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Cameroon Updates of the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, sharing of successful practices, challenges and Countries Needs. MBOH Hyacinth, Ozone Focal Point Interregional thematic meetings and meeting of network of National ozone officers 17, 19 & 20 February 2019 Paris, France.
Cameroon Updates of the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, sharing of successful practices, challenges and Countries Needs. MBOH Hyacinth, Ozone Focal Point Interregional thematic meetings and meeting of network of National ozone officers 17, 19 & 20 February 2019 Paris, France
Summary of the implementation of HPMP and the Enabling activities • Cameroon has signed the Montreal Protocol and all amendment except for the Kigali amendment ratification that is progress; • The country has an operational HCFC regulation system, import licensing and quotas and these systems are implemented in cooperation with the National Ozone Unit, the Custom Administration and Société de Surveillance Générale (SGS); • Progress made so far in 2018 is as follows; Institutional Strengthening (IS): • Training of service technicians, custom agent and the training of trainers workshops organised. Carried out of data collection and assessment within the ten regions of the country despites the socio-political tension within the two Anglophone regions and the celebration o the World Ozone Day 2018 under the theme « Keep Cool and Carry On »; organisation of one steering committee meeting, preparation and submission of HPMP stage II. • As far as the Ratification of the Kigali Amendment is concern, consultation with stakeholder Ministries has been held, documents sent to the Ministry of External Relation for review and comments and Prime Ministry and Head of Government during a cabinet session. In return Ministry of External Relations Sent document to Minister of State, Secretary General to the Presidency of the Republic and copied Prime Ministry, Head of Government for Review. • Subsequently, Article 7 and CP data has been submitted to the Ozone and Fund Secretariat respectively.
Summary of the implementation of HPMP and the Enabling activities HPMP stage I • Preparation and submission of stage II which was approved by decision of the 82nd meeting of the Montreal Protocol of the Excom held in December 2018 in Montreal. • Prime Ministerial orders creating thirty two (32) environmental control post all over the country in Order No 003/MINEPDED of 10th October 2017, creating environmental control posts and Order No001/MINEPDED of 17th January 2018, modifying and completing certain disposition in Order No 003/MINEPDED of 10th October 2017, creating environmental control posts . • Signing of contract with UNIDO for the third and fourth tranche that started 1st of January 2019 due to last transfers of funds; (list out the main activities to be carried out within the six month period). • Eight major activities spread in three main component; that is 1- the monitoring and reporting particularly maintaining the service sector activities and periodically monitor the programme; 2- enforce policy instrument requirements required to control the supply and demand of HCFCs in the country particularly the follow up of the approval of new legislation on quota allocation for the year 2019 – 2020 and 3- the follow up of adopted restrictions for HCFCs and the last component being the implementation of non-investment activities that is raining and awareness raising .
Overview of HPMP realisation between 2017 and 2018 in Cameroon Gender mainstreaming The Country’s Ozone team is composed of five male and three female as seen in the Ministerial decision No 00175/D/MINEPDED of 25th July 2018 designating personnel of the National Ozone Programme, while major field activities especially the education component are executed by the female fork.
Overview of the realisation of Enabling Activities in Cameroon
Overview of the realisation of Enabling Activities in Cameroon The initiative so far taken for the ratification process of the Kigali Amendment: • Elaborated a law on the amendment • Elaborated a decree in English and French on the amendment • Prepare a motivation note as to why the amendment need to hold • Held consultative meeting with the ministry of External Relations • Held discursions with stakeholders ministries • Discussed with partners the letter sent to Cameroon by the Rwandan Ministry of External Relations to her Cameroonian counterpart on why Cameroon is still lagging behind with the ratification process. • Document sent to the Minister of State, Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic and to the Secretary General at the Prime Minister Office, waiting on the actions to be taken by Prime Ministry and the Presidency.
