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Experiencing New Resources. Chapter 14. New resources for “greater works”. The Holy Spirit – the “Helper” Prayer in Jesus’ name The New Testament Scriptures. JOHN. JUDAS. JESUS. A. TABLE. B. C. PETER. Positions for the Passover Meal.
Experiencing New Resources Chapter 14 New resources for “greater works” The Holy Spirit – the “Helper” Prayer in Jesus’ name The New Testament Scriptures
JOHN JUDAS JESUS . . . A TABLE B C PETER Positions for the Passover Meal A B C = alternative positions for John, Jesus and Judas
Chapter 14 • Jesus’ departure and future return vv 1-6 • Jesus and the Father (where He is going) vv 7-11 • Assignment for the interim v 12 • The resource: prayer vv 13-15 • The enablement: The Paraclete vv 16-26 • Preparation for Jesus’ departure vv 27-31
14:1 “Troubled hearts” because . . . • one of them would betray Jesus. • Jesus would soon leave them. • they could not go with Him. • Jesus had predicted Peter’s denials. • a foreboding of danger was in the air. • they had no idea of what Jesus’ absence would mean for them.
14:2 “In My Father’s house . . .” • Middle Eastern social structure was expressed as bet ’ab = “house (Gk.oikia)of the father.”It included . . . • the father (the paterfamilia) as the head and authority of the “family.” (e.g. Abraham) • several generations, the extended family, servants. • Israel’s monarchy included all the “houses” in a national bet ’abwith the king as thepaterfamilia. • Believers comprise the spiritualbet ’abin which God ispaterfamilia, their provider and protector. • The reference here is not primarily to a place but to a relationship, a timely comfort to these men who were about to lose their “paterfamilia.”
14:2 “. . . are many ‘abiding places’” • Monai(“abiding places”) is the noun form of meno = “remain, stay.” It refers to accommodation (membership) in the bet ’ab(= house if the Father). • Our family relationship to God (the paterfamilia) assures us of accommodation in His bet ’ab. • As Jesus prepares monai for us, we are expected to abide (meno) in Him, i.e. to love and obey the Father as the paterfamilia.
14:12 Jesus’ “Works” . . . • provided evidence of His deity. (Matt 12:22-27) • illustrated kingdom conditions. (Luke 7:20-23) • expressed His compassion. (Luke 7:11-17) • instructed His disciples. (Matt 14:15-21) Jesus’ miracles related primarily to His ministry on earth in which He proclaimed the kingdomthe prophets had promised and gave examples of its conditions.
14:12 Perspectives on “Greater Works” • Jesus delegated power for physical miracles . . . • for a limited and temporary assignment. (Matt 10:1-16) • to certain persons in the first generation of the Church. • for a witness to the second generation of the Church before the Gospels were available. (Heb 2:2-4) • The “greater works” Jesus assigned involved . . . • making disciples. (Matt 28:19-20) • bearing fruit. (John 15:16) • witnessing to Him in His absence. (Acts 1:8) • Which was Jesus’ greatest work . . . • raising the physically dead, to live for a few years? or • redeeming the spiritually dead to live for eternity?
14:12 “Greater works” = making disciples • Building His Church by making disciples is a greater work (in power and permanence) than the physical miracles Jesus performed while He was on earth. • “Greater works” included apostolic miracles in the early Church, e.g., healing a lame man (Acts 3). This event was not the focus of Peter’s ministry, but the occasion for a preaching of Jesus’ resurrection that resulted in persecution and many conversions. • Jesus’ mandate was not “Go and do greater (physical) miracles than I have done,” but “Go and make disciples (as I have done).”
14:12 “Greater works than these” “Greater in extent (through the worldwide preaching of the gospel) and effect (the spiritual redemption and placing in the Body of Christ multitudes of people since the Day of Pentecost). These will be done through prayer in His name (v 13).” -- Charles Ryrie Jesus’ purpose today is not to reproduce examples of kingdom conditions (e.g. healings) as He did while He was on earth, but to take “from among the Gentiles a people for His name,” building His ekklesia. (Matt 16:18; Acts 15:14)
14:13 Prayer in Jesus’ Absence • Purpose: to glorify the Father (14:13) • Authority: Jesus, through His name (14:14) • Condition: controlled by the Word (15:7) • Function: empowers to bear fruit (15:6) • Access: directly to the Father (16:24) • Result: joy made full (16:24) • Significance: provides continued fellowship with Jesus after His departure
14:13 Prayer . . . • acknowledges God’s power to act. • demonstrates a desire for God to act. • affirms our dependence on God to act. • commits us to accept God’s response. • generates confidence in the one praying. • affirms God’s sovereignty and goodness. • identifies ourselves with God’s purposes.
14:14 Prayer in Jesus’ Absence • Prayer does not force God to do what we ask Him to do. • Prayer invites God to glorify Himself in our current situation, responding to our real need. • Prayer expresses our trust that God will act for His glory and our good. • Prayer is an evidence of the intimacy of our relationship with God, our faith in Him, and our submission to His sovereignty. • Prayer is the trusting response of a child to the invitation of a loving father.
14:16 Parakletos • A noun from parakaleo = “call to one’s side” (i.e. “to help,” hence the term “helper”) • Not “comforter” (as in modern usage). The original meaning of “comfort” = “with strength” (con forte). • The Holy Spirit ministers to us in the ways Jesus ministered to His disciples. (“another Helper”) • Two legal connotations: • Prosecution (conviction) of sinners (John 16:8) • Defenseof believers (1 John 2:1)
14:16 Parakletos: “The Other Helper” John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7; 1 John 2:1 • He is “another of the same kind” i.e. as Jesus. (allon “another of the same kind,” used here, often contrasts withheteron = “another of a different kind.”) • He enables ministry through Jesus’ followers after He leaves, enabling them to do “greater works.” • He advises, exhorts, comforts, strengthens, intercedes, encourages. • His ministry to unbelievers: “conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment” (16:8-11, also 2 Thess 2:7)
14:13 and 26) He is “another Helper” who will . . . • guide you into all truth.” (14:13) • show you things to come.” (14:13) • teach you all things.” (14:26) • “bring all things to your remembrance.” (14:26
He is “the Spirit of Truth” • He bears witness to the truth. (15:26) • He interprets the truth. (16:13) • He glorifies the One who is truth. (16:14) • He guides believers into all truth. (16:13)
14:26 “Teach you all things. . .” • “The revelation of Christ in His person and work was absolute and complete, but without the gradual illumination of the Holy Spirit it would be partially unintelligible and partially unobservable.” – Westcott • The Holy Spirit enabled Jesus’ disciples to recall, understand and communicate Jesus’ teaching, extending His ministry after His ascension. – Cf. Acts 1:1,2
Jesus said, “I am the . . .” • Bread of life. (6:35-41) • Light of the world. (8:12) • Door of the sheepfold. (10:7) • Good shepherd. (10:11, 14) • Resurrection and the life. (11:25) • Way, the truth and the life. (14:6) • True vine. (15:1)
14:31 “Arise, let us go from here.” • Did they leave the upper room at that time (ch. 14)? • Did they remain in the room for Jesus’ teaching about fruit bearing (ch. 15) and for His warnings about persecution (ch. 16)? • Do chs.15-16 record a second part of the discourse as they passed vineyards? • Did Jesus pray in the upper room, or on the way to Gethsemane (ch. 17)?