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Putting out into deep water: Catechesis & High School-aged Teens Diocese of Gary Youth Council Panel Discussion &amp

Putting out into deep water: Catechesis & High School-aged Teens Diocese of Gary Youth Council Panel Discussion & Presentation PowerPoint & supplemental notes: http://is.gd/putdeepnotes. Luke 5:1-11. The National Study of Youth and Religion

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Putting out into deep water: Catechesis & High School-aged Teens Diocese of Gary Youth Council Panel Discussion &amp

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  1. Putting out into deep water:Catechesis & High School-aged Teens Diocese of Gary Youth CouncilPanel Discussion & Presentation PowerPoint & supplemental notes: http://is.gd/putdeepnotes

  2. Luke 5:1-11

  3. The National Study of Youth and Religion Tracking study of teens through 2000’s(into young adult years)

  4. The NSYR -for us- in a nutshell: Teens are not opposed to Christianity, and embrace God. Teens don’t know much about what it means to be Catholic.

  5. ABOUT ALL FAITHS: “(Young people) are incredibly inarticulate about their faith, their religious beliefs and practices, and its meaning or place in their lives... Our distinct impression is that very many religious congregations and communities of faith in the United States are failing rather badly in religiously engaging and educating youth.”

  6. ABOUT OUR FAITH: Catholic teens scored 5-25 percentage points lower than their conservative, mainline, and black protestant peers on many of a variety of religious beliefs, practices, experiences, commitments, and evaluations.

  7. ABOUT OUR FAITH: “Compared to...other types of Christian teens...U.S. Catholic youth are faring rather badly. On most measures of religious faith, beliefs, and practices, Catholic teens as a whole show up fairly weak. We think this can be attributed to a number of causes…Catholic teenagers today merely reflect the leading edge of a larger trend.” ~ Dr. Christian SmithNSYR Chief researcher

  8. WE ASKED THE DYC: “Bishop Melczek has asked all parishes to continue Catechesis (passing on Church teaching) beyond Confirmation, yet many parishes find very limited success in this area. Why do you think that is?”

  9. THE HURDLES THAT STAND IN OUR WAY by Frank Zolvinski & Kevin Driscoll

  10. Who best leads it? • We mostly follow an academic model for catechesis • Lack of $ • Limited vision of YM • Lack of a plan • IT’S HARD!

  11. “We want to learn, butwe want to discuss real life issues.” “Adults can’t be afraid or ashamed to teach what the church teaches, we are willing to learn and listen and share input.” ~ Evangelization to, with, by, and for Catholic Teens: Insights from the Diocese of Gary Youth Council, 2011-2012

  12. Pre-Vatican II:Teach to the HEAD Post-Vatican II:Teach to the HEART Today’s challenge:Teach to the HEAD, HEART, & HANDS

  13. Today’s teens are not content with gathering knowledge about God from an expert. They hunger for an encounter with God and to experience God personally. They do not want to learn about the tenets of prayer as much as experience the presence of God through prayer. They are less interested in lectures on Catholic social teaching than being immersed in a real-life mission—where they personally experience the face of injustice. ~ Frank MercadanteCultivation Ministries

  14. Experience is key, but we need CONTENT too. YouTube video: http://youtu.be/ItMxQAUKh50

  15. Topics/themes DYC would like to explore more (or explore with greater depth) from a Catholic perspective:  Apologetics  Charity & service  Current events  Drug use, legalization of marijuana  Exorcism/Devil  How can we deal with right & wrong?  How does the Church spend money  How to apply faith to everyday life  Life after death: heaven & hell Other religions, differences between us  Prayer  Religion & Politics  Right & Wrong, but in a modern way (Morality)  Scripture  Sex  Women in the church

  16. PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS: • Supplement parish programs with BIG EVENTS.

  17. Teens that participate in retreats, rallies, conferences, service trips, and pilgrimages are exponentially more likely to be engaged in ongoing parish ministries, including youth ministry, catechetical ministries, and Sacramental participation. Studies that support this claim: ~ National Study of Youth & Religion: Analysis of the Population of Catholic Teenagers & Their Parents (2005) ~ Factors Influencing the Faith Development of Religiously Active Youth (2012)

  18. PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS: • Collaboration • Develop a plan – use a good resource • Leaders MUST seek formation- can’t teach what we don’t know • Make sure teens have a voice • Have realistic expectations

  19. Recommended: adolescentcatechesis.org

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