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ACS105. LANGUAGE LEADER / PRE-INTERMEDIATE. UNIT 5: NATURAL WORLD. 5.1 ISLANDS. Vocabulary. island(n) :  a piece of land  completely surrounded by water. 5.1 ISLANDS. Vocabulary. beach (n) : an area of sand or small stones near the sea We spent the day on the beach. a beach café

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  3. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • island(n):  a piece of land completely surrounded by water

  4. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • beach (n): an area of sand or small stones near the sea • We spent the day on the beach. • a beach café • a beach towel

  5. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • coast- (n): the land next to or close to the sea • the west coast of Africa

  6. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • cliff- (n): a high area of rock with a very steep side, often on a coast • Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall

  7. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • lagoon (n): an area of sea water separated from the sea by areef • Ölüdeniz has thebestlagoon in Turkey.

  8. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • Hill(n): an area of land that is higher than thesurrounding land: • Hills are not as high as mountains. • Their house is on the top of a hill.

  9. 5.1 ISLANDS Vocabulary • Wave(n): a raised line of water that  moves across thesurface of the sea: • At night, I listened to the sound of the waves.

  10. 5.1 ISLANDS • Look at thephotos on pages 40 and 41 • 1a. Howmany of thesethings can yousee?4 • Where do youthinktheseplacesare? • Haveyou ever visited an island? • What do youthink of whenyouthink of an island?

  11. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • Shallow(adj): having only a short distance from the top to the bottom, not deep. • Shallowwater

  12. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • Shade(n): differenttypes of onecolor • Shades of blue

  13. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • transparent(adj): clearandeasytoseethrough • transparentplasticboat

  14. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • Calm(adj): a calmseadoes not havemanywaves • Calm lake

  15. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • impressive(adj): verygood, verybig/ important • There are some very impressive buildings in the town.

  16. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • mysterious (adj): strangeanddifficulttoexplainorunderstand • He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it wasmurder.

  17. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • pleasant(adj): enjoyable, nice orfriendly • pleasant climate/smile/person • a pleasant day/surprise

  18. 5.1 ISLANDS- reading Vocabulary • wild (adj): refers to plants or animals that live or grow independently of people, in naturalconditions • wildflowers/grasses • Wildbeasts

  19. 5.1 ISLANDS • Readthetextand do theexercises • 2a and 2b • Listen tothe TV programmeand do theexercises 3a, 3b and 3c

  20. GRAMMAR- comparativesandsuperlatives

  21. GRAMMAR- comparativesandsuperlatives Now do theactivities on youcoursebook.

  22. 5.2 INVASION

  23. 5.2 INVASION • invade (v):  to enter a place in large numbers, usually when unwanted and in order to take possession or do damage demonstrators invaded the Presidential Palace • invasion (n):  an occasion when a large number of people or things come to a place in anannoying and unwanted way: the annual invasion of foreign tourists • invader (n): a personwhoinvades The foreign invaders were finally defeated by allied forces.

  24. 5.2 INVASION • Environment(n): the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live • Protecttheenvironment!

  25. 5.2 INVASION • Cute(adj): prettyorattractive • He's got a really cute baby brother.

  26. 5.2 INVASION • Extinct (adj): a plantoranimalthat is extinct no longerexists • There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

  27. 5.2 INVASION • Neighbourhood (n): an area of a town, andthepeoplewholive in there • They live in a friendly neighbourhood.

  28. 5.2 INVASION • Species(n): a group of plantsoranimals of thesamekind • Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.

  29. 5.2 INVASION • pollution(n): damagecausedtoair, water, soiletc. byharmfulchemicalsandwaste • air/waterpollution

  30. 5.2 INVASION • Look at thephotos on pages 42 and 43, which of theanimals in exercise 1a can yousee? • Which of theseanimalslive in Turkey? • Whicharecute? • Arethesedangereous? • Areany of thesenearlyextinct?

  31. 5.2 INVASION • Readthearticle on page 43 • Do theexercises 2a, 2b, 3

  32. 5.2 INVASION • Nounsandverbs • Somewordsarebothnounsandverbs. Look at theexamples: • Greysquirrelsdon’tdamagetheeconomy. • Applesnailscause a lot of damage in Asia. • Do theactivity 5b

  33. 5.2 INVASION • Grammar- expressions of quality • A lot of • Few • Little • Many • much Findexamples in thetextandtellhowweusethese.

  34. 5.2 INVASION

  35. 5.2 INVASION

  36. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Charity(n): an organisationthatgivesmoneyorthingstohelptopeopleoranimalsthatarepoor, sickorneedprotection

  37. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Donate(v): togivesth, especiallymoneytopeopleor an organisation • An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity.

  38. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Volunteer(v): toofferto do sthwithoutbeingtold • Volunteer(n): ? • During the emergency many staff volunteered to work through theweekend.

  39. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Rescue(v): savesborsthfromharmordanger • Rescue (n): ? the lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.

  40. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Vet(n): short form of veterinarysurgeon, sbwhogivesmedicaltreatmenttoanimals

  41. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Sanctuary(n): a peacefulplacethat is safeandprovidesprotection • a wildlife/birdsanctuary

  42. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Captivity(n): when a personoranimal is in prison/ cageand not allowedtoleave • Theanimalswere released after 865 days in captivity

  43. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Awful(Adj): verybadorunpleasant • Thesoupsmelledawful

  44. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Look at thewebsite on page 45, whatkind of organisation is it for? • Do theexercises 1a and 1b on page 44.

  45. 5.3 SCENARIO-Animals Online • Listen totheconverstaionand • do theexercises 2, 3a, 3b, 4a and 4b.

  46. 5.4 WRITING SKILLS: A ComparativeEssay • Arethereanyvolcanoes in Turkey? Aretheyfamous? • Haveyou ever beenup a volcano? If not wouldyouliketogoup a volcano? • Do youknowthesewords? • Active, Dormant, Erupt, Eruption, cone

  47. 5.4 WRITING SKILLS: A ComparativeEssay • Active (adj): abletoexplode at any time • Etnavolcano in Italy is active.

  48. 5.4 WRITING SKILLS: A ComparativeEssay • Dormant (Adj): not active but ableto be active at a later time

  49. 5.4 WRITING SKILLS: A ComparativeEssay Erupt (v): toexplodewithsmoke, fire androckscomingout of it Eruption (n): the time when a volcanobecomesactiveandexplodes.

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