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Client: LOFT Campaign: LOFT Summer Style Event +My Perfect Summer Getaway Sweepstakes Final Report June 8 th , 2011.
Client: LOFT Campaign: LOFT Summer Style Event +My Perfect Summer Getaway Sweepstakes Final Report June 8th, 2011
As a retailer offering versatile, accessible and affordable fashion with undeniably feminine appeal, special and unexpected details and a great fit, LOFT invited the online community to be a part of their Summer Style Event and “My Perfect Summer Getaway” Sweepstakes. With many bloggers being existing fans of the brand already, the campaign empowered bloggers to become personally invested in LOFT through gift card incentives and offering appealing sales and giveaways to excite readers and expand the brand’s loyal fan base. With over 500 mentions and four million impressions– we’d say the campaign successfully engaged the online community, guiding more to explore the LOFT brand and help drive likes (approx. 70,000+) and sweepstakes entries (approx. 100,000+) on Facebook.
TOPLINE SUMMARY • OVERALL • Overall, results for the LOFT campaign have exceeded expectations, generating over 500 posts, commanding a combined influence of 4.5MM+ impressions within the blogosphere, Facebook and Twitter. • 39.6% of all LOFT mentions were a direct result of American Pop efforts. • 90.2% of all LOFT impressions were created by American Pop efforts • Remaining share was from organic coverage • AMERICAN POP • Although our efforts were geared solely towards the blogosphere, we created mentions across all channels as bloggers are apt to be active throughout the web. We created a total of 203 mentions, 4.1MM+ impressions and 112 comments across all channels. • Blog Efforts • We reached 1,172 individuals within our list with a total of 162 unique respondents. • Overall Response Rate: 13.82% • Of all respondents, 81.48% were positive with only 1.85% declining the offer. All declined respondents replied politely, explaining that their editorial calendar was filled and they couldn’t take part in the campaign. • Our typical in-house response rate ranges from 10-15%. • Through this direct outreach, we gained coverage in 94 locations garnering over 3.2MM+ unique monthly visitors per month (“UVPM”). • Tiers: Lower tier bloggers are typically more accessible, showing reason for their higher response rates. In our experience, top-tier bloggers aren’t typically as quick to respond and require more effort to set up a partnership, but they yield the highest impression numbers. • Highest response rate: Tier 2 • Highest placement numbers: Tier 3 • Highest impression numbers: Tier 1 • Highest comments numbers: Tier 3
TOPLINE SUMMARY • ORGANIC • Organic mentions occur naturally, without any direct PR efforts, but can often be tied to coverage created from PR. • In total, there were 309 posts commanding 449.7K+impressions. Each blog post had an average of 12,336 impressions. This contrasts dramatically with American Pop’s average post holding 34,725 impressions, nearly 2.8x the size of the organic average. • TWITTER • In total, there were 317 tweets reaching 367K+ second-order followers. Of these, 19.17% of all tweets and 45.2% of all Twitter impressions were a direct result of American Pop efforts. • The average member who tweeted had 1,161 followers, with a max having 12,348 followers (@ AKBLESSINGS, from APOP efforts). Overall, Twitter member posts through American Pop efforts garnered higher overall influence with the average American Pop member having 3,259 followers, whereas organic members averaged only 758 followers. • CHANNEL PERFORMANCE • Within both ‘Overall’ and ‘American Pop’ metrics, it comes as no surprise that Twitter holds the most posts and the blogosphere hold the most impressions due to the nature of each channel. • TARGET PERFORMANCE (Blogs only) • Moms accounted for 50% of total posts. • American Pop: Mom blogs held most posts (54.2% share), impressions (54%) and comments (92.6%). • Overall: Mirrored American Pop as we held a lot of weight within the blogosphere. • Note: Due to the nature of each target, impression levels vary. For example, Moms and free/sweeps/deals blogs typically hold larger UVPM metrics to other targets such as Style.
