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Homework/Reminders. *March 14-23: Paper #1, Draft 2 Conferences* -10% for each day paper is not turned in. Papers will not be accepted after Fri ., March 25.
Homework/Reminders *March 14-23: Paper #1, Draft 2 Conferences* -10% for each day paper is not turned in. Papers will not be accepted after Fri., March 25. • Mon., Mar 28 by 11:30: Turnitin.com Deadline for SP Research Paper (Include Sent. Outline, 5-7 page paper, Works Cited)…keep in mind, you can only submit one file, so make sure you save your Sent. Outline, 5-7 page paper, Works Cited in one file) • Thurs. Mar 31: Media Center (Presentation, Typing) • Fri. Apr 1, by 11:30 p.m.: Turnitin.com Deadline for Argument Paper #1 and Works Cited (Why Teach MC Lit or Wheeler Rule)… keep in mind, you can only submit one file, so make sure you save your 1 ½ page paper, Works Cited in one file) • Wednes., March 30 **Due Date for Mentor Hours Log & Mentor Verification & Evaluation (must be faxed by Mentor) Mon., Apr 11: Eligibility Committee to verify presentation status of all students Wednes., Apr 13: Due Date for Portfolio • Thurs., Apr 21: Senior Project Night • Fri., Apr 22: “Senior Project Is Over!” Celebration
JE #23, March 24, 2016: Satire • Define Satire • View Clip • List some of the satirical points that you see and hear in the above clip, and write a brief response.
Agenda: March 25, 2016 • Complete/discuss JE #23 • Read-aloud Lawson FusaoInada’s “Making It Stick” (360) 1. Poetry Authorial and Cultural Background Notes 2. Annotate • Continue Paper #1 Conferences
Poetry: Independent Study Completion Chart For Required Poems (does not include Extra Credit Poems)(WIP=Work in Progress)
Poetry Unit Overview • Pre-test on Poetic Devices and Annotating • Reading: Read/Annotate assign and self-selected poems • Writing: Background Notes on authors/cultures (cite source(s) • Language: Vocabulary Terms • Speaking & Listening: 3-5 min. Presentation (post- test) on self-written poem which immulates the style of one of the assigned poems
JE #22, March 24, 2016: Satire • ViewQuincy Troupe Clip • List observations and write a brief response.
Agenda: March 24, 2016 • Complete/discuss JE #22 • Read-aloud Quincy Troupe’s “Style Is” (149) (listen to Miles Davis in background) 1. Poetry Authorial and Cultural Background Notes 2. Annotate • Poetry Independent Study Chart Check-in • Continue Paper #1 Conferences
JE #21, March 23, 2016: Commercials Tanning Commercial • View and list the observations for both commercials. • Write a response comparing both. Skin Bleaching Commercial
Agenda: March 23, 2016 CALENDAR UPDATE - Distribute “Poetry Devices and Terminology” (Reading) • Review Poetry Analysis steps: 1. Poetry Authorial and Cultural Background Notes: Briefly research/take notes on poem’s AUTHOR (Poet) and CULTURE 2. Read poem aloud and slowly (very common to read a couple of times) 3. Annotations: Identify Author (poet), Poem’s Title, p. # • Complete/discuss JE #21 • Review yesterday’s notes on Tahnahga’s “Suburban Indian Pride” (complete SOAPSTone on Annotations Doc.) • Alice Walker’s “Without Commercials” (pp. 86-89) 1. Poetry Authorial and Cultural Background Notes 2. Annotate - Continue Paper #1 Conferences
Poetry Unit: Required Poems For Independent Study: • Dixie Salazar’s “Pinon Nuts” (29): EC • Dwight Okita’s “Notes for a Poem on Being Asian-American” (250) EC • W.R. Rodriguez’s “Democracy” (373) EC • Tahnahga’s “Suburban Indian Pride” (182): Required • Quincy Troupe’s “Style Is” (149): Required • Sharon Olds’ “On the Subway” (415): EC • Lawson Fusao Inada “Making it Stick” (360): Required • Alice Walker’s “Without Commercials” (86): Required
Self-Created Poem Options • Theme: Pride about your ethnicity (Poetic Devices Required: TBD) • Theme: Cultural norm that you disagree with (Poetic Devices Required: TBD) • Theme: Today’s Teen Style/Fashion (Poetic Devices Required: TBD)
Agenda: March 22, 2016 Distribute: -“Reading and Writing About Poetry” (Reading) - “Poetry Devices and Terminology” (Reading) - “Voice Lesson Packet” (Reading)
JE #19: March 22, 2016“Reading and Writing About Poetry” Notes Read poem slowly Read poem aloud (listen to the sound and rhythm) Annotate (see “Annotation” hdt): - MA/MP (Main Argument/Main Point) - SP/EV (Supporting Evidence for the MA/MP) - Likes - Dislikes - Think Abouts/Unfamiliars - Predict - Reflect (your connection) - Visualize - SOAPSTone - How? (form, style, or technique)…See “Reading and Writing About Poetry” and “Poetry Devices and Techniques”
JE #20: March 22, 2016: Image Analysis Make a list of what you observe in both of the images below Using your prior knowledge and observations of these images, write a brief response.
