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Goals, Objectives and Methods for Medical Universities‘ Teaching Staff Training in Germany

Goals, Objectives and Methods for Medical Universities‘ Teaching Staff Training in Germany. Thorsten Schäfer. CTA C ongenital T eaching A bility Inborn Competencies in Medical Teaching Staff ??????. No doubt: Empathy Enthusiasm Expertise Sense of Mission. Beliefs and Myths.

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Goals, Objectives and Methods for Medical Universities‘ Teaching Staff Training in Germany

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  1. Goals, Objectives and Methodsfor Medical Universities‘ Teaching Staff Training in Germany Thorsten Schäfer

  2. CTA Congenital Teaching Ability Inborn Competencies in Medical Teaching Staff ?????? No doubt: Empathy Enthusiasm Expertise Sense of Mission Beliefs and Myths

  3. …being a good teacher in medicine is more than having Empathy Enthusiasm Expertise Sense of Mission But…

  4. Goals of Teachers‘ Training in Germany • Prepare and Support Staff to Better Meet the Increasing Demands in Medical Education • Strengthen Leadership Skills • Foster the Implementation of State-of-the-Art Concepts, Contents and Skills

  5. Objectives of Teachers‘ Training in Germany Training in • Curriculum Development • Cognitive Psychology • Assessment and Evaluation • Leadership • Educational Research

  6. Objectives of Teachers‘ Training in Germany Kern et al., Curriculum development for Medical education. A six-step approach. The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1998

  7. Objectives of Teachers‘ Training in Germany Kern et al., Curriculum development for Medical education. A six-step approach. The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1998

  8. Objectives of Teachers‘ Training in Germany Kern et al., Curriculum development for Medical education. A six-step approach. The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1998

  9. Key Aspects of Curriculum Development • General Needs Assessment • Needs Assessment of Targeted Learners • Learning Goals and Objectives • Educational Strategies • Implementation • Evaluation and Feedback

  10. Key Aspects of Curriculum Development • General Needs Assessment • Society, Country, Region,… • Needs Assessment of Targeted Learners • Prior knowledge & skills, actual and future demands, defeat „loss of memory“ • Learning Goals and Objectives • Who should learn how much of what by when? And why?

  11. Key Aspects of Curriculum Development • Educational Strategies • Learning & Teaching Methods? • Implementation • How to put into action? • Evaluation and Feedback • The right tests and questions at the right time • Draw consequences

  12. Methods of Teachers‘ Training in Germany Postgraduate Training Programmes • Training Courses, Seminars, Workshops • Society for Medical Education (GMA) • Local Programmes • Certificates in Medical Education • 5 ECTS (+ 3 ECTS) • Master of Medical Education (MME) • 60 ECTS, 2 Years, Master Thesis • Doctorate

  13. Teaching Staff under Pressure

  14. Teaching Staff under Pressure Patient Care

  15. Teaching Staff under Pressure Research Patient Care

  16. Teaching Staff under Pressure Teaching Duties Research Patient Care

  17. Methods of Teachers‘ Training in Germany

  18. Methods of Teachers‘ Training in Germany

  19. Place an Obligation Participation in Teachers‘ Training Programmes necessary for: • Academic Qualification • Habilitation (Venia legendi) • Professorship • Appointment as Professor • Participation in „Pay for Performance“-Programmes • …

  20. Give Incentives… • Prizes for the Best Teacher, Teacher of the Year • Free Parking ;-) • Publish Evaluation Results • Monetary Compensation • Scholarships • Impact „Points“

  21. Stepwise Approach to Medical Teaching Qualification • Single Seminars, Courses, Workshops • Certificates: defined minimum requirements • Small • Medium • Large • Master Degree in Medical Education • Master Degree in Higher Education • Doctorate

  22. Workshops for Teaching Staff Training at Bochum • Curriculum Design and Planning of Educational Lessons • Tutor Training for Problem-based Learning • Teaching in Seminars and Workshops • Teaching for Large Audiences • Assessment and Evaluation • Communication Skills

  23. Extended • How to Present (e.g. Use of Powerpoint) • Rhetoric Training • E-Learning, Web-based Training, Blended Learning • Skills Training • BedsideTeaching • ScientificWriting

  24. Baden-Württemberg Extended Level 80 Hours (3 ECTS) Base Level 120 Hours (4 ECTS) BW-Certificate

  25. Founded 2009 Members: 8 Universities With Medical Faculties NRW-Certificate • State Academy for Medical Education North Rhine-Westfalia (NRW)

  26. Certificate of the Chamber of Physicians (NRW)

  27. 4 Topics Planning Teaching and Learning Assessment and Evaluation Options Take 5 Courses 1 Planning 1 Teaching and Learning 1 Assessment 2 Options =120 Hours Certificate NRW

  28. Master of Medical Education • MME (Bern/Chicago) • MME-D • 2 Years • 1.800 Hours • 60 ECTS • Project • Master Thesis

  29. MME - Objectives • Create Competent Experts in Higher Education • Foster Innovations in the Field of Education • Improve Quality of Higher Education (3rd and 4th Level) • Strengthen Educational Research • Increase Individual Career Chances

  30. Fundamentals of Learning and Leading Communication Project Management Curriculum Development Learning Environment Assessment Scholarship Cognitive Psychology Educational Change Educational Research Visit Abroad Program Evaluation Special Topics, Trends in Med. Ed. MME (Bern/Chicago) MME Topics in 1.800 Hours

  31. MME: Multiplier

  32. Stepwise Approach to Medical Teaching Qualification • Single Seminars, Courses, Workshops • Certificates: defined minimum requirements • Small • Medium • Large • Master Degree in Medical Education • Master Degree in Higher Education • Doctorate

  33. Goals, Objectives and Methodsfor Medical Universities‘ Teaching Staff Training in Germany Thorsten Schäfer

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