TOPLINE RECOMMENDATIONS TIMING For a campaign of this nature, an earlier start date would allow for further reach and awareness throughout all social media channels, giving more time for bloggers to schedule the posts into their editorial calendar. Ensuring that bloggers receive their gift cards before the campaign end date would also be beneficial as bloggers could then share their purchased items with readers and create more personalized coverage. SOCIAL Consider sharing select blog coverage on established social (Facebook/Twitter). This helps to create a community and provide an added bonus to bloggers. Also, make these avenues engage more with the fans. Some public 1:1 engagement shows people that their comments are read and heard. This only helps to spawn more user-generated comments. This is something we’re doing with the Who What Wear partnership and the “How Do Bloggers Wear LOFT” feature.
OVERALL NUMBERS, TRENDING • Overall numbers include all mentions made throughout LOFT’s Summer Style Event and “My Perfect Summer Getaway” Sweepstakes: 05/04 to 05/30 (27 days approx.) within the blogosphere, Facebook and Twitter. This ‘online ecosystem’ includes coverage stemming from direct American Pop efforts AND organic, naturally occurring mentions. We provide these numbers to give a ‘big picture’ perspective and to show how American Pop contributes to the holistic success of the campaign as a whole. • The LOFT Summer Style Event and “My Perfect Summer Getaway” Sweepstakes from 05/04 to 05/30 created a total 512 posts commanding a combined influence of 4,574,449 impressions within the blogosphere, Facebook and Twitter. Each post on average had a total of 8,934 impressions. • Daily Impressions: 169,424 impressions/day for approximately 27 days • Weekly Impressions: 1,143,6129 impressions/week for approximately 4 weeks
OVERALL CHANNEL SEGMENTATION • Due to the nature of each channel, it came at no surprise that Twitter held most posts as it allows instant sharing and word of mouth. However, through our proactive blogger outreach, placement within the blogosphere created the highest level of quality impressions. • Blogs • Total of 104 blog posts commanding an influence of 3.3MM+ impressions (based on unique visitors per month – ”UVPM” – provided by Compete/Quantcast). • Each blog post on average had 32,572 UVPM. • Each post on average has 1.07 comments/post. • Facebook • Total of 39 Facebook shares commanding an influence of 143.7k+ impressions (based on each share’s second-order friend network). • Each person sharing on average had 3,687 friends. • Facebook Seeding • We seeded a total of 52 Facebook posts commanding an influence of 675k+ impressions (based on each share’s second-order friend network). • Each group/page shared in had an average of 12,983 fans/ likes. • Twitter • Total of 317 tweets commanding an influence of 367.9K+ impressions (based on second-order followers). • Each share on average was potentially exposed to 1,160 Twitter followers.
OVERALL EFFORT BREAKDOWN • Now that we’ve set up a clear ‘big picture,’ how much did American Pop contribute to overall numbers? • Overall, American Pop efforts created approximately 9.17x more impressions than Organic throughout the four weeks of the campaign. • 39.6% of all LOFT mentions were a direct result of American Pop efforts. • 90.2% of all LOFT impressions were created by American Pop efforts • 100% of all LOFT engagement (comments) were a direct result of American Pop efforts. • Pass-Along • The goal of online PR campaigns is to get consumers talking to each other and passing along information to their friends, family and digital networks (e.g. Blogger sharing campaign information with their readers). So does American Pop coverage contribute to the growth of organic coverage? Yes, it does. • The G2X Relay Rate study done by Dr. Walter Carl of Northeastern University indicates that the pass-along online could be anywhere from 2X to 42X the original message. This study was based on discussions involving household products. We have found that both free offers and beauty products have proven to be passionate ‘buzz worthy’ subjects online and we anticipated that the pass-along rate would be high for this campaign. Putting a specific number to this would be purely subjective. What we hope to do is report on everything that we can measure and build a case that will show that the message was worthy of pass-along. • LOFT had a pass-along rate of 1.5. This means that for every one mention created by American Pop, there were 1.5 organic mentions.
