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Why are my plants turning yellow? If your vegetable garden or house plants have gone from verdant to flavescent, it could be a sign of health issues like too much water or too few nutrients. This content offers tips for getting to the root of the problem. Now you can Keep your plants green and growing strong!<br><br>Tags: vegetable gardening, how to vegetable garden, small space gardening, how to start a vegetable garden, container gardening, simple gardening, easy gardening, how to garden, gardening for beginners, square foot gardening tips, gardening tips, growingyourgreens, Organic Gardening, garden, garden planning, gardening, vegetable gardening, vegetable garden, garden planner, gardening advice, gardening tips, gardening hacks, vegetable garden planner, vegetable garden planning, Kitchen Garden, Help, grow your own, home grown, growing food, growing your own food, outdoors, craft, tips, better homes & gardens, Better Homes, organic, veggie garden, DIY, growing tomatoes, Gardens, home and living, Homes, Better Homes and Gardens
Why are My Plants Turning Yellow?
Pest Problems The Signs: Insects living on and eating leaves. How to Fix? Spray plant with neem oil or an insect killing soap.
Overwatering The Signs: Leaves look yellow and wilted. How to fix? Poor soil drainage could result in your plant's roots drowning. Add sand to soil or replant to a raised bed.
Lack of Sunlight The Signs: Leaves look faded and droopy. How to fix? The leaves aren't getting enough sun. Reposition your plant's location.
Dehydration The Signs: Leaves look dry and feel cruchy to touch. How to fix? Plants should get at least 1" of water each week. Water your plants regularly.
Potassium Deficiency The Signs: Edges and tips of leaves become yellow. How to fix? Bury citrus rinds in soil at base of plant. Add compost rich in fruit or veggie waste.
Nitrogen Deficiency The signs: Tips and center vein in leaves become yellow. How to fix? Add organic compost like manure or coffee ground to the soil.
Calcium Deficiency The Signs: Leaves become misshappen. How to fix? Determine if your soil is acidic or alkaline. For alkaline soil, use gypsum and for acidic soil, use lime.
Zinc Deficiency The Signs: Leaves show signs of light discoloration between large veins. How to fix? Spray with kelp extracts.
Iron Deficiency The Signs: Leaves become yellow and have small, green veins. How to fix? Determine the pH level of your soil and lower the pH to under 7. Then reduce the amount of phosphorus in the soil.
Magnesium Deficiency The Signs: Leaves show signs of white stripes along veins. How to fix? Add organic compost rich in magnesium, or add Epsom salts or lime to the soil.
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