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MAYWOOD. High School Contract Info Session.
MAYWOOD High School Contract Info Session
Maywood required that a contract be crafted seven years ago to stop the arrearages from continuing to strap the district economically. Each year prior to the binding contract Maywood paid both tuition and arrearages due to a lack of contract and specific stipulations as to a confirmed rate of pay.
MAYWOOD 7 years ago is same as now - It is about the money. Adding to our concerns are increased OOD, 2% cap, rising healthcare, technology needs, special education costs. Our rent is increasing with no way to offset the increase other than to cut spending.
MAYWOOD • Maywood reached out months in advance of expiring contract • 1 formal proposal meeting • At least five rejections for in person meetings • Hackensack communication takes place in local media • Hackensack files for mediation
MAYWOOD Maywood currently pays Hackensack $15,076 per student. There are 233 Maywood students at HHS out of 1815. Maywood students make up 13% of the population. The cost to send our students to Hackensack is 20% of our operating budget.
MAYWOOD $4 million in tuition is what Maywood sends to Hackensack each year. This $4 million represents 3% of the Hackensack’s total revenues per year.
Finances • $109 million budget in Hackensack • $20 million budget in Maywood • Maywood State Aid is $1,200,800 • Hackensack State Aid is $12,963,674
MAYWOOD Hackensack receives the following revenue sources • 8,466,275 tuition • 12,963,674 state aid This total is more than our entire budget
MAYWOOD Maywood has seen a 13% increase in tuition from the year prior to the first year of the contract to the first year of the contract and a 32% increase in tuition from 2008 to present.
MAYWOOD Since 2008 Certified Hack. Tuition Rate has increased by 6.7% The tuition rate as per the contract has increased by 32% Why?
MAYWOOD As value added partners, we communicated the strain the current HHS tuition rate is having on our K-8 budget currently at 20% of our operating budget.
MAYWOOD Our proposal was very simple indicating that the NJ School Choice rate is currently set at $10,300. Our counter proposal of $11,000 seemed fair. We also did not include our concern that OOD costs are out of control.
The Reality Incremental variable cost is the only way to determine a true pupil tuition expense. Student A in no way costs the same as student B but we are charged one rate for all.
MAYWOOD Student A Enrolled in 3 AP courses Plays three varsity sports Involved in 6 extracurricular clubs Is provided bus transportation
MAYWOOD Student B No bus transportation Arrives at first bell Leaves at last bell We are charged the same for student A & B
MAYWOOD Included in Hackensack per pupil tuition costs/state certified rate are non-Maywood related expenses including: • Out of district tuition for non-Maywood students • Transportation • Benefits
MAYWOOD • Charter School Tuition • Capital Projects • District employee salaries • Facilities costs that are not by building but instead consolidated • Debt service
UNANSWERED • Why does the Hackensack BOE not want to negotiate? • Do they not want Maywood students? • Is Hackensack anticipating overcrowding as noted in their budget statements and therefore want the space created by a reduction in students by Maywood’s departure?
UNANSWERED Does $4 million entitle Maywood to a sit down meeting as opposed to continuous rejections? Is there anything to be said for the fact that Maywood for years abided by a rate that was determined without a contract?
UNANSWERED • Should we pay 13%? • Should we take out the salaries of paras, teachers and coaches who do not have responsibilities related to Maywood students?
UNANSWERED Hackensack hosted a forum of specific "valued stakeholders" to discuss overall goals moving forward, Maywood was not invited. Why? The Maywood BOE liaison is specifically segregated on the contract discussion. Why?
UNANSWERED “Where are they going?” “Nowhere” “They can’t”
MAYWOOD What is a Feasibility Study
MAYWOOD A Feasibility Study is a legal requirement if a district considers a separation from a send receive relationship. It takes all subjectivity, politics and hearsay out of the equation. The three criteria are academic, racial balance and financial.
MAYWOOD What Does Out of District Costs Mean ?
MAYWOOD Maywood student attends HHS and the CST decides HHS can no longer serve the child’s needs. Determination is made to send to an out of district school.
MAYWOOD Out of district school costs $100,000 in tuition and transportation combined. Maywood pays $100,000 Why not $15,000?
MAYWOOD Arrearage? September we agree to pay $10,000 per child 200 Children Tuition check made out for $2,000,000
MAYWOOD January we get notice that the certified rate from state is calculated as a per pupil tuition cost of $11,000. Maywood gets billed for $1,000 more per child, in sum another $200,000
MAYWOOD That $200,000 is the arrearages that Maywood has paid on top of tuition prior to creating a contract.
MAYWOOD Hackensack’s certified rate for last year was $14,012. We paid $14,781 as per the seven year contract. That is a difference of $199,000 Maywood was paying over certified rate.
MAYWOOD Three consecutive years of such discrepancies has Maywood paying $395,000 more than what the per pupil rate would have cost.
MAYWOOD IF Maywood were to ever leave Hackensack a child attending period 2 Physics would be ripped from their seat and walked out.
MAYWOOD “I don’t know what the Maywood Board looks like but I am receiving a lot of calls asking if they are looking to leave because of diversity” Maywood’s population has never been more diverse. THIS IS ABOUT THE MONEY.
MAYWOOD The “debt” that is being referred to by Hackensack is not debt. Instead it is back tuition charged in arrears when the district had no working contract for decades which calls into question whether Hackensack has legal standing to continue to charge it.
MAYWOOD “We said we can’t forgive all of it.” Maywood never asked to forgive any of it as we were abiding by the new contract. Maywood’s proposal was very clear and made reference only to a tuition per student relief. We are instead challenging whether Hackensack had any right to charge the arrearages.
MAYWOOD “Maywood owes $400,000 from previous contracts” The arrearages were calculated during the years that we never had a contract. It is not debt but instead a retroactive calculation that Hackensack chose to implement.
MAYWOOD “We’re more than happy to continue the discussions with Maywood.” Maywood has evidence of five direct requests to the Hackensack BOE to sit and discuss dating back to March 15th. Added to this is the numerous attempts by the Maywood attorney to convey the same request. Other than the June proposal meeting Maywood has been denied any and all meeting requests.
MAYWOOD Hackensack instead filed for mediation with the Executive County Superintendent on January 24th . In that request Hackensack stated that Maywood and Hackensack were at impasse.
MAYWOOD Hackensack Racial Breakdown Hispanic 48% African American 25% White 21% Asian 6%
MAYWOOD Maywood Racial Breakdown White 42% Hispanic 28% Asian 18% African American 11%
MAYWOOD MAS Class of 2017 Total89 students At HHS 58% At BCTHS19% At Private 15% Moved 7%
MAYWOOD Maywood finds it difficult to negotiate when the receiving district Board refuses to meet and is only interested in negotiating on their terms. The actions may lead one to believe that Hackensack does not value its relationship with sending districts or the value added by our student population.
MAYWOOD Ramifications to Maywood if no relief is provided • Cut full day kindergarten? • Cut staffing & increase class size? • Cut special areas of study? • Cut extracurriculars? • Or go out for a referendum?
MAYWOOD Next Steps • Go to mediation • Begin the process of conducting a feasibility study • Create a social media mechanism that will communicate facts • Create a “Concerned Citizens Action Committee” • Let your voice be heard
MAYWOOD mjordan@maywoodschools.org @MAYWOODSCHOOLS https://www.maywoodschools.org https://www.hackensackschools.org
MAYWOOD Questions/Discussion