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CATHOLICISM. The most popular religion in Italy. WHAT DOES“CATHOLIC” MEAN?. The term “ catholic ” comes from the Ancient Greek and it means “ universal ”. So, it indicates the only Christian Church. WHAT DOES“CATHOLIC” MEAN?.
CATHOLICISM The mostpopularreligion in Italy
WHAT DOES“CATHOLIC” MEAN? The term “catholic” comesfrom the AncientGreek and itmeans “universal”. So, itindicates the only Christian Church.
WHAT DOES“CATHOLIC” MEAN? In 1054, during the Roman Empire, after the divisionof the Eastern Church from the Western Church, thistermbeganto indicate the Church ofRome, guidedby the Pope; at the sametime, the eastern Church defineditself “Orthodox”.
WHO FOUNDED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? The CatholicReligionwas foundedbyJesus. The Church is a society and community for the Catholics. Jesuselected Saint Peter as the head of the Church. Now, the Pope is the guide of the Church and he’s considered Peter’s successor.
HOW IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ORGANISED? TheCatholichierarchyis led by the Pope and includescardinals, patriarchs and diocesanbishops. • The Pope: is the guide of the Church • TheBishops: apostles’ successors, who are guidesto a community, called “diocese” • The Priests: bishop’s calloborators and guides in little “ parishchurches”
The Deacons: who take care oftheir community needs (likehelpingpoor or sick people) • The Religiousfollowers: men and women who, following Christ’s rule, renouncehaving a family to take care of the Church withtheirprayers and charity ( likemonks, nuns or sisters etc.) • -The “Laical people”: commonpeople whobelongto the Church becausethey are baptized.
THE TASKS OF THE CHURCH The Announcement Itis the proclamationof the Gospel message: itsteachingis the basisof the Bible and itsinterpretation by the Church
THECELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS • The Sacraments are consideredsignsofsalvation. They are seven and theyrepresent the mostimportantmoments in the life of a christian.
LIFE OF CHARITY Since the beginning, the Church hashad the aimofwitnessinghis “Love tobrothers” commandment. Throughout the history the Church hasrealized service activities ( in hospitals, hospices, schools) thatnowadaysbelongto the “mission world.”
LITURGICAL CALENDAR The Catholics’ holydayisSunday, whichmeans “God’sday”. Actually, the SundayHolydayremembers, through the Holy Mass, the mistery of Jesus’ssacrifice, death and resurrection. Thisriteisn’tonlymemory, but, asit’sa sacrament, itrenewes the salvationwhichJesusgaveus, throughdifferentmoments of the liturgy ( in particularthe HolyCmmunion)
THE LITURGICAL YEAR It’s the memoryof the historyofsalvationwhichendswithEaster and the resurrectionofJesus.
AfterillustratingCatholicism’scaracteristics, it’snecessary to rememberthatitrapresentsone of different ways to live the faith in Jesus and, so, to be a christian. For thisreason, Catholics and the otherchristian’sdenominations (Orthodoxes, Protestants and Anglicans) , trying to followJesus’sprayer (Gv 17, 20-23), havecreated the EcumenicalMovement to restore the unitybetweenallchurches, through the prayer and underlining , in particular, common elements.
COMMON ELEMENTS OF CATHOLICS, ORTHODOXES AND PROTESANTS • The Bible (divided in Old and New Testament) is the Holy Book • The mistery of the HolyTrinity: Father, Son and HolySpirit • Jesus Christ isGod’s Son, whocame on the earthtosavehumanbeeings (TrueGod and True Man) • There’s the dead’s resurretion and the neverending life. • The man issavedbyJesusthroughfaith.