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Wakeland Volleyball

Wakeland Volleyball. 2013-2014. Coaches. Kim Watson – Head Coach Joshua Tabor – Varsity Asst. Coach Megan Martin – JV Coach Jamie Tewson – Freshmen Coach . Contact Info. Kim Watson – watsonk@friscoisd.org Josh Tabor – taborj@friscoisd.org Megan Martin – martinmeg@friscoisd.org

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Wakeland Volleyball

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  1. Wakeland Volleyball 2013-2014

  2. Coaches • Kim Watson – Head Coach • Joshua Tabor – Varsity Asst. Coach • Megan Martin – JV Coach • Jamie Tewson – Freshmen Coach 

  3. Contact Info • Kim Watson – watsonk@friscoisd.org • Josh Tabor – taborj@friscoisd.org • Megan Martin – martinmeg@friscoisd.org • Jamie Tewson – tewsonj@friscoisd.org • Volleyball Phone – 469-633-5775 

  4. Summer Info • Incoming 9th grade camp – June 17-20 • Register online at www.friscoisd.org • Returners camp – 10-12 graders • July 22-25 from 9-12 AM. Payment will be made the first day of camp. • Summer league will start June 25 and end July 24 for 9-12 graders

  5. Gym Culture • Effort is a given • Positive Interaction at all times • Coaches and players included on positive interaction

  6. Program Standards • Be on Time • Take Responsibility • Work Hard • Be Positive • Be Self-Disciplined – Embrace personal responsibility • Have Fun!!!

  7. Season Expectations • Will have 4 teams • 40+ 9th graders coming out this year • First cut will be Tuesday afternoon. If another cut is needed it will be on Saturday after the scrimmages. • All home matches will start at 5:30 to accommodate our officials • Practice schedule for Aug. attached. Communicate with your daughter for changes.

  8. Game Days • If your child is not at school at least half a day on game day, they will not play in the match that night. End of story. • Sub varsity teams will stay and support varsity. • Will go and come back as a TEAM (ride bus to and back from game) • Will sit together as a TEAM at games and cheer for the WHS teams playing • We don’t want “extra” fans with our girls (boys to be specific!!!) 

  9. Parent Expectations • Cheer for the Wolverines – not just your Wolverine • Parent Code of Ethics – you don’t sign your child will not be a part of this program. • Don’t allow drama at home about other kids and don’t bring it yourself—your kid will play some and will sit some • If you can’t say anything nice in the stands, don’t say anything. What you say is usually overheard by others • If the linesperson calls it out, it is out. If you want to call lines, just let me know. I can make it happen. • If an official makes a questionable call do not talk to them about it. I have been in this business 30 years and have yet to see a yell from the stands change a call—I have seen it the other way. • If the score is wrong the table will get it fixed ASAP, they don’t need your help. • Bottom line – if the coach hasn’t gotten upset why have you? • ENJOY THE GAME!!!!!

  10. Parent Expectations • This is not MS anymore, I don’t need notes explaining what your athlete can explain themselves. I will tell your athlete the same thing each time, get dressed and do what you can. It is usually more than they thought but also a way for them to start understanding their body and what it is capable of. • They are allowed to step off and get back in when ready. • We aren’t absent or late – consequences will follow. • PLEASE do not approach a coach after a game • Mean emails – just know that if you poke this bear one time too many, a response will come. Be ready for it to be something you may not want to hear. • We won’t discuss team placement, playing time, or other athletes. • My staff and I won’t come to your place of business and tell you how to do things, so please do not walk into this gym and tell us how to run this program. • It’s not always a great day in practice-she won’t always come home happy-if you want the other side of the story give us a call, if we think it is important enough we will be calling you.

  11. Please Remember… • They are still kids. • The coaches are degreed professionals. • This is ONLY a game. • The referees are human. • Your child may not be a Division I athlete.

  12. Practice Schedule • Practices start at 7:15 AM. For the young ones, you are their ride. Their time to be here is 7:00. • We expect a call or email if athlete is late or missing practice (before) • Miss a practice/Make up a practice • Coach will schedule a makeup • Practice schedule always subject to change….COMMUNICATE WITH PLAYER • Saturday practices for varsity is not when it works for you. It will be every Saturday so please make arrangements to leave town after we are done, usually by 10:00 am. SAT and ACT are exceptions but need to be communicated. • If you have my phone number, you can use it as long as it is for the betterment of this program.

  13. Game Schedule • Will play in 2 gyms each night • Tuesdays – 5:30 JV/9A 6:30 V/9B • Fridays – 5:30 V/9B 6:30 JV/9A • District games will start at 5:30 • Miss a game….will have a makeup and will not play until makeup is completed • Game Directions in packet provided and on the website (if you have a better way, get after it!!)

  14. Website & Social Media • Website: wakelandvolleyball.wordpress.com • Rosters • Calendars • Twitter: @whs_volleyball • Sports medicine forms • Rank One • Directions • Updates • Wolverine Club • And much, much more…

  15. Bad Social Media • To post hateful, inappropriate pictures or messages about life on the court or off the court. • When in doubt, DON’T post or hit send. • Bad social media will be dealt with within our program, and could possibly be dealt with a higher level is needed.

  16. Tutorials • All girls need to go in the afternoon • Will not miss practice to go to morning tutorials • There will be plenty of teachers to help 

  17. Injury • SEE OUR TRAINER FIRST!!! • Want to evaluate our kids • NO PARENT NOTES – girls need to communicate with me • Will do their best to get them playing/practicing ASAP • Trainers: Richard Womble, Rachel Langford • Trainer Office 469-633-5776 wombler@friscosid.org langforR@friscoisd.org

  18. Club vs School • Work out at club – Work out at school • If you get hurt at club, please communicate with our trainers and me. • My gym – my way!!! • Club gym – club way • If your daughter plays in a 3 day qualifier, they need to expect to work out when they get back. • Missing athletics after a qualifier because you are tired is not acceptable. • Remember you are paying a club coach so they will say what you want to hear.

  19. Other Information • There will be a player fee that will cover meals, locker decorations, and membership to the WC club, etc. • Meals for away games….excluding tournaments • Shoes – after team is made, you can order from a vendor we use. You don’t have to. • Yard signs, car decals, spirit shirts, varsity banners, locker decorations etc. – Rodney McMillan • Hospitality Room for tournaments – all help • Gary Burns Fun Run…October 26, 2013

  20. Parent Liason – Rodney McMillan • Take your time to work in the concession stand – you will automatically be signed up to work with a list of phone numbers in case you need to switch. • May need to help at other times during the year, so be willing!!! • Major fund in WESPYs and other things done for our athletes throughout the year.

  21. Wolverine Club • Karl Weisheit - President • Become a member – I want 100% of my parents members • They do a lot for our student-athletes! • Please be supportive and help out when needed • www.wolverineclub.com 

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