OVERALL TARGET & POST TYPE BREAKDOWN • Which targets did LOFT resonate with the most (most posts)? • As shown by the data below it is clear that Moms created most impression and engaging content. However, the Deals/ Sweeps target created a larger number of impressions from a smaller number of posts. • Moms - 50% share • Deals/Sweeps – 29.8% share • Free/Sweeps/Deals- 20.2% • Most Impressions: • Moms – 52% • Deals/ Sweeps- 38% • Style- 10% • Note: Due to the nature of each target, impression levels vary. For example, free/sweeps/deals blogs typically hold larger UVPM metrics to other targets such as Style. • Most Comments: • Moms – 67% share • Deals/Sweeps – 1.8% • Style – 31.2%
OVERALL Most Influential: Blogs + Twitter To put the overall placement into greater perspective, the top influential blogs and Twitter users from both American Pop and Organic efforts are shown below. The ones highlighted below are those generated directly from American Pop’s efforts, whereas the ones highlighted in white were a source of Organic placement. Clearly, American Pop direct efforts dramatically outweigh Organic placement within the top influential list as 17 of the 20 top influencers were generated from American Pop efforts. Most Influential Blogs Most Influential Twitter Users
AMERICAN POP OVERALL, CHANNEL SEGMENTATION • We created a total of 203 mentions and 4.1MM+ impressions across all channels. • Channel Segmentation • Much like the ‘Overall’ channel segmentation provided earlier, the table at right groups American Pop mentions by channel. With blogger outreach being our primary focus, it comes as no surprise that our placement reflected this with blogs accounting for 46.3% of all American Pop mentions and 79.1% of all impressions. • Blogosphere: Each blog post commands on average 34,725 UVPM. • Facebook: Each person sharing on average had 3,182 friends/likes. • Facebook Seeding: Each post shared on groups/pages had an average of 12,983 fan/likes. • Twitter: Each share on average was potentially exposed to 3,259 Twitter followers. • Channel Trending • See graphs below for trending by posts and impressions. Here you’ll notice the clear difference in channel weight.
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Blog Outreach Breakdown Blog Outreach We reached 1,172 unique individuals within the blogosphere. We received response from a total 162 unique bloggers (13.82%) and gained coverage on 94 blogs garnering over 3.2MM+ unique monthly visitors per month (“UVPM”). Note: Our typical in-house response rate for a campaign of this nature ranges from 10-15%.
AMERICAN POP TIERS: Breakdown • To provide greater insight into which tiers are performing best based on their product offerings, see tables at right. Lower tier bloggers are typically more accessible, showing reason for their higher response rates. In our experience, top-tier bloggers aren’t typically as quick to respond and require more effort to set up a partnership. • Highest response rate: Tier 3 • Highest placement numbers: Tier 3 • Highest impression numbers: Tier 1 • Highest comments numbers: Tier 3
AMERICAN POP TARGET: Breakdown • Which targets did LOFT resonate with the most (most posts)? • Moms – 54.3% share • Deals/Sweeps – 28.7% • Style- 17% • Most impressions: • Moms- 54% share • Deals/Sweeps – 35.9% • Style – 10.1% • Most Comments: • Moms – 67% share • Deals/Sweeps – 1.8% • Style – 31.2%
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Most Influential & Engaging Blogs with the most readers (e.g. impressions), are most often the most influential and create the most engagement (e.g comments). The post we coordinated on the top tier blog, Southern Savers doubled as our most influential and most engaging post. Southern Savers generates 501,115 unique visitors monthly. This post created 41 engaging comments http://www.southernsavers.com/2011/05/loft-sweepstakes-my-perfect-summer-getaway/
