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Discover the significance of Roman Catholic sacraments such as Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Confession, Matrimony, and Holy Orders. Learn about the rituals, symbols, and meanings behind each sacrament, and explore the religious teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. Dive into the core beliefs and practices surrounding these sacred rituals, and deepen your understanding of the spiritual journey within Roman Catholicism.
Roman Catholicism The 7 Sacraments
What is a Sacrament? • A Sacrament is a physical sign of a spiritual reality • There are 7 sacraments • The first 3 are known as the sacraments of initiation • They are baptism, confirmation, and eucharist • The final 4 sacraments are confession, anointing the sick, holy orders and matrimony
Baptism • Comes from the Greek word that means “to plunge” or “to immerse” • The symbolic plunging and rising up again from the water reminds us that a new Catholic enters into Christ’s death and then rises to a new life of grace • It is the sign of joining the Christian family (was formerly circumcision) • Both for men and women and children
Symbols of Baptism • Water – water represents cleansing • Oil – in ancient world, oil was used to anoint kings and queens to show they were set apart • White garment – Purity, means putting on Christ, similar to a bride • Candle – Christ is the light of the world and so we should be as well
Confirmation • Happened in the early Church and in Acts • Is the completion of baptism • You are saying that this is your faith not just your parents if baptized as an infant • To be done when one has reached the “age of discretion”
Effects of Confirmation • The full outpouring of the holy Spirit • Binding us more closely to the Church and more firmly to Christ • Increasing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us, especially his strength to spread the faith by word and deed
Eucharist • The Eucharist is the celebration of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. • In the Bible, it is called the Lord's Supper. • Christians are invited to celebrate the Eucharist every week during Mass. • Children usually make their First Holy Communion at the age of 7 or 8. • This is a formal affair, and children completing their First Holy Communion wear formal attire.
Eucharist • Transubstantiation – the transfer of the substance of bread and wine at Mass to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. • Cleanses from sin and gives spiritual energy and nourishment
Anointing of the Sick • Sacrament offered to those who are suffering from serious illness, for the elderly, for those facing major surgery, and for the dying. • Primarily lead by priests or bishops. • They anoint the persons body and pray for them.
Sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation • It is a sacrament of healing through which Christ extends forgiveness to sinners, bringing about reconciliation with God and the Church. • Given to priest in a confessional anonymously
Involves: • Contrition – feeling sorry for your sins • Confession – admitting our faults • Absolution – the priest forgives us in the name of Christ Jesus • Satisfaction – or penance, something to make repair for the harms our sins have caused
Matrimony • A sign of God calling a man and woman to holiness through ordinary married life. • God is the source of marriage. • Marriage is meant to be a covenant. • The Church teaches that there are two primary purposes of marriage: • Procreative – be fruitful and multiply • Unitive – become one body
Till Death Do Us Part… • The Catholic Church does not permit the divorce of a valid marriage • Annulments can be given. An annulment is an official Church declaration that what appeared to be a Christian marriage never existed in the first place.
Holy Orders • All of us are called to serve others as part of a common priesthood, but the Church also has those who minister to us: • Deacons – helpers to priests • Priests – servants to God’s people, celebrate the Eucharist • Bishops – servants to God’s people and the priests in their area • Religious nuns and brothers – servants to all of God’s people. Join orders and take 3 vows: • Poverty, chastity, and obedience
Women The Catholic Church doesn’t ordain women because Jesus didn’t and because the priest is a representation of Christ who was male. Women can become nuns Celibacy Celibacy is the state of being unmarried that priests and other religious leaders choose in order to dedicate their lives totally to Jesus and God’s people In the Latin rite of the Church priests cannot marry This may change one day as it is only a doctrine of the church Women & Celibacy