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Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Kansas HIV/AIDS Program 2008. Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention Kansas Department of Health and Environment. L. William Lyons Director, HIV/AIDS Program. Disclaimer. Please note that the surveillance data you are about to review may differ from prior years data.

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Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention Kansas Department of Health and Environment

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  1. Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  2. Kansas HIV/AIDS Program 2008 Bureau of Disease Control and PreventionKansas Department of Health and Environment L. William LyonsDirector, HIV/AIDS Program

  3. Disclaimer • Please note that the surveillance data you are about to review may differ from prior years data. • These differences are the result of the conversion from the old HARS to the new eHARS data reporting system and the CDC de-duplication process. • Although the data is different, you will from this point on have a truer picture of the progression of HIV/AIDS in the state of Kansas Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  4. HIV/AIDS Cases in Kansas 2008 HIV (no AIDS) Prevalence Estimates 38 Cases per 100,000 Cumulative AIDS Cases (through 12/08) Total Alive# Alive % 2107134464 Cumulative HIV Cases (not AIDS) (through 12/08) Total Alive# Alive % 1317125996 Grand Total Total Alive # Alive % HIV/AIDS Cases 3424260376 ADULTS Males Females Total M:F Ratio Cumulative AIDS Cases 17993082107 5.8:1 Cumulative HIV Cases 105126613174.0:1 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  5. New AIDS Case Rates, by Year of Report , Kansas 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  6. New AIDS Cases by Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  7. New HIV (no AIDS) Case Rates, by Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  8. New HIV (no AIDS) Cases by Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  9. New HIV/AIDS Case Rates, by Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  10. Population Estimates* and New Adult HIV, and AIDS Cases by Race/Ethnicity Reported in Kansas 2008 Black Hispanic Other White 2007 Kansas Population Estimates* (N=2,775,997) AIDS (N=106) HIV (N=115) *Other includes Asian/Pacific Islanders, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Native Alaskan, and mixed races. *2007 Kansas Population Estimates, KDHE, Office of Health Assessment, Center for Health and Environmental Statistics **Note that the categories for White and Black are White Non-Hispanic and Black Non-Hispanic Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  11. White Black Hispanic New Male HIV Cases By Race/Ethnicity and Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Other* Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  12. White Black Hispanic New Female HIV Cases By Race/Ethnicity and Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Other* Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  13. New AIDS Cases by Sex and Year of Report, Kansas 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  14. New HIV/AIDS Cases by Sex and Year of Report, Kansas, 2000-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  15. Newly Diagnosed HIV (no AIDS) Cases by Race/Ethnicity and Year of Report, Kansas, 2000-2008 White Black Hispanic Other* Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  16. Percent Change HIV/AIDS 2007-2008 • HIV: a 18.5% increase in number of cases • AIDS: a 16% decrease in the number of cases Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  17. Number of Tests by Race/Ethnicity Counseling & Testing 2006-2008 2007 2008 2006 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  18. Resident HIV/AIDS Deaths by Year, Kansas, 1993–2008 **A new national system for coding death certificates (ICD-10) began in 1999 Source: Office of Health Assessment, Center for Health and Environmental Statistics, and Office of Epidemiology and Surveillance Kansas Death certificates coded to HIV/AIDS as underlying cause Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  19. HIV Testing by Ethnicity, Race and Gender Kansas: January-December 2008 Data Source: Kansas Counseling and Testing Services, as of 02/01/09 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  20. Total testing 2007 = 13130Total testing 2008 = 2496490% increase in testing from 2007 - 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  21. Counseling & Testing, Kansas 2000-2007 No. HIV Tests in Publicly Funded Sites *Percent Change: Percentage increase or decrease in 2008 when compared to 2007 Data Source: Kansas Counseling and Testing Services, as of 03/05/2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  22. HIV Tests Conducted at KDHE SponsoredTesting Sites in Kansas 1999-2008 Data Source: Kansas Counseling and Testing Services, as of 03/05/2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  23. Cumulative HIV, AIDS Cases Statistics in Kansas, 2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System, accessed on January 13, 2008 analysis by date of report Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  24. Living HIV (no AIDS), AIDS Cases Statistics, by Date of Report, Kansas 2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  25. Prevalent AIDS Cases by Age, by Date of Report 2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  26. Prevalent HIV Cases by Age, by Date of Report 2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  27. HIV/AIDS Prevalence Rates Among Race Groups, Kansas 2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System, accessed on January 13, 2008,analysis by date of report 2007 Population Estimates: Center for Health and Environmental Statistics, KDHE Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  28. New Adult Male Cases by Mode of Exposure Reported in 2008, Kansas AIDS (n=85) HIV (n=95) Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  