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: MostInfluential Betty Confidential generates 230,561 unique visitors monthly. Stretching A Buck generates 101,014 unique visitors monthly. http://www.bettyconfidential.com/ar/ld/a/awesome-sale-win-a-summer-getaway-at-loft.html http://www.stretchingabuckblog.com/2011/05/ann-taylor-loft-extra-50-off-sale-items-3-cash-back-a-sweepstakes.html
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Most Engaging We found that those bloggers who hosted a giveaway or included original content and engaged readers created the most comments. Some bloggers created original content by asking readers which destination they preferred in the Summer Getaway Sweepstakes. The giveaway post on My Dallas Mommy generated 20 comments (http://www.mydallasmommy.com/2011/05/50-loft-giveaway-and-big-event-this_14.html) The post on Bon Bon Rose Girls received 34 comments (http://www.bonbonrosegirls.com/2011/05/win-summer-getaway.html)
AMERICAN POP TIERS: Tier 1 Highlights For The Mommas posted three times during the campaign. The site generates 279,509 unique visitors monthly. Earns 92,917 unique visitors monthly http://forthemommas.com/sweepstakes/saturday-night-sweeps-528 http://forthemommas.com/free-stuff/saturday-night-sweeps-521 http://forthemommas.com/nrss/loft-sweepstakes-enter-to-win-big http://www.frugalcouponliving.com/2011/05/27/ann-taylor-loft-sweepstakes-on-facebook/
AMERICAN POP TIERS: Tier 2 Highlights Earns 89,233 unique visitors monthly Earns 44,391 unique visitors monthly Earns 61,991 unique visitors monthly Earns 30,712 unique visitors monthly http://www.kouponkaren.com/2011/05/lofts-summer-style-event-save-30-in-store-51411.html http://www.thebudgetbabe.com/archives/3841-Shop-LOFTs-Summer-Style-Event,-Enter-to-Win-a-Summer-Vacay.html http://afewshortcuts.com/2011/05/loft-sweepstakes-win-a-trip-for-2-or-shopping-spree/ http://simplystacie.net/loft-presents-my-perfect-summer-getaway-sweepstakes/
AMERICAN POP TIERS: Tier 2 Highlights Earns 25,827 unique visitors monthly Earns 28,406 unique visitors monthly Earns 21,617 unique visitors monthly Earns 26,132 unique visitors monthly http://www.nicolesnickels.com/2011/05/lofts-my-perfect-summer-getaway-sweepstakes.html http://amominredhighheels.com/loft-summer-style-event/ http://savingdollarsandsense.com/2011/05/26/loft-1000-gift-card-giveaways-more.html http://www.moneysavingmadness.com/2011/05/loft-save-30-on-everything-may-14th.html
AMERICAN POP TIERS: Tier 3 Highlights Earns 6,390 unique visitors monthly Earns 14,748 unique visitors monthly Earns 14,596 unique visitors monthly Earns 12,317 unique visitors monthly http://www.thebeautyoflifeblog.com/2011/05/so-amazing-lofts-my-perfect-summer.html http://www.mommyenterprises.com/moms-blog/4500/loft%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cmy-perfect-summer-getaway%E2%80%9D-sweepstakes/ http://themamareport.com/giveaways/loft-helps-improve-your-style-this-summer-with-two-sweepstakes/ http://www.thecouponchallenge.com/2011/05/loft-ultimate-getaway-sweepstakes.html
AMERICAN POP TIERS: Tier 3 Highlights Earns 11,126 unique visitors monthly Earns 10,781 unique visitors monthly Earns 10,795 unique visitors monthly Earns 10,618 unique visitors monthly http://www.thriftyandchicmom.com/2011/05/ann-taylor-loft-get-ready-for-summer-ultimate-summer-getaway-sweepstakes/ http://momstart.com/2011/05/enter-lofts-my-perfect-summer-getaway-sweepstakes/ http://www.sageandsavvy.com/2011/05/loft-opens-season-in-big-way-to-get-you.html http://www.beautybyjinxy.com/2011/05/save-30-at-loft-on-514-plus-enter-my.html
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Cross-Promotion (Blog + Twitter) http://www.mommymusings.com/loft-my-perfect-summer-getaway-sweepstakes/ http://twitter.com/#!/MommyMusings/statuses/72529379305074688 http://www.justmarriedwithcoupons.com/2011/05/loft%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cmy-perfect-summer-getaway%E2%80%9D-sweeps.html http://twitter.com/#!/marriedcoupons/statuses/71591829128232960
