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Contact: Terri Christensen , RDH Advertising Coordinator E-mail: brownehouse@juno.com Cell: 614-560-1911. Advertising Opportunities. ODONTIA. www.odha.net.
Contact: Terri Christensen , RDH Advertising Coordinator E-mail: brownehouse@juno.com Cell: 614-560-1911 Advertising Opportunities ODONTIA www.odha.net • ODONTIA is the Ohio Dental Hygienists’ Association quarterly publication that is sent via standard mail or E-mail to approximately one thousand Registered Dental Hygienists (RDH) in Ohio. ODONTIA contains articles and advertisements relating to the current activities and initiatives being accomplished by the statewide Association. ODONTIA also is a reliable resource among local components as a means of advertisement about their current activities or continuing education courses. Below are the prices for advertising in ODONTIA alone… • Business Card Size • $20 per issue/ $70 for 4 issues • Quarter page Size • $50 per issue/ $175 for 4 issues • Half Page Size • $75 per issue/ $250 for 4 issues • Full Page Size • $100 per issue/ $350 for 4 issues • Our website is a multi-paged site with private pages for “members only”. This web site contains consistent information about the association and constantly changing information such as legislative updates and registration forms for upcoming events. These reasons bring members and non-members back to our web site over and over to get the forms and information they need for meetings and practice. Our site received approximately seven thousand hits during 2010. • ODHA has chosen to use both media forms of website and quarterly publication to reach our membership on a frequent basis. Below are the prices to advertise on the website alone… • 1 Month = $20 • 3 Months = $55 • 6 Months = $100 • 12 Months = $175
Terms and agreements for the publication of electronic and hard media • ODONTIA publications are posted on the website at www.ODHA.net four times a year in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter in conjunction with hard copy distribution. To advertise in the ODONTIA newsletter, or make any changes to an existing advertisement, the Ad copy must be received by the Advertising Coordinator as an electronic attachment. The Ad will automatically be scheduled to run in the next available issue of the ODONTIA newsletter unless otherwise specified. • www.ODHA.net is continually updated. To advertise on ODHA.net website or make changes to existing advertisements, approximately 14 days lead time is necessary. Requests must be submitted, as an electronic attachment, to the Advertising Coordinator Terri Christensen at brownehouse@juno.com. Please see reverse side for additional information. • * The Advertising Coordinator retains the right to not publish media that is determined to be inappropriate as it pertains to the ODHA. ADVERTISING CONTRACT Terms and agreements for the publication of electronic and hard media • Please send Advertisement and the following information to brownehouse@juno.com to assist ODHA in meeting your advertising needs: • Name of Company:_________________________________________________________ • Address:______________________________City:____________________ Zip:_________ • Contact Name:_________________________Contact Number:_______________________ • Best Time/Day to Call:___________________ • E-mail:_______________________________ • Include all forms of media you are interested at participating: • ODONTIA • Number of issues:_______ • www.ODHA.net • Number of Months:_____ • Requested start date:_________________________ • Form of Payment: Check enclosed _________ • Visa: __________MasterCard: ____________ • Credit Card # __________________________ • Expiration Date ______________ • Name As It Appears on Card:_________________________________ • Signature: ____________________________ • Make checks payable to ODHA • Mail payment information & contract agreement to Terri Christensen 2316 Sawbury Blvd. Columbus, OH 43235 • .* Requested start date does not ensure actual start date