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Welcome to Fireside Chats The Council of Canadians, Canadians for Action on Climate Change and CHNET-Works! are collaborating on this Fireside Chat: Gasping for Breath – Implementing Strong Anti-Idling Bylaws in Your Community July 9, 2009 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time
Welcome to Fireside Chats The Council of Canadians, Canadians for Action on Climate Changeand CHNET-Works! are collaborating on this Fireside Chat:Gasping for Breath – Implementing Strong Anti-Idling Bylaws in Your Community July 9, 2009 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time Advisors on Tap:Cory Morningstar, Canadians for Action on Climate Change, President Council of Canadians - London Chapter, Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Environment to the City of London.Gordon McBean, Professor in the Departments of Geography and Political Science and holds the Research Chair in policy at the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, University of Western Ontario,Quentin Chiotti, Climate Change Programme Director, Pollution Probe Fleur Storace-Hogan, Sustainability Support Technician, City of Burlington With thanks to: John Howard, MD, FRCPC, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Chair - Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment CHNET-Works! Animateur: Dot Bonnenfant Community Health Research Unit, University of Ottawa CHNET-Works hosts weekly Fireside Chats to share information and support discussions around pressing community health issues
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Today’s ‘chat’... This Fireside Chat will shed light on the issue of anti-idling bylaws, • Some Background: Tipping points (Cory Morningstar) • Concerns about climate change role of Canada contributing to Climate Change, hot days + pollution = smog days = health concerns (Gordon McBean) • Idling, pollution and climate change; the costs of idling: our health and the economy (Quentin Chiotti) • Notes re: Recommendations per Natural Resources Canada • Anti-idling Bylaws • City of Burlington anti-idling bylaw: history, process and results since 1999 (Fleur) • City of London anti-idling bylaw (Cory Morningstar) • Drive throughs (Cory Morningstar) • the industry’s response • Utah Physicians for the Environment suggestions Discussion: What would you like to see happen in your community, related industry, nationally re: anti-idling, drive-through
Advisors on Tap • Cory Morningstar, Canadians for Action on Climate Change, President Council of Canadians- London Chapter, Chair of the advisory committee on the environment to the City of London. • Gordon McBean, Professor in the Departments of Geography and Political Science and holds the Research Chair in policy at the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, at The University of Western Ontario, • Quentin Chiotti, Climate Change Programme Director, Pollution Probe • Fleur Storace-Hogan, Sustainability Support Technician, City of Burlington • With thanks to: John Howard, MD, FRCPC, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Chair, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
“Climate policy is characterized by the habituation of low expectations and a culture of failure. There is an urgent need to understand global warming and the tipping points for dangerous impacts that we have already crossed as a sustainability emergency that takes us beyond the politics of failure-inducing compromise. We are now in a race between climate tipping points and political tipping points.” Climate Code Red, Australia David Spratt, Philip Sutton Published July, 2008
Exhaust Pipe vs. Smoking: Which Causes More Harm? Toronto’s medical officer released a report stating a 30% reduction in vehicle emissions could save 200 lives, one billion dollars a year in health care costs and 68,000 asthma attacks for children a year in Toronto alone. OMA estimates for annual premature deaths (2130 people) due to smog in Toronto alone were almost three times the number of deaths (831people) Health Canada attributes to secondhand smoke exposure for the whole of Canada. One must wonder why there is such apathy towards these numbers when pollution is something we can clearly defeat.