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Multiple Posts A large number of bloggers posted multiple times throughout the campaign including posts surrounding the Summer Style Event as well as the “My Perfect Summer Getaway” Sweepstakes. Highlighted are some of these noteworthy multiple posts. Dealio Blog posted two times throughout the campaign. These posts included a post surrounding the Summer Style Event and one about the Summer Getaway Sweepstakes. These posts generated a total of 598,034 impressions http://www.dealio.com/blog/2011/05/win-a-summer-vacation-1k-loft-gift-card-30-off-levis-curve-id/ http://www.dealio.com/blog/2011/05/win-a-summer-vacation-1000-gift-card-from-ann-taylor-loft/
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Multiple Posts Free Is My Life posted two times during the campaign. The site generates 12,588 unique visitors monthly. A Mom’s Take posted two times during the campaign. The site generates 7,698 unique visitors monthly. http://www.amomstake.com/2011/05/sweepstakes-round-up/ http://www.amomstake.com/2011/05/loft-summer-style-event/ http://www.freeismylife.com/2011/05/living-for-free-memorial-day-weekend-in.html http://www.freeismylife.com/2011/05/contest-win-ultimate-summer-vacation-in.html
AMERICAN POP BLOGS: Buzz worthy Throughout the campaign we did see a number of post on blogs generated directly from our direct PR efforts. Several of our giveaway and review posts were reposted on other sites or larger networks, which generated more buzz for the campaign. Below is a table detailing the top influential reposts.
AMERICAN POP WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Weeks 1-4 • Week 1- • The first week efforts focused on reaching out to all bloggers with campaign info, including both top-tiered, quality bloggers with gift card incentives AND non-tiered bloggers to extend coverage within the larger blogger ecosystem. In total this week, we reached out to 1,172 unique bloggers and received response from 159 (13.57%). We also generated 55 blog placements and filled ALL 65 spots for tiered bloggers receiving gift cards. • Week 2- • The second week efforts focused on continued outreach to tiered bloggers to fill the remaining spots as well as continued outreach to all non-tiered bloggers with campaign info to generate maximum awareness and posts for the sweepstakes throughout the blogosphere. In total we reached out to 1,172 unique bloggers and received response from 162 (13.82%). We generated 76 blog placements and filled ALL 65 spots for tiered bloggers receiving gift cards. • Week 3- • The third week efforts focused heavily on ensuring that all tiered bloggers receiving gift cards post before the sweepstakes ends to ensure all placements went live in a timely fashion. We successfully coordinated with all 65 bloggers as ALL posted the sweepstakes information before the sweepstakes ended. In total we reached out to 1,172 unique bloggers and received response from 162 (13.82%). • Week 4- • The fourth week focused on maintaining open communication with all bloggers to let them know the shipping status of their gift cards as well as continuing to elicit opinion surrounding the campaign and the brand.
ORGANIC OVERALL • Organic mentions occur naturally, without any direct PR efforts, but can often be tied to coverage created from PR. • In total, there were 309 posts commanding 449K+ impressions. Each blog post had an average of 12,336 impressions. This contrasts drastically with American Pop’s average post holding 34,725 impressions. • Channel Trending • See channel trending graph at right. Here you’ll notice that Twitter dominates organic mentions throughout this time frame. • Target • Most Blog Posts: Style (50% share) • Most Impressions: Deals/Sweeps (94.8%)
TWITTER OVERALL We tracked all tweets between 05/04 to 05/30. In total, there were 317 tweets reaching 367K+second-order followers. Of these, 19.17% were a result of American Pop efforts. The average member who tweeted had 1,161 followers, with a max having 12,348 followers (@ AKBLESSING, from APOP efforts). American Pop Although there were more overall organic tweets, American Pop tweets were of higher quality averaging of 3,259 followers whereas organic tweets average only 758 followers.
