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The simple, low cost web-based solution for global paper-free trade Paper-free means global cross-border trade actors can produce documentation electronically, or in paper format. Presented By: Conor O’Riordan, CEO IIFA Dublin 21 st October 2010. A Global Paradigm Shift January 2011 .
The simple, low cost web-based solution for global paper-free tradePaper-free means global cross-border trade actors can produce documentation electronically, or in paper format Presented By: Conor O’Riordan, CEO IIFA Dublin 21st October 2010
A Global Paradigm Shift January 2011 World Customs Organization (WCO) SAFE Framework Signed by all 164 member countries in June 2005 and backbone of EU, USA and China legislation in place. One common set of international standards for e-trade Harmonize advance electronic cargo information Customs-to-Customs and Customs-to-Business All paper-free in 71 days from now! For the first time in 400 years: Trade data before goods not after and no paper
New Rules are being Rolled Out Now Exports (Excise) within EU Pan EU EMCS from 1/01/11 Exports to EU Subject to ICS from Jan 1, 2011 Exports to USA Subject to ISF 10+2 from Jan 26, 2010 Exports from EU Subject to ECS from July 1, 2009
1/01/11 ICS Approval to load is the key ! • On ICS the EU importer must recruit the non EU supplier and gather data and deliver it paper free. • FF must recruit their SHIP supply chain and have paper free capability • No load approval, no ship, no supply chain profit including IIFA • Penalties will be importer/exporter (ECS ) focused and will vary in EU states
TF working for IIFFA and their SME clients. SME /Freight Forwarder EU validated. “TF Tidy Up Docs” from the Buy to the SHIP process From order/invoice to clearance with one UN document covering B2B, B2G, G2G TF for the FF who realises the money in ICS is in freight not documents No IT set up cost for ICS compliance No lock in leave anytime Pay per ICS transaction Inherent connection to Forwarders and other Service Providers’ systems TF service is EU Data protection / privacy compliant through Azure cloud from the Microsoft Corporation
Oct 2006 – Oct 2010 Founded 2006 based on 25 years SME experience in international trade 3 years’ IP / Software Development at UN global standards level EU & UNeDocs validated after 18-month funded project April 2009 Commercial deployment in Excisable Alcohol July ’09 Online insurance October 2009 with Pan EU insurance licence The only paper-free global partner to the Microsoft Corporation July 2010 The only paper-free global standards based validated by the EU and referenced by the OECD, the WCO , UN and the US Department of Commerce re trade with the EU. DELIVERED EU VALIDATED SAVINGS TO IMPORTERS EXPORTERS INBOUND AND OUTBOUND EU TRADERS AND FREIGHT FORWARDERS LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY
The Irish DNA and EU legislation The EU are being difficult here it is not going to happen they will defer Nobody knows with 71 days they will defer This paper free is bad news for freight forwarders I do not need paper free I am non excise intra EU It is an importer issue not mine It’s a January 1 deadline so let us see what happens and see how this pans out
Summary and Thanks No approval, no trade, No ship , No profit It is imperative under ICS the importer can DO an approval to load by 2010 end. Taoiseach’s, Revenue, Forfas, IIFFA Microsoft , CV Starr , Thyme Thanks
For more information:E-mail: coriordan@tradefacilitate.comWeb: www.tradefacilitate.com