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Control D Diabetes Management kit Presentation

Control D uses advanced Amperometric Biosensors to measure accurate blood glucose using low volume of blood in 5 seconds.

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Control D Diabetes Management kit Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Control D Diabetes Management kit

  2. Control D Blue Digital Glucose Blood Sugartesting bloodin5seconds. Itcomeswith10strips.

  3. ControlDBloodGlucoseSugarTesting Control D Test Strips use carbon electrodes withlaserpatterningleadingtohigh precision. The strips are manufactured with tight tolerance ensuring no coding and ease ofusage.

  4. ControlDGlucometer Control D is a Diabetes Management kit comes with 1 Glucometer, 1 Lancing Device, 10 Lancets, 10 Strips and 10 Alcohol Swabs. Control D uses advanced AmperometricBiosensorstomeasure accurate blood glucose using low volume ofbloodin 5seconds.

  5. ControlDOrangeMeterKit ControlDOrangeKitisaDiabetes Managementkitcomeswith1Glucometer, 1LancingDevice,10Lancetsand25Strips. Control D Biosensors uses advanced Amperometric to measure accurate blood glucose using low volume of blood in 5 seconds.

  6. ContactUs HaidenTechnologyPvtLtd PropNo8,KhasraNo13/4& 13/5,GaliNo14,RailwayRoad, Sameypur,Delhi-110042 +918882169658 accounts@haidengroup.com https://controld.in/

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