TWITTER MOST INFLUENTIAL The most influential tweets are those coming from users with the most followers. http://twitter.com/#!/ThriftyChicMom/statuses/71372235293728768 http://twitter.com/#!/akblessings/statuses/73516642918862848 http://twitter.com/#!/okiefitclub/statuses/69460971147640832 http://twitter.com/#!/blueviolet/statuses/69236153269751808
TWITTER MULTIPLE TWEETS Many people tweeted about LOFT more than once. The following three people have posted about skincare launch on twitter over 30 times. http://twitter.com/#!/BonBonRoseGirls/statuses/73909898873810944 http://twitter.com/#!/EightyMPHMom/statuses/68902858879287296 http://twitter.com/#!/Beauty411/statuses/69444557099634689 @Beauty411 posted 4 times linking to the post about the Summer Style Event on their blog. @EightyMPHMom posted 3 times linking to the Summer Style Event Summer Getaway Sweepstakes post on her blog @BonBonRoseGirls tweeted 4 times linking directly to the post on their blog about Loft’s Summer Getaway Sweepstakes
TWITTER OTHER NOTABLE TWEETS http://twitter.com/#!/mamatomjr/statuses/69112702265597952 http://twitter.com/#!/SimplifiedSavin/statuses/74104610322788352 http://twitter.com/#!/BeautyChick101/statuses/68714587050082304 http://twitter.com/#!/iemommy/statuses/69488387572248576 http://twitter.com/#!/amomstake/statuses/69262613548244992 http://twitter.com/#!/stayingyoung2/statuses/68089075952918528 http://twitter.com/#!/ssfashion/statuses/68345442332721153 http://twitter.com/#!/Multiplesnmore/statuses/69112851251466240 http://twitter.com/#!/Brebysmommie/statuses/70309183387480064
FACEBOOK SEEDING OVERALL As an additional bonus for the campaign, we seeded a total of 52 posts within 52 unique Facebook affinity groups holding members within the main target. These 52 posts created a total of 675,122 potential impressions. These posts included information surrounding the Summer Style event and urged readers to Like Loft’s Facebook page, directly linking to the page.
SENTIMENT BLOGGER SENTIMENT: Blogger Response Of the respondents (162), 81.48% were positive. Of the three that politely declined, their reasons were not related to the brand but more based in that they their schedules were too full. • Positive- A Majority of respondents replied with enthusiasm for the LOFT brand as well as excitement for the gift card for review. Positive respondents did include a mix of both loyal brand users as well as first time LOFT users. • Danya @Dealio Blog • Yes, I would love to participate in the blogging program and promote the Ann Taylor LOFT haul and sweepstakes on our blog. • Nancy @Beauty 411 • Thanks for getting in touch! I would love to participate in the blogger program! And I will definitely blog about the Summer Style Event and the sweepstakes. • Kristie @Saving Dollar Sense • I would love to participate in this promotion! • Neutral-Respondents with neutral sentiment were overall expressed that they were interested in the opportunity, but they could not fit it into their editorial calendar. • Amber @Beauty Junkies Unite • Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately I won't be able to participate this time, but thank you for thinking of me! I hope you'll keep me in mind in the future for similar opportunities. • Declined Participation- Declined respondents did not include any negativity towards the brand or the campaign. These respondents simply expressed they didn’t think the promotion was a proper fit for their blog or they could not fit it into their schedule. • Andrea @The Saving Lifestyle • I'm going to have to pass on this one at this time