Canadians for Action on Climate Change Government’s key role is to serve as the trustee of the commonwealth and the common health for this and future generations. Yet … Canada now stands out as one of the last major industrialized countries opposed to targets for deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and one of the biggest blockers of climate change negotiations. Canadians for Action on Climate Change is a developing non-profit NGO of activists, academia, physicians and citizens focusing on climate change, true cost economy and relocalization. Our organization seeks to provide news, reports and analysis to inform, educate and develop environmental policies for all levels of government in Canada. We are committed to being part of an international movement against destruction of our shared environment. Our current economy is unsustainable and an unethical catalyst to ever increasing global warming. This model assumes endless growth and limitless potential wealth that completely disregards the fact that the earth’s life support capacity is finite. We respect the integrity, resilience, and beauty of the common wealth of all life as the foundation for a new sustainable economic model for our finite planet that will benefit generations to come. Contact us at canadianclimateaction@gmail.com http://canadianclimateaction.wordpress.com/
Canada and the US together represent less than 5 percent of humanity yet consume over one-quarter of the world’s oil, and contribute to more than one-quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon is the most significant greenhouse gas, and Canada’s per capita carbon footprint is more than twice that of the average European, roughly five times the world average, and more than 20 times that of many developing countries. Emissions from an individual idling a car in an average size municipality such as London will emit nearly the same amount of emissions volume as the total annual emissions from an individual in Bangladesh. Canadians must urgently face up to our grossly outsized and destructive carbon footprint, and changes need to start somewhere.Idling and drive-thrus are simply luxury items we can live without. The low hanging fruits so to speak. Whether in blissful ignorance or conscious disregard, to continue to act like we are simply entitled to more – and more urban sprawl, more cars, more oil, and more greenhouse emissions – constitutes a planetary arrogance of frightening proportions. Idling bylaws and moratoriums on new drive-thrus would represent an important first step towards a new vision of denser, less resource intensive cities, and one which is ultimately more in step with our responsibilities as global citizens.
Our shared environment is neither a ‘left’ nor a ‘right’ issue. It is not a partisan issue. We all breathe the same air. We all share one finite planet. In the past 15 years alone, there has been a fourfold increase in asthma in children under 15 in Canada. Children are the most vulnerable breathing 50% more air per pound than adults. In 1999 we had 3 smog days. In recent years we’ve had as many as 56. Vehicles are a primary source of toxic emissions such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particulates and benzene (a carcinogen). In recent published findings of ‘Air Releases of Carcinogens by Province’, Ontario ranks the highest in Canada - at an unbelievable 38. 18 %. The second highest is Alberta - less than half at 17.81%. Newfoundland and PEI are less than 1%. We are now at a crossroads. Some citizens have such a deep sense of entitlement that they actually fight for their ‘right’ to harm our shared environment. Such individuals are so disconnected from nature that they do not understand that their perceived ‘right’ to pollute and degrade our shared environment is at the expense of not only their own health, but the health and welfare of their own children and the people they love. Such perceived ‘rights’ and senses of entitlement are the root cause of climate change which now kills 300,000 people per year. Barriers Experienced in London, Ontario -Citizens Entitlement | ’Choice’ to harm our shared environment at the expense of others -Apathy - Severe lack of understanding on the severity of the climate change crisis not to mention lack of knowledge RE: health crisis and peak oil -MSM (Main Stream Media) suppressing relevant issues -Lack of political will | Lack of knowledge among politicians
April 2009: CO2 hits 800,000-yearhigh at Mauna Loa Observatory Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (USA) Atmospheric CO2 reached 389.47 parts per million. June 10th, 2009– co2 went up again. It is now at 390.18 It’s us, the one billion affluent people of the world whose footprints are crushing the planet. Surely we can all agree this is grossly unethical. Climate change today accounts for over 300,000 deaths throughout the world each year.
We are in a world wide public health crisis epidemic as a direct result of air pollution. A new advocacy and public health movement is needed urgently to bring together governments, international agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), com-munities, and academics from all disciplines to adapt to the effects of climate change on health. Any adaptation should sit alongside the need for primary mitigation: reduction in greenhouse gas emissions - Lancet and University College London Institute for Global Health Commission.
Solutions: -Replace reading material in health sector waiting rooms with relevant and intelligent reading material. Contact us for a list of suggested subscriptions. -Replace television shows in waiting rooms with documentaries. -Co2 widgets for health sectors, schools, organizations. 350 is a number people need to know. -Think of idling as a starting point for behavioural changes. Empower people to be part of the movement. Involve schools. Children influence parents. -Assign trees for shade in parking lots and pick up spots. -Assign volunteers to hand out leaflets on blitz days. -Post anti-idling signs. -Ask your physician, organization to join CAPE. -Ecoliteracy courses for staff, politicians, those in leadership capacity Knowledge is a weapon – Arm the masses
The Role of Cities The battle against climate change will be won or lost in cities. The role of provincial and federal governments is widely debated, analyzed and understood. Yet the challenge is so huge that cross-cutting action at all levels will be needed. The central role of city leaders in our rapidly urbanizing world will be key to reducing the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. The leaders of large cities have a particular responsibility to act, and governments must empower and enable city governments to take on this role.
