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ACS105. LANGUAGE LEADER / PRE-INTERMEDIATE. UNIT 6: SOCIETY AND FAMILY. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY. Are these statements true about Turkey ? More people are now making friends over the internet. People are living longer than before . People are having more holidays abroad .

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  3. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • ArethesestatementstrueaboutTurkey? • Morepeoplearenowmakingfriendsoverthe internet. • Peoplearelivinglongerthanbefore. • Peoplearehavingmoreholidaysabroad. • Peopleareusingrobots in theirhomes.

  4. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Prediction(n): a statement about what you think will happen in the future • Please don't ask me to make any predictions about tomorrow's meeting.

  5. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Constantly (adv): allthe time orregularly • He's constantly changing his mind.

  6. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Retire (v): to stop workbecauseyouareold • He retiredfromourcompanylastyear.

  7. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Profit (v): togetsthgoodorusefulfrom a situation • not all children would profit from this kind of schooling • it would profit us to change our plans

  8. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Consumer(n): someonewhobuysorusesservices. • consumerdemand is important in marketing.

  9. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Readthetextand do theexercises • 2a and 2b

  10. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Focus(v): togiveallyourattentiontoonething • Focus on yourlesson!!

  11. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Connect (v): tojointwoormorethingstogether

  12. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Vacuum cleaner (n phr): a machinethatcleansfloorsbysuckingupthedirtfromthem.

  13. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Investment (n): theuse of moneytomake a profit • There is the need to attract foreign investment

  14. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Cyber (n): relatedtocomputersorthe internet • Cybercrime • Cyberage

  15. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Click (n): a short hard soundwhenyoupressorswitchsth.

  16. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Listen tomeetingbetween Susan, a futurologistand • Patrick, a businessinvestor. Tickthefuturechangesshediscusses.

  17. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • Vocabulary: ages • Whatage do youthinkthesepeopleare? • adolescent • youngadult • child • elderly • middle-aged • retired • teenager • thirty-something

  18. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • adolescent(n)– 13-19 ages • youngadult(n)– 18- 30 • child(n) – 3- 12 • elderly(n) – over 60 • middle-aged(n) --over 35 • retired (n)over 65 • teenager (n)- 13-19 • thirty-something(n)- 31-39

  19. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • What is life like in theseages? • Whatresponsibilities do peoplehave? • Whatkinds of things do theyspendtheirmoney on? • Which is thebestageto be?

  20. 6.1 FUTURE OPPORTUNITY • GRAMMAR- Predictions • will • might + V1 • may • Usewillwhenyouarecertainabouttheprediction, usemayandmightwhenyou not certain. • Definetely, cerainly: verycertain (will) • Possibly, probably: lesscertain (will , won’t) Do theactivities on yourcoursebook.

  21. 6.2 THE FAMILY

  22. 6.2 THE FAMILY • Howimportant is family life in Turkey? • Howmanypeoplearethere in yourfamily? • Whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantages of a smallorbigfamily?

  23. 6.2 THE FAMILY • responsible- (adj):  to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of takingcare of it or them: • Her department is responsible forthesales.

  24. 6.2 THE FAMILY • suitable (adj): right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation • these toys are not suitable for children under 3 yearsold.

  25. 6.2 THE FAMILY • Readthearticle on page 50 andaswerthequestions.

  26. 6.2 THE FAMILY • Negativeadjectives • We can useun- and–lesstoshow a negativeoropposite, tomean “not” and “without” • Makenegativeadjectivesfor • Care • Comfortable • Hope • Kind • Lucky • Use • Usual

  27. 6.2 THE FAMILY • careless (adj) • hopeless(adj) • uncomfortable-(adj) • unhappy(adj) • unkind- (adj) • unlucky(adj) • unusual- (adj) • useless(adj)

  28. 6.2 THE FAMILY • careless (adj) • A carelessman

  29. 6.2 THE FAMILY • hopeless(adj) • She is alwayshopeless

  30. 6.2 THE FAMILY • uncomfortable-(adj) • Uncomfortablechair

  31. 6.2 THE FAMILY • unhappy(adj) • An unhappybaby

  32. 6.2 THE FAMILY • unkind- (adj) • Unkindpeople

  33. 6.2 THE FAMILY • unlucky(adj) • Unluckyday

  34. 6.2 THE FAMILY • unusual- (adj) • Unusualtrees

  35. 6.2 THE FAMILY • useless(adj) • Throwuselessthingsintothedustbin.

  36. 6.2 THE FAMILY • Fill in theblankswiththeadjectives • Mybrother is very __________ so he makes a lot of mistakes. • His fatherwasvery __________ andthreatenedhimbadly. • Thewebsite is full of _________ information. • Thechildcomplained a lot because her new car seatwasvery ___________. careless unkind useless uncomfortable

  37. 6.2 THE FAMILY

  38. Do theexercise on yourcoursebook , pages 51, and 137

  39. 6.3 Scenario: FamilyMatters • Whodoesthecookingandcleaning in yourfamily? • Couldyoustayoutlatewhenyouwere a teenager? • Whathouseworkdidyou do whenyouwere a childorteenager? • Do bothyourparentswork?

  40. 6.3 Scenario: FamilyMatters • is a Tvprogramme. • Thetopic of thisweek is problemsandresponsibilities in families. • Listen and do theexercises, 2a, 2b and 2c.

  41. 6.3 Scenario: FamilyMatters • Expressingopinions • Personally, I think ______ • Well, that’s an interesting idea, but ______ • Well, what I think is that _______ • Well I understandyouropinion, but _____ • I agreewith ____ • I completelydiagreewith ____ • I think it is betterif ___________ • That is a goodpoint, but I think _____

  42. 6.3 Scenario: FamilyMatters • Do theactivities 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5 • Task : speaking on a talk show • 6a, 7a, and 7b. • Work in smallgroups, youare on SpeakOut, onestudent is Tvpresenterandothersaretheguests. Thespeakeraskstheguestsabouttheiropinions on thetopics in exercise 6a.

  43. 6.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Correctingyourwriting • Look at thesentences on page 54 andtellwhichonesaretrueforyou. • Then do theotherexercises on yourbook.

  44. 5.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Proud (adj): feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions •  he was so proud of his daughter

  45. 6.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Creativity(n): theabilitytothink of newideas • Theinteriorarchitecturesusedtheircreativity in thiscompetition.

  46. 5.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Race(n): a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group: • we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then

  47. 6.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Out of sight (prep. Phr): cannot be seen A: Where is thechild? B: He is out of sight, OMG!!! I cannotseehim!

  48. 6.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Voluntary (adj): acting of one’s own free will: • we are funded by voluntary contributions

  49. 5.4 StudyandWritingSkills • Cause(n): an aimthatpeoplesupportorfightfor • The feminist groupsupported us in ourcause.

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