SENTIMENT BRAND SENTIMENT: LOFT • Response • “I am a huge fan of LOFT and would love to be involved thanks!”- Thrifty and Chic Mom • “I do love LOFT and would love to attend the Summer Style Event tomorrow”- We3Liebs • “Thank you for the opportunity, and for including me in your blogger program. LOFT has always been a go-to store for me for professional, feminine clothing”- Mommy’s Wish List • “I can't wait to get a new wardrobe for our upcoming vacation!!”-Simply Stacie • “I’ll be doing a follow up after receiving the GC and coupons and going shopping! Thanks again! I would look forward to continuing to work with LOFT in the future as you have more promotional needs! As a former teacher, I typically made LOFT a REGULAR stop before the beginning of every school year to get new outfits! So I’m pretty excited!!”-A Year With Mom and Dad • “I would love to review products from LOFT and feature them on my site! :)” - Momma In Flip Flops 2 • “First of all, let me tell you that I LOVE LOFT. I really do. When I went on Fox News last fall your store is the first store I went to for my outfit and of course I ended up wearing your clothing on air.”- The Coupon Goddess • “Awesome. I love LOFT. –Mother May I • “I love shopping at Loft.”- Fits N’ Giggles • “I would love to work with LOFT as I shop there very often. ”- A Mom’s Impression • “I love the Loft and my readers love sweepstakes so I will share the Loft sweepstakes with them.”- Mama Bee
MESSAGING OVERALL Throughout the campaign we had an impressive rate from bloggers interested in the program. The table to the right highlights response rate during each phase of our messaging.
MESSAGING INITIAL PITCH PART 1: At right is the first pitch we sent to bloggers to tease the campaign and warrant a response. Subject Title LOFT Invites YOU to Get Summer Ready With Getaway Sweepstakes! Body Hi! LOFT opens the season in a BIG way and wants you and your readers to embrace the feeling of sunshine with all of their new arrivals and exclusive "My Perfect Summer Getaway" Sweepstakes. Enter today for the chance to win an unforgettable summer vacation for two - inspired by LOFT's design team's favorite destinations - plus 8 other prizes, including a $1,000 LOFT gift card! Entering is about as easy as putting on those wedge sandals – just 'LIKE' LOFT's Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/LOFT Your ultimate summer getaway awaits… More info about the sweepstakes can be found here: http://pitch.pe/145239 If you have any questions, let me know! Looking forward to hearing back. Best, Ambassador
MESSAGING FOLLOW UP PART 2: After receiving a response that a blogger is interested in posting we sent them a follow up message. In the message we included more details about the LOFT campaign and for some, offered them gift cards. Hi [BLOGGER NAME]! LOFT opens the season in a BIG way and wants you and your readers to embrace the feeling of sunshine with all of their new arrivals and exclusive "My Perfect Summer Getaway" Sweepstakes. Enter today for the chance to win an unforgettable summer vacation for two - inspired by LOFT's design team's favorite destinations - plus 8 other prizes, including a $1,000 LOFT gift card! Entering is about as easy as putting on those wedge sandals – just 'LIKE' LOFT's Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/LOFT Your ultimate summer getaway awaits… More info about the TWO sweepstakes can be found here: http://pitch.pe/145239 And this is where you come in – if you’re a big LOFT lover, we’d love to offer you one $XX LOFT gift card and two (2) 25% OFF appreciation cards for you to have your very own mini shopping spree (on us!) to share your LOFT haul and/or the above sweepstakes info on [BLOG NAME]. We have a total of 65 spots available, so let us know if you’d to participate ASAP before spots run out. If you have any questions, let me know! Looking forward to hearing back. Best, Ambassador <Ambassador Signature> *** Any gift cards sent to you are not intended as payment for any favorable opinions. Any feedback you choose to give, either positive or negative, is greatly appreciated.