The Role of Cities If global efforts to address climate change are to be successful, they will need to integrate city requirements and environmental management capacities. Only with a coordinated approach and actions at the global, regional, national and local levels can success be achieved. Many cities are now taking the initiative to reduce their impact on the global climate.
The Role of Cities By 2030, two-thirds of humanity will live in cities or urban areas. Half already do. Cities consume 75 per cent of the world’s energy and are responsible for 80 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, all cities are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and none more so than fast growing cities in developing countries. About 20 of the 30 largest cities of the world are situated on low lying coasts. Rising sea levels of a few metres would have catastrophic implications. So there’s an extraordinary responsibility and motivation for cities to act. It is at city level that innovation and progress on climate change action is most likely to be achieved.
60% of $129 billion per year industry takes place at the drive-thru window. Welcome to the Denialism Industry “manufacturing scientific uncertainty” strategy: industries invest in public relations campaign to raise doubts about increasingly definitive scientific evidence. Argue about the science = stop municipalities from trying to address the problem? If the new ‘science’ purchased by industry doesn’t work.... ‘choice’ : whatever the risk to society, it the citizens right to do so. This is another example of product defense. Similarities? Tobacco, oil and climate change? Corporate spin experts recognize that manufacturing doubt works. Results: stop or slow government legislation for years. This is a growing trend that disingenuously demands proof over precaution in the realm of public health. Drive Thru Resources: http://drivethrulies.wordpress.com/the-need-to-start-somewhere/
Drive-thrus – Think the impact is insignificant? Think again. idling-report-markham1 calculations provided in this study, national average of 3.84 seconds to produce a very conservativenumber for the total number of emissions, etc. produced in London drive-thrus. (idling times in line with Tim Horton’s own study: 3-4.5 minutes) London has 156 drive-thrus –(145 used to keep results conservative). City of London results: Idling time: 108, 795, 760 minutes. Fuel Wasted:2, 175, 925 litres of fuel wasted. Emissions: 590 tons of carbon dioxide & other pollutants. To offset this amount of pollutants in one year we would need to plant 29,220 trees. Fuel wasted – enough for an average car to circle the globe425 times. This is ONLY London based on only 145 drive-thrus. Imagine the result from all cities in Ontario, in Canada, in North America, in the world. For more info. councilofcanadians.london@sympatico.ca
Children are the most vulnerable in our society. It is the responsibility of every adult citizen on our global planet to take every precaution to protect our children and mitigate against climate change. Just as all children must have the right to clean drinking water, all children must have the right to breathe clean air. -A child’s breathing zone is lower than adults so they are more exposed to vehicle exhausts and heavier pollutants that concentrate at lower levels in the air. -Children are the most vulnerable breathing 50% more air per pound than adults. -The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the number of children dying from asthma each year could increase by 20 per cent by 2016 if urgent action was not taken to reduce emissions from vehicles and factories.
