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Anti-Communist Propaganda

Anti-Communist Propaganda. By Kaymoni Kent & Laura Whitfield. What is Propaganda ?. Propaganda is a type of message presentation, aimed at serving an agenda. Propaganda’s message has true information, it may not “paint the whole picture”. Anti-communist Propaganda.

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Anti-Communist Propaganda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anti-Communist Propaganda By Kaymoni Kent & Laura Whitfield

  2. What is Propaganda ? • Propaganda is a type of message presentation, aimed at serving an agenda. • Propaganda’s message has true information, it may not “paint the whole picture”.

  3. Anti-communist Propaganda Anti-communist propaganda isthe type of propaganda that subjects fear. Anti-communist propaganda shows you a chaotic event to make you behave in a way so that that event will not happen.

  4. Techniques Used Fear ads Are usually used in politics, marketing, posters, television, and cartoons. They used it to put negative images on a competitor's product or statements. Some common fears are: • Being rejected • Being unattractive • Being in danger • Being embarrassed • Death They used fear to get their point across which is Do you want this to happen to you, or will you do something about it? They use Social life as a strategy towards teenagers like being popular is the right way to be. Or you’re not good enough until you use this(They use fear of being a teen parent also).

  5. What are they trying make you believe or do? Pros(good)- Fear ads are sometimes for the good as in awareness ads. For an example: Drunk driving ads are used to show awareness of death and other consequences of those events. The ads show people would could happen to you, friends, or even strangers if you do that, and try to make you avoid those events Cons( Bad)- Fear ads are sometimes used for bad actions. For example: beauty and weight are a type bad fear ads. They usually go for the insecure people who wish they were more attractive. So they make it seem like you are ugly without that product. Or if you gain weight nobody will want you. And those ads end up make people do these:

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGWy7mp60A4

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1eljqxs44&list=PL7FEF61DA1F5293A0&index=4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1eljqxs44&list=PL7FEF61DA1F5293A0&index=4

  8. The End

  9. References Notes: 1. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/propaganda 2. http://prezi.com/jkx61gl8rdex/propgandaofthe1950s-1990s/ 3.http://www.slideshare.net/kjhatzi/common-advertising-strategies Images Used: 1.http://www.designer-daily.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/america-under-communism.jpg 2. http://marketingawesomeblog.com/2013/02/04/creative-advertising-examples-creative-advertisements/creative-ads-child/ 3. http://msrain-howtolivelife.blogspot.com/2011/10/graphic-images-of-people-dying-from.html 4. http://blog.plainpacksprotect.co.uk/2012/12/a-momentous-day-for-plain-standardised.html 5.http://ascendedrelationships.com/fear-of-not-being-good-enough/ 6.http://www.theglaringfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/DrunkDriver.jpg 7. http://mchenrycountyblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Click-Last-Text.png 8.http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IuKbpOBWf3I/T4Rjyr2ZNUI/AAAAAAAAADA/KKmMsZCyzP4/s320/above.jpg 9.http://img.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/methhookup.jpg 10.http://www.coloribus.com/adsarchive/prints/rfsu-condom-happy-no-fathers-day-3873805/ 11. http://pictures.4ever.eu/tag/25323/smoking-kills 12. http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/284551212/photography/people/emotive?offset=10&view_mode=2 13. http://stylefrizz.com/201002/anorexia-what-they-really-see-in-the-mirror/ 14. http://www.ou.edu/deptcomm/dodjcc/groups/01A1/ 15. http://blog.crazyegg.com/2013/01/08/how-to-sell-using-fear/ Videos 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGWy7mp60A4 2.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1eljqxs44&list=PL7FEF61DA1F5293A0&index=4

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