Poetry Authorial and Cultural Background Notes(entitle a sheet of paper) (author) Tahnahga Meyers (bio also on p. 450): She is a Taino, Mohawk woman; ethno-botanist; herbalist, teacher, author. Earned a degree in Rehabilitation Counseling with an emphasis on chemical dependency and traditional healing methods for Native people. (culture) Native American Culture: • History rich in struggle, strife, and triumph • Many aspects of our modern life were adapted from the old Indian cultures practiced centuries ago • Many familiar symbols (some examples: teepee, totem pole, peace pipe, moccasins) that we take for granted were originated by Native Americans • Animals were revered as spirits, and although they were hunted and killed, their skins and hides were used as clothing and drums; meat was never wasted, and their spirits lived on in the mind of the tribes. • Rain and sun were considered to be Gods, giving a sign to the Indians as the seasons changed • Many people see dream catchers hanging from peoples’ car rearview mirrors; The dream catcher is based on a legend told by the Lakota tribe; it symbolizes holding onto good things in life, while the holes in the catcher are there to filter out bad thoughts and feelings.
Agenda: March 21, 2016 • Tie up loose Ends: - Research Paper Items in Folder: Framework; 4 Annotated Bibs or Note Cards; Draft Sentence outline; Paper (incl. Works Cited); 2 Peer Edits - Paper #1 Writing Process Steps • Unit Overview • Poetry Device Pre-test
Annotations on Tahnahga’s “Suburban Indian Pride” MP: Be proud to be Native American, but understand that others might not. SP EV: “Suburban Indian Pride.” The title shows how there’s a paradox “suburban” and “Indian.” SP EV: That day as we drove to our white suburban home fifty miles from the reservation. “Be Proud that you are Indian, but be careful who you tell.” (lines 27-32) Likes: On that blistering day/as the heat waves rose/from the black tarred highway (lines 1-3). I like the imagery Tahnahga uses. I can see and feel the heat! Like: I like the way the poem is organized. “Mom” is on separate lines, which shows a level of importance to the theme. The use of quotation marks around the last few lines “Be proud…” Like: I like the irony at the end. That day as we drove/to our white suburban home/fifty miles from the Reservation.” I didn’t expect that! Think Abouts: I wonder why they moved to the suburbs? Unfamiliars: Suburban, Blistering, Seminole Reservation, ringworm Reflect: Moving From Camp Creek Parkway to Marietta SOAPSTone:
Paper #1 Details For Draft 2 & Publish-Ready Topic Options: “A Wheeler Rule/Policy You Feel Strongly About” OR “Response to Shringarpure’s ‘Why Teach MC Lit?’” Final Draft of Paper Must Include the Following: Proper MLA format and Required Essay Format • 1 ½ -2 pp. • 4 Vocabulary words from “Concept Vocabulary” List • 4-5 sources (at least 2 sources per Body Paragraph) *Sources (books, personal interviews, internet, periodicals) Works Cited (see next slide)
Paper #1 Details Cont’d FYI…I WILL NOTIFY YOU OF THE SPECIFIC DATES FOR THE FOLLOWING PHASES Phase 1. Brainstorm (done! Should be in your writing folder) Phase 2. Prewrite: SOAPSTone- Due Thurs., Feb. 25 Phase 3. Draft #1: Due Thurs., Feb. 25 Phase 4: Peer-Edit Session Phase 5: Draft #2 Phase 6: Peer-Edit Session *schedule Mini-Conf.* Phase 7: Final Draft
Concept Vocabulary Words On CLEAN SHEET OF NOTEBOOK, Copy and Define the following Vocabulary words on a sheet of Notebook Paper entitled: Concept Vocabulary (from A Multicultural Reader text); THIS VOCAB. SHEET WILL BE PLACED IN “LANGUAGE” SECTION OF YOUR BINDER • Bigotry • Culture • Diversity • Multiculturalism • Stereotype • Xenophobia • Immigration • Racism • Prejudice
Argument (writing section) Argument: Used for the purpose to persuade an audience using appeals to logos, ethos, pathos. Logos (logical appeal): a strategy in which a writer uses facts, evidence, and reason to make audience members accept a claim. Pathos (emotional appeal): a strategy in which a writer tries to generate specific emotions (fear, envy, anger, pity) in an audience to dispose to accept a claim. Ethos (character appeal): a strategy in which a writer presents an authoritative or credible self-image to convince an audience to accept a claim. Claim: a statement that asserts a belief or truth. In arguments, most claims require supporting evidence.
