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Big Sib/Lil Sib Program

Big Sib/Lil Sib Program. Big Sib/Lil Sib Program. The Big Sib/ Little Sib program pairs incoming underclassmen freshmen with upperclassmen SWE members The participants are assigned “families” which consist of new and experienced SWE members

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Big Sib/Lil Sib Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Big Sib/Lil Sib Program

  2. Big Sib/Lil Sib Program • The Big Sib/ Little Sib program pairs incoming underclassmen freshmen with upperclassmen SWE members • The participants are assigned “families” which consist of new and experienced SWE members • Families help to welcome the newcomers, advise them for classes, and learn to balance fun with work • Big sibs remain mentors throughout the whole year and are there to help little sibs through their transitions into college by: • answering dorm questions • helping them choose classes • introducing them to college life • telling them what classes are like • Throughout the year, we will have Big Sib/Little Sib get-togethers so that the new students have opportunities to network with fellow engineer and hang out with their big sibs. We will try to have these get-togethers about once a quarter.

  3. If you are interested in being a big or little sib, please email Hayde Silva at hsilva@mail.usf.edu with the following information:Name:Major:Phone Number:Email:Hobbies/ Interests:Number of little sibs you are willing to have: (big sibs only!)

  4. Point system

  5. Point System • 3 points for general meeting • 5 points for outreach • 5 points for social events • 5 points for helping out at recruitment events • 5 points for attending National or Regional conference • 2 points for participating in the Big Sib/Lil Sib program • 2 points for being a National Member

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