Idling is systemic of a much bigger problem. That of a car culture phenomenon, a culture of self entitlement and our ‘choice’ to destroy our shared environment. Our shared natural environment has become a toxic dumping ground. We believe that in the western world the root cause of this crisis is the fact the majority of citizens have completely lost their connection with the natural world. We need to reverse this. We are paying the highest price… Today we are living in what scientists call ‘the sixth extinction’. The fastest die off of species the Earth has ever seen. The biodiversity crisis is due to the destruction of ecosystems, the overexploitation of species and natural resources, overpopulation, the spread of agriculture and livestock, and pollution - all contributing to ever accelerating global warming caused by humans. We are conducting a vast toxicological experiment in which our children and our children's children are the experimental subjects…
CBC Video Now Online | The Disappearing Male - Doc Zone | CBC-TV http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/doczone/2008/disappearingmale/# The Disappearing Male is about one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system. The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer. Some researchers say that declining male fertility rates could be the first sign of extinction. Health: http://www.environmentaldefence.ca/ http://www.cape.ca/ http://www.ewg.org/
Drive Thru Resources: http://drivethrulies.wordpress.com/the-need-to-start-somewhere/ World News on Pollution & Climate Change: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/climate-change http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/pollution Health: http://www.environmentaldefence.ca/ http://www.cape.ca/ http://www.ewg.org/ Redesigning the Way We Think & Live: http://www.happyplanetindex.org/engage/charter.html http://www.neweconomics.org/gen/ for Inspiration: Essential Reading: Paul Hawken: You are Brilliant & the Earth is Hiring: http://www.up.edu/commencement/default.aspx?cid=9456&pid=3144
Gordon McBean • Concerns about climate change role of Canada contributing to Climate Change, hot days+pollution=smog days = health concerns
*A hot day is defined as a day with a maximum temperature above 30C 37 68 8 22 Projected Observed Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis Centre canadien de la modélisation et de l’analyse climatique
No Breathing RoomNational Illness Costs of Air Pollution Canadian Medical Association (CMA) August 2008 1. In 2008, 21,000 Canadians will die from the effects of air pollution. 2. By 2031, almost 90,000 people will have died from the acute effects of air pollution. The number of deaths due to long-term exposure to air pollution will be 710,000. … 10. 11. In 2008, economic costs of air pollution will top $8 billion. By 2031, these costs will have accumulated to over $250 billion. The processes that result in air pollution are much the same as those that produce greenhouse gases. And more hot days will result in more smog days – for the same emissions
Projections - intense rainfall events, heat waves and smog episodes are likely to become more frequent. • Heat-related mortality could more than double in southern and central Ontario by the 2050s, while air pollution mortality could increase about 15 to 25% during the same interval. • The health of Ontario residents has been at risk … extreme weather, heat waves, smog episodes and ecological changes that support the spread of vector-borne diseases. • Walkerton, Ontario From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007
Canada’s Emissions to 2007 Energy 81% 33.8% above Kyoto Target Kyoto Target
Canadian Emissions by Sector All others Mining Agriculture Commercial Road Tran. Energy 27
By Province/Territory Alberta 1990 Ontario GHG Emissions- tonne/person 2004 US = 20 Canada = 20 Germany,Japan,UK = 9.8 China = 2.6 India = 1 2006
Change in GHG Emissions Relative to 1990 Australia +25% Canada +25% United States +16% Japan +6% EU -1.5% Sweden -7.3% UK -15% Germany -18%
Quentin Chiotti • Idling, pollution and climate change • the costs of idling: our health and the economy • ….
(Notes from NRCanada) Why do we idle? • warming up or cooling down a vehicle in the winter and summer. • waiting for passengers • stopping at railway crossings • waiting to park • running quick errands • sitting in drive-through lanes • waiting to refuel or to have the car washed • stopping to talk to an acquaintance or friend • preparing to leave the house
Calculations per a Canadian survey: In the peak of winter‚ many Canadians idle their vehicles for about eight minutes a day…. • Totals more than 75 million minutes of idling a day. • Uses over 2.2 million litres of fuel • Creates over five million kilograms of greenhouse gases (GHGs) = Amount of fuel required to drive: • Over 1100 vehicles for a year OR • to idle one vehicle for 144 years! Source: http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/transportation/idling/why-idle.cfm?attr=8
Concerns about Idling • Heart and Stroke Position Statement: http://www.heartandstroke.com/site/c.ikIQLcMWJtE/b.5263093/k.F2AC/Air_Pollution_Heart_Disease_and_Stroke.htm • Short and long term exposure to air pollution are estimated to result in 21,000 premature deaths in Canada in 2008 as well as 620,000 doctor visits, 30,000 emergency department visits, 11,000 hospital admissions and an annual economic impact of over $8 billion • A Heart and Stroke Foundation survey in 2008 found that only 13% of Canadians are aware of the links between air pollution and cardiovascular disease7.
Effects of Idling….. • Effect of pollutants from vehicle emissions on Health and the Environment….