Why We Make Arguments Arguments to convince lead audiences toward conviction, toward agreeing that a claim is true or reasonable or that an action is desirable. Arguments to persuade aim to move others from conviction to action. Academic arguments often combine purposes. Arguments to Convince: Many reports, white papers (position/informational paper) , and academic articles typically aim to convince rather than persuade their audiences. Arguments to Persuade: in many situations, writers want not only to convince audiences but to move them to action, whether that involves buying a product, voting for a candidate, or supporting a policy. Advertisements, political blogs, YouTube videos, and newspaper editorials use all the devices of rhetoric to motivate action or produce change.
Why We Make Arguments (cont’d) Arguments to Inform: Often, writers argue to inform others, to give information, much like a bumper sticker that simply provides an organization's name and web address. Many student writers use Twitter to make arguments that inform. The classic poster announcing the first Batman film in 1989 carried the iconic image and only two words: “June 23.” Arguments to Explore: Many important issues today call for arguments to explore them. Exploratory arguments can also be personal, such as Zora Neale Hurston's iconic exploration of racism and of her own identity in “How It Feels to Be Colored Me.” Arguments to Make Decisions: similar to exploratory arguments are arguments that aim to make good, sound decisions, whether about cutting budgets or choosing a career. By the time you’ve explored the pros and cons of each alternative, you should be a little closer to a good decision.
Why We Make Arguments (cont’d) Arguments to Meditate or Pray: Sometimes arguments can take the form of prayer or intense meditations on a theme. In such cases, the writer or speaker is most often hoping to transform something in himself or herself or to reach peace of mind.
SP Research Paper Info./Deadlines • Tues., Feb. 9: MC (focus: Source/Note Card Format…Ppt, Index Cards, Easybib; Annotated Bib.) • Wednes., Feb. 10: MC (focus: Source/Note Cards; Annotated Bib.)
SP Research Paper Info./Deadlines • Wednes.: Feb. 24: MC (focus: Format- Works Cited, In-text citation, Sent. Outline; work on source/note cards; annotated bib) • Fri., Feb. 26: Annotated Bib and Source/Note Cards Due • Wednes., Mar 2: MC (Sentence Outline Due) • Wednes., Mar 9: MC (Intro./Body Paragraph/Works Cited Due • Mon., Mar 14-15 (Peer-edit Sent. Outline, Research Paper w/ Works Cited) • Wednes., Mar 16: MC (Research Paper Work) • Thurs., Mar 17: (Sentence Outline & Research Paper Due)
SENIOR PROJECT TIMELINE: Winter/Spring 2016 SP Timeline • January 8 Meeting • Overview and Expectations of Semester Project presented. Mentor Approval Process and Application discussed. • January 11 **Due Date for Consequences Form • Week of January 19 Meeting in Media Center • Overview and Expectations of Student Resume presented. • January 29 Meeting • Overview and Expectations of Student Proposal presented. • February 5 **Due Date for Resume • February 9 Proposal Grading Window Opens • February 22 **Due Date for Mentor Approval Form • February 24 ** Proposal Grading Window Closes (hard deadline) • February 26 Meeting • Overview and Expectations of the Senior Project Portfolio which will be a culmination of all the work for the semester and will be presented in the Board Rooms Senior Project Night
SENIOR PROJECT TIMELINE: Winter/Spring 2016 • February 26 **Due Date for Annotated Bibliography (English teachers) • February 29 First Resubmission Window for Proposal Grading Opens • March 7 ** First Resubmission Window for Proposal Grading Closes (hard deadline) • March 10 Final Resubmission Window for Proposal Grading Opens • March 11 Meeting • Overview and Expectations of Letter to the Judges presented. • March 17 ** Final Resubmission Window for Proposal Grading Closes (hard deadline) • March 17 **Due Date for Research Paper • March 18 **Due Date for Letter to Judges • March 25 Meeting • Overview and Expectations of Formal Presentation of the senior project for Board Night presented. • March 30 **Due Date for Mentor Hours Log & Mentor Verification & Evaluation (must be faxed by Mentor) • April 11 **Eligibility Committee to verify presentation status of all students • April 13 **Due Date for Portfolio • April 21 Senior Project Night