29. New Adult Female Cases by Mode of Exposure Reported in 2008, Kansas AIDS (n=21) HIV (n=20) Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  30. PLWHA Cases and Population, Kansas, Through 2008 PLWHA Cases (N=2603) Population Estimate in 2007 (N=2,775,997) 5 % 3 % 6 % 12 % 8 % 25 % 58 % 83 % PLWHA = person living with HIV/AIDS Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System, accessed on January 13, 2008, analysis by date of report 2007 Population Estimates: Center for Health and Environmental Statistics, KDHE *Note categories for White and African American are Non-Hispanic White and Non-Hispanic African American Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  31. Living HIV/AIDS Cases Top Ten Counties in Kansas, by Date of Report, 2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance System 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  32. True Incidence Kansas 2004-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV AIDS Reporting System Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  33. True Incidence Kansas 2004-2008 Data Source: Kansas HIV AIDS Reporting System Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  34. HIV/AIDS Program Funding Kansas 2008 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  35. Prevention/Patient Care Initiatives, Kansas, 2008 • 6 HIV Rapid Testing Sites • Ryan White Part B Grant • Ryan White Part B Quality Management • Linkage to Care 23 AHP Prevention Project FACTORS Opt-Out Testing Participation of providers in National HIV/AIDS Events PEMS Rollout and Training for sites self-entry Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  36. Kansas AIDS Drug Assistance Program, Oct-Dec 2008 CLIENTS ENROLLED IN KANSAS RYAN WHITE: 1031 CLIENTS SERVED THROUGH ADAP : 601 CLIENTS SERVED BY GENDER CLIENTS SERVED BY ETHNICITY/RACE *Other Non-Hispanic includes: Asians, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Multiple Races, and Other Races Data Source: Kansas Ryan White CARE Program Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  37. KANSASAIDS DRUG ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (ADAP) • Sponsors 63 medications for HIV, depression, side effects, opportunistic infections • Current drug budget $2.2 million • Administered by Medicaid • Funded by Ryan White Part B / ADAP • Currently serving approximately 601 clients Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  38. KANSASAIDS DRUG ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (ADAP) Contd.. BASIC PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY • Document HIV+ status • Income  300% federal poverty level • Recent CD4 and viral load lab tests • Kansas Resident Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  39. Program Highlights Ryan White Part B Program • Hired eligibility specialist in Dec 2008 • New Web-based database implemented live in July 2008 • Working toward complete electronic referrals for eligibility of services • Collaborating electronically with Part A for eligibility of services • All claims processed and paid by HSI • All premiums paid by HSI • Hired a quality manager in February 2009 • Secured FLEX Policy money from ADAP for laboratory services Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  40. Program Highlights HIV/AIDS Surveillance • 2008 eHARS Implementation Complete • eHARS is a new browser-based reporting system that has replaced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (HARS) • eHARS allows for more complete tracking of HIV/AIDS cases. Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  41. Program Highlights Counseling Testing and Referral • Drastic increase in testing numbers, over a 90% increase. In 2007 conducted 13,126 tests in 2008 conducted 24,969 tests. • Began using Clearview Rapid Testing • Clearview HIV 1/2 STAT-PAK is a rapid qualitative screening test for the detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in human whole blood, serum and plasma Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  42. Program Highlights CTR contd. • Collaborate with Title X Family Planning Program to institute a pilot program to determine the efficacy of opt out testing in family planning clinics • Institute opt out in STD clinics and Prenatal Health clinics Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  43. Program Highlights CTR contd. • Expanded HIV Testing • Collaborated with Bureau for Children, Youth, and Families Title X Family Planning Program • Increased access to testing by decreasing requirements • all moderate risk (multiple partners, sex while using non-injection drugs, etc.) and high risk (MSM, IDU, partners of positive individuals) categories • all individuals who have ever had sex or used injection drugs Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  44. Program Highlights Health Education/Risk Reduction contd. Program Evaluation Monitoring System (PEMS) data • Contractors and Interventions: • Trained 10 HIV providers to enter data directly into PEMS • Increased accountability for intervention planning & delivery • Improved client demographics documentation • Improved risk behavior details documentation • All CDC required variables collected & entered • Data collection & entry occurs within CDC timeline (1 month) Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  45. Community Planning Group Priority Populations • HIV + • Men who have Sex with Men • High Risk Women • Youth • Injection Drug Users (IDU) • High Risk Individuals Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  46. KDHE Priority Populations by Epi Data • HIV + • White MSM 25-44 years • Black Female Heterosexuals • Black Male MSM and IDU Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

  47. Contact Information L. William Lyons, Director of HIV/AIDS Programs Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 210 Topeka, Kansas 66612-1274 Bus: 785-296-1037 Fax: 785-296-4197 Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments

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