Surveillance, information, communication and verification system on Ozone depleting substances 1- Project monitoring and reporting: By Law No96/12 of 5th August 1996 relating to Environmental Management in Cameroon, the Ministry in-charge of Environment and its National Ozone Unit is central administrative structure responsible for the coordination of governmental activities with respect to the implementation of Montreal Protocol activities for the reduction and phase-out of ozone depleting substances. The 10 Regional and 58 Divisional delegates are responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of project activities in their respective administrative units and report regularly to the national ozone office especially the ozone office in Douala. 2- Policy Development to control the supply and demand of HCFCs; • Decree No2011/2581/PM of 23 August 2011 Regulating to Toxic and Dangerous substances. This decree make provision to ban the production ,importation transit, and circulation of chemical substances that exist in conventions and protocols ratified by the Government of Cameroon including the Montreal Protocol on ODS. • Decree No2011/2582/PMDU 23 August 2011 fixing modalities for the Protection of the Atmosphere in Cameroon; This regulates the control and elimination all sources of pollution that may have adverse effects to the atmosphere including sources amongst others CFCs and HCFCs. • Order N° 001/MINEPDED of 15 October 2012 fixing the condition of obtaining an environmental permit in the waste management sector ; • Order N° 002/MINEPDED of 15 October 2012 fixingspecific condition for managing industrial waste (toxic and hazardous);
Surveillance, information, communication and verification system on Ozone depleting substances • Joint Order N° 005/MINEPDED/MINCOMMERCE of 24 October 2012 regulating specific conditions for the management of electrical and electronic equipment and also the final elimination of waste resulting from these equipment; • Order N° 029/CAB/PM of 04 April 2014 fixing modalities for inspections and controls of merchandise by the technical services of the State at the Douala port; • Decision No 00044/MINEPDED/CAB of 13 April 2017 relating to the organisation and functioning to the different workflow in the issuing of technical visa, quality certificate, prior informed and agreed concern in the procedures of external trade in the frame work of dematerialization. Technical visa moving from one place to another ensure the compliance status of the client. The technical visa sets out the tariff number, chemical formulae, scientific name of each substance imported, Commercial references, the aim and use, the quantity and storage condition of the products to be imported. The visa is only valid for one importation and cannot be ceded to another person; • Decision No 003/MINEPDED/CAB of 13 July 2017 modifying and completing Decision No 00051/MINEPDED/CAB of 10 May 2017 relating to the specification of structures corresponding to the workflow on the treatment of request on theissuing of technical visa, quality certificate, prior informed and agreed concern in the procedures of external trade in the frame work of dematerialization.
Surveillance, information, communication and verification system on Ozone depleting substances 3- System in place to monitor the use of ODS; Three main parties are involved in the import and control of HCFCs in Cameroon; The National Ozone Unit (NOU), Société de Surveillance Générale (SGS) and the Customs department. Now with the “one stop shop system” called ‘Guiche Unique’ make the number to be four. Authorization to import HCFC is granted by the National Ozone Unit to the Société de Surveillance Générale (SGS) prior to import taking place and verification by the GuicheUnique. This system verities that; • the quota put to the system assigned to the importing companies are respected and not exceeded. A decision signed each year by the Minister in-charge of environment on proposition by the steering committee attributing quotas to companies; • the technical visa is signed by the National Ozone Coordinator and is issued only to one person and per purchase or shipment and not ceded to another person. The verification mechanism is through the GuicheUnique which ensures that products are registered with the Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling 4- Public Awareness Activities; Awareness activities are executed during various training sessions, meetings with relevant Government ministries and institutions, and holding talks with various industrial organizations. In the meetings information is disseminated in both English and French to stakeholders on HCFC regulations, controlled substances and as well as HCFCs alternatives technologies or substitutes. In addition, public awareness materials such as fliers, T-shirts, caps and polos were also produced and distributed to the general public and to stakeholder establishments so as to increase awareness.
Successful practises realised: their priorities and challenges in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol A- The one stop shop or guicheUnique ; 1- Functionality; it is a platform where operations are online connecting all the services that are charged with dematerialization, all merchandised entering the country are verified by both the custom department and the Société de Surveillance Générale (SGS) 2- Advantages of this system; it is faster, less time consuming and increases business performance. Traceability of merchandised 3- Challenges: At the level of the Ministry of Environment, Nine (9) out of the ten (10) regions are connected 4- prospects: connecting all ten regions and even the environmental control post just created. B- The availability of execution agencies to facilitate for technical assistance like CAP/UNEP for institutional strengthening and UNIDO( the assistance for investment and non investment projects). The Allis Institute of refrigeration and air conditioning , UK. C- International and Regional meetings (Regional meetings, OEWG, MOP and COP,) are held regularly which promote discussion amongst members
Challenges faced in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol • Standards for flammable refrigerants need to be developed and adapted to meet the evolving technology development needs • The infrastructure of the RAC servicing is not adapted to handle properly flammable refrigerants. Cameroon has a HUGE informal sector which lacks the know-how and tools; • The costs of final products with low GWP and energy efficient technologies is high and there is limited understanding of the energy efficiency importance for RAC products/equipment amongst consumers; • No policy Interventions through Energy Efficiency to promote low GWP technologies: Barriers to HFC phase-down • Lack of availability of low GWP fluids and technologies • Lack of technician skills / training • Inadequate safety codes and standards
The way forward • Lesson learn and specific advice from sharing with other Ozone coordinators; • The lesson here is that countries have unique situation pertaining to their socio-economic and political content but with these we have to concert efforts to implement the Montreal protocol as a continent. • Sharing of experiences with others is a unifying tool and booster to our individual country’s programme, that is why ozone officers are expected to attend all meetings scheduled by the secretariat of the Vienna Convention /Montreal Protocol.