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DISEASE-ORIENTED EVALUATION OF DUAL-BOOTSTRAP RETINAL IMAGE REGISTRATION. Chia-Ling Tsai, Charles V. Stewart, Badrinath Roysam, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 Anna Majerovics, The Center for Sight, Albany, NY 12204. GOAL. DUAL-BOOTSTRAP ICP. JOINT REGISTRATION. DATASET.

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  1. DISEASE-ORIENTED EVALUATION OF DUAL-BOOTSTRAP RETINAL IMAGE REGISTRATION Chia-Ling Tsai, Charles V. Stewart, Badrinath Roysam, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 Anna Majerovics, The Center for Sight, Albany, NY 12204 GOAL DUAL-BOOTSTRAP ICP JOINT REGISTRATION DATASET • To validate the algorithms’ capabilities on a variety of diseases, and on a variety of stages of the diseases in a clinical framework. • To evaluate both Dual-Bootstrap ICP pairwise and multi-image joint registration algorithms. Iterate until convergence: • Total of 46 retinas: 6 healthy and 10 for each of VO, DR, dry AMD and wet AMD. • 855 color images (14900 pairs). • Taken from visits as long as 5 years apart. • 61 digital fluorescein angiogram sequences. • Robust ICP restricted to the bootstrap region • Bootstrap the model: • Low-order for small regions; • High-order for large regions; • Automatic selection • Bootstrap the region: • Grow the region inversely with the uncertainty VALIDATION RESULTS RELEVANCE TO CENSSIS • All but 2 images jointly registered (of the same eye). Failures due to low contrast and lack of features. • Overall pairwise registration results shown below. • This work falls in the category of L2 research plan (Validating TestBED). • Registration algorithms meet the common need in subsurface imaging applications. • Validation in clinical framework allows realization of the strengths and weaknesses of the registration algorithms. Pairwise registration onto the anchor - inconsistency MEDICAL CONDITIONS & CHALLENGES Medical conditions considered are leading causes of blindness for the aged population. Initial similarity similarity Joint registration onto the anchor - consistency • Vein Occlusion (VO) • Flame-shaped • hemorrhage • Capillary loss • Neovascularization • Edema ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA • Diseases w/ edema (DR, VO, wet AMD): 71(98)% • Diseases w/o edema (healthy, dry AMD): 94(99)% • Before surgery & after surgery: 91(99)% & 61(98)% similarity similarity • Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) • Neovascularization • Edema • Hemorrhage • Fibrosis • The accuracy is defined by the alignment of the vessel centerlines --- • (weighted scale) • Accept pixels. • Verify (grey zone), where the regional mis-alignment is from the surface deformation and vasculature changes. • Reject , mis-registration. reduced quadratic quadratic • Wet AMD • Hemorrhage • Fibrosis • Choriodal NV • Edema • Dry AMD • Drusens • RPE detachment AKNOWLEDGEMENTS “This work was supported in part by CenSSIS, the Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems, under the Engineering Research Centers Program of the National Science Foundation (Award Number EEC-9986821)."

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