engineering

The aim objective of ICBMCE is to present the latest research and results of scientists related Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science & Mechanical Engineering topics.

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International Conference on Big Data Management and Computer Engineering

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International Conference on Big Data Management and Computer Engineering

  2. T Th he e a ai im p pre res sen ent t t th he e l la at tes res resu ul lt ts s of of s sc ci ien E El lec ect tron roni ics cs, , Com Mec Mech ha an ni ic ca al l E m o ob bj jec ve of est t res ent ti is st ts s re Comp pu ut ter En ng gi in neer eeri in ng g t top ect ti ive of I ICB resea rel la at te ed d E El lect er S Sci opi ics CBMCE MCE i is s t to o earc rch h a an nd d ectri cien ence cs. . ric ca al l, , ce & &

  3. T Th hi is s op opp port de del leg ega at tes a ap pp pl li ic ca at ti ion t to o es est ta ab bl li is sh h b bu us si in nes rel rela at ti ion ons s a an nd d t to o fi fin nd d g gl lob for for fu fut tu ure re col coll la ab bora con conferen ference for t th he e di es t to o ex exch cha an ng ge e n ne ew on ex exp pe eri rien p provi rovides fferent t a area w i idea deas s a an nd d ces fa face ce t to o fa ess s or or res oba al l p pa art orat ti ion on. . ce des reas s ortu un ni it ti ie es s for differen ences face, ce, rch h rtn ners rese ea arc ers

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  5. The The or con conf fe er re ence pr pros ospe pect t the hei ir r o or ri igi I IC CBM BMC CE E 201 D De et tai ail ls s ht htt tps ps://w ://ww com com/ / organ gani iz zi ing nce i is s pl cti ive ve au gina 2016. ng com ple ea as se ed d t to o i in nvi aut thor hors s t to o s su ubm nal l m manu anus scr 6. To To G Ge et t M ww w. .allcon allconf fe er re ence comm mi it tt te ee e of of vit te e bmi it t pts s t to o Mor cri ipt ore e : : nceale aler rt t. .

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