Tools to enforce by-law 71-2004 Letter Informational ‘Ticket’ Patrol specific areas when complaints received Part 1 Fine Part 1 fine approved = $150 + $5 court costs + $25 victim surcharge ($180 total fine) One charge (a summons) laid by Halton Police in March 2008.
Enforcement of bylaw 27-2009 Officers will issue a fine if necessary (i.e. for unattended idling vehicles). If someone is present in a vehicle, the officer will advise them of the bylaw and give them a warning and information (bookmark). If the driver does not turn off the vehicle, a Part 2 fine will be issued – just like a parking ticket (issued to the owner of the vehicle).
Communications New $10,000 budget New stand alone display, updated bookmarks, bumper stickers for city vehicles, updated outdoor metal signs, advertising (Burlington Post), read-o-graph signs Free Ongoing use of outdoor banners (i.e. schools and municipal facilities), media releases (article front page of Burlington Post), city website, City Talk (residential newsletter), Focus (staff newsletter), quarterly update to Council, presentations, etc.
Idling Gets You Nowhere. Turn Your Engines OFF While You Wait!!!
Online documents City of Burlington Idling Page http://cms.burlington.ca/Page4118.aspx COB Idling Reports to Council http://cms.burlington.ca/Page2893.aspx COB Idling Report (re Bylaw 27-2009) http://cms.burlington.ca/AssetFactory.aspx?did=11222 COB Bylaw 27-2009 http://www.burlington.ca/clerks/by-laws/html/27-2009.htm
Contact information Fleur Storace-Hogan storace-hoganf@burlington.ca 905-335-7600 x7580
Anti-Idling Bylaw • City of London • Case study on line: http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/transportation/idling/material/reports-research/london-by-law-report.cfm?attr=16
1999 – Anti-idling bylaw SMOG DAYS: 3 per year Idling time: 5 minutesFine: $130 tickets Enforcement: part time Public Health Unit Staff(tickets rarely issued)Exemptions: temperatures above 27 C or below 5 C passengers have health issues identified by a doctor. Ongoing discussions through the years…. • process slowed when fast food restaurants organized opposition to regulating drive-throughs June 30, 2009 – new bylaw: takes effect Sept. 1SMOG DAYS: (53 in 2005)Idling time: 2 minutes Enforcement: all city bylaw officers, includes: level train crossings. Fine: $50 tickets require less administrative costsExemptions: temperatures above 27 C or below 5 C passengers have health issues identified by a doctor.
Arguments for 3 minutes idling time: • it would make it tough for young mothers to shuttle their kids in and out of vehicles • Arguments for 2 minutes idling time: • "I'd ask you to think of the inconvenience for those who can't breathe on smog day alerts." a study showed 80% of motorists who idle in London do so less than three minutes. • Council rejected Staff proposed changes: • One- minute idling limit (per Natural Resources Canada info) • No temperature exemptions • Concerns re: exemptions and idling time in new bylaw: • London's bylaw missed the opportunity to be among the toughest in Ontario. Londoners would become more aware of reducing the production of pollutants and greenhouse gases.
Drive-throughs… • What is happening? • What do we hope for?
Restaurant industry response… Companies have done studies showing it does not reduce emissions when customers walk inside. (where are these studies?) • "You've created more emissions by turning off and then restarting, actually more pollution goes into the air by doing that than waiting in line and going through a drive-through," Melva Sine, president and CEO, Utah Restaurant Association. • Restaurateurs say the proposal would cripple a growing industry. "The economic impact would be huge," • The Comox response: • http://www.drivethrufacts.ca/ • Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association Western Canada Office • Toll Free: 1-866-300-7675 E-mail: mark@crfa.ca
Drive throughs… • Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment speaking out: • call for red day drive-through ban • June 29th, 2009 @ 6:00pm By John Hollenhorst • VIDEO: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=6987736 Suggested red day strategies: • Free mass transit • Lower freeway speeds • Programs encouraging parents to walk their kids to school • City and county ordinances requiring a shutdown of drive-through windows on bad-air days (not a shutdown of businesses- a shutdown of the drive throughs) • http://drivethrulies.wordpress.com/
Comments/ Questions from Participants Your comments and questions please......
“If you want to know who is going to change this country, take a look in the mirror.’ Maude Barlow