MESSAGING FULFILLMENT/OPINION/THANKS PART 3: Following Part 2 we followed up with bloggers send over the Blogger Participation Form and include further details on the campaign. PART 4: Following product fulfillment, we sent out messaging to bloggers to inquire their thoughts and opinions if they attended the Summer Style Event. Hi [BLOGGER NAME], [ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS] So happy to hear you’re a big fan of LOFT! So now on to the good stuff, for your participation in this exclusive blogging program we’d like to send you one $XX LOFT gift card and two (2) 25% OFF appreciation cards for you to have your very own mini shopping spree (on us!) to share your LOFT haul and the above sweepstakes info on [BLOG NAME]. Before we can move forward though, I need you to: Digitally sign the attached Blogger Participation Form. Just simply open in a Word processor, fill out like you normally, type your name for the digital signature and then send back to me. Send over your mailing address and phone number so we can send you the goodies! Confirm that you can post before 05/20/11. Remember you can post about your LOFT haul AND/OR the two sweepstakes. We option both as we can’t ensure you’ll receive the gift cards before 05/20, but you should receive no later than end of May. Once we get the Blogger Participation Form, we’ll be sending out the cards your way and you’ll be on your way to your very own LOFT summer style shopping spree. In the meantime, don’t forget to enter LOFT’s “My Perfect Summer Getaway” Sweepstakes by ‘LIKING’ LOFT on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/LOFT Who wants to miss out on an unforgettable vacay for two? You can find all sweepstakes info in detail, including images, etc. here: http://pitch.pe/145239 Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I look forward to receiving the Blogger Participation Form and your mailing address/phone number! Best, Ambassador *** Any gift cards sent to you are not intended as payment for any favorable opinions. Any feedback you choose to give, either positive or negative, is greatly appreciated. Hi |BLOGGERNAME|, [ADMIN: ENSURE WE HAVE COMPLETED BLOGGER PARTICIPATION FORM, MAILING ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, NOTE IF GIFT CARDS HAVE BEEN SHIPPED] I wanted to touch base and see if you attended the Summer Style Event at LOFT this past Saturday? Looking forward to your post come Friday (05/20)! PART 5: After bloggers have posted, we sent out messaging thanking them and reminding them about the Sweepstakes end date. Hi |BLOGGERNAME|, Just checking in and thank you for the great post about LOFT’s summer sweepstakes! We look forward to working with you again in the future! And Remember, today’s you and your friend’s last chance to enter the “Perfect Summer Getaway” Sweepstakes. All you have to do is ‘LIKE’ LOFT’s Facebook page @ http://www.facebook.com/LOFT Thanks again for everything!
MESSAGING SOCIAL MEDIA RELEASE • The LOFT social media release contained approved messaging and various assets. • Hosted on Pitch Engine, the release included: • Approved copy • Images and video • Links to Social Media Releases with detailed information on each product • We received a total of 3,470 views to our SMR. There was an impressive spike in views during the second week of the campaign as bloggers began to post and spread awareness through their social networks. Key Campaign Message Twitter Pitch Image Assets External Links
Additional Files • LOFT– Final Log • This contains permalinks to all placement, both within the blogosphere and Twitter. It is broken up into tabs: • Overall Numbers – includes all coverage from the blogosphere, Facebook and Twitter. • American Pop Placement – contains all coverage attributed to our efforts • Facebook Seeding – list of all seeded Facebook posts • Organic Placement – contains organic coverage • Twitter – contains all tweets, including permalinks, post dates, other info such as coming from website, hashtag usage, etc.. • Download here: https://americanpop.sharefile.com/d/s4e3c8f8aeba443d8
Gipson Bachman Director, Digital Strategy gipson@americanpopdigital.com (818) 840-1033 Jonathan Hall Partner jonathan@americanpopdigital.com (818) 840-1031 Marielle Tymon Community Ambassador marielle@americanpopdigital.com (818) 840-1030