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WHY WE BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. 1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.
WHY WE BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST 1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.
The Gospel of Christ Is ….. • A Message of Change. • A Message of Good News. • A Message of Destiny. • And A Message of Service. • It demands OBEDIENCE IN EVERY AREA. • It demands SACRIFICE OF SELF. • It demands FAITHFULNESS. • A Message of Hope and Great Rewards. • This Evening Study We want to Examine the various Aspects of The Gospel’s commission --- “to Go”.
"Go Thy Way"... • Go thy way and obey the OT LAW • Jesus commanded one to go his way and obey the law of Moses. He had not yet fulfilled the law, so they were still under it. (Matt 8:4,Mk 1:44, Luk 5:14) • Now we are no longer under that law (Gal 3:23_5) • Go thy way, you have received a blessing. • To the centurion who needed healing for his servant (Mat 8:13) • To the palsied man whom Jesus also forgave (Mar 2:11) • To the Syrophoenecian woman (Mar 7:29) • Jesus did not come to totally disrupt human lives • They were told to go on about their lives • They were not sequestered to a monastery, or removed from all problems or illness or trouble • So also Jesus wants us to "go our way“ to live our lives, but to live them for Him
"Go In Peace" • To the woman who touched his garment and was healed: (Mar 5:34) "Go in peace“ (Luk 8:48) • She was not at peace because she knew she was discovered • Sometimes we do things we do not want to be discovered • The only way we can have peace is to be honest with ourselves and obey God in every thing. • Jesus came to bring peace, not confusion (I Cor. 14:33) • Are we going to blame God for human wickedness and disobedience.?
"Go and learn" • Those who didn't understand why they needed to obey His word instead of their own ideas were told to "go and learn" • MAT 9:13 But go ye and learn what {that} meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (KJV) • If you are one of rebellious heart, like they were, think about what Jesus would say to YOU...GO AND LEARN! • Think about how important it is to follow GOD'S WAY not your own opinion. YOUR OWN WAY LEADS TO DEATH (Prov 14:12)
"Go to work in my vineyard" • (Matt 20:1-16) Jesus teaches with the parable of the vineyard and the workers • We all need to be workers in the vineyard of the Lord • The only valid worker is not just the one who is hired at the beginning of the day • God is merciful to those who depend upon His grace through faith and obedience he will bless us with more than we deserve. • When Jesus calls us to work in His vineyard, what answer are we giving?
"Go and Obey" • The rich young ruler had to obey by giving up his riches (Mar 10:21,Matt 19:21) • Why did he go away SAD? • He knew he had rejected the condition on which he could receive the blessing of eternal life. • The ten lepers were cleansed AS they obeyed...(Luk 17:14) • The blind man was healed WHEN he washed...(Joh 9:7,11) • Saul of Tarsus was told what he should do to hear the gospel (Act 9:6) • Likewise we can expect to receive promised blessings from Christ ONLY when we are ready to obey His commands • The problem with many disbelievers is that they are unwilling to OBEY (Luk 10:37) • The man who sought to justify himself (Luk 10:29) was told to GO AND DO LIKEWISE. • Would Jesus have the same problem with us today?
"Go and sin no more..." • (Joh 8:2-11) The woman taken in adultery -Jesus told her to go, and sin no more. • Some think this shows Jesus condoned her sin. This cannot be so, or Jesus is a hypocrite • He condemned adultery elsewhere (Matt 19:9) • Jesus had the power to forgive sins here on earth • (Matt 9:6) Miracles proved he had this authority • (Luk 23:42_3) He forgave the thief on the cross • What he said to the woman here meant she had been forgiven of her past sins. • This is what we can receive when we obey the gospel and are baptized (Heb 10:16_22) • This is what Jesus is telling us when we become a Christian "Go and sin no more..."
"Go and be reconciled" • MAT 5:24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. • If we have done another wrong, we must be reconciled with them before we can make any pretext of worshiping God • (I Joh 4:20) If we hate a brother, we cannot say we love God. • Mat 18:15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. (KJV) • The obligation does not end if we have not done the wrong. • We owe an obligation to our brother to tell him if he is in danger of losing his soul because of sin. • (Lev 19:17-18) Loving neighbor as self means you will not leave him without needed rebuke • The Lord wants us to live in peace with one another and straighten out matters of sinful conduct, whether we do it or someone else does.
"Go the second mile" • (Matt 5:41) Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. • We are to be servants of God, thus doing things not by our OWN RULES but by GOD'S WAY • We may do things we may not really FEEL like doing to be obedient to God • We are required to think and plan no ill on anyone, and not to think of self the way the worldly do. • We are to serve heartily (Col 3:22_4) as unto the Lord • Are we willing to go the extra mile?
"Go Not...” & "Go and humble yourself" • Down the broad way (Matt 7:13) • After false prophets (Matt 24:26, Lk 17:23, Lk 21:8) • (Luk 14:10) Don't seek the highest place • .One of the hardest lessons for us to learn is that of being humble. • So often PRIDE gets in our way of righteous service • Are we obeying this command of Christ?
"Go and preach" • As ye go, preach (Matt 10:7) • MAR 1:38 — “And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth. (KJV) • Don't let anything stand in your way (Luk 9:60) • Go preach the gospel • To all the apostles (Matt 28:19, Mk 16:15_16, Act 5:18_20) • To Phillip (Act 8:29) • To Ananias (Act 9:11) • To Paul - ACT 16:10 — “And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.” (KJV) • It is also a command to us today.
"Go call thy husband" • The woman at the well – “go call thy husband” (Jn 4:16) • People today are so mixed up by worldliness that they don't know who to call their husband or wife. • We can't call one our husband if we are married to someone else and not scripturally divorced (Matt 19:9) • We can't call someone our husband just because we have a legal sanction by the government or law • God is involved in that promise and vow we take • Woe be unto one who vows before the Lord and then does not keep that vow. • Many, like the woman, do not have a husband, though they are living with someone. • This is SINFUL!
"Go not from house to house" • LUK 10:7 — “And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.” (KJV) • MISUNDERSTANDINGS can arise if we take only a little of what the Bible says on a subject. • (Acts 20:20) Paul taught from house to house • (Act 2:46) They broke bread from house to house • Jesus was not condemning door - to - door personal work, but rather was instructing His disciples how to conduct themselves as they taught in ISRAEL. • Such misunderstandings point out the problem we can create by careless handling of the scripture.
"Go no more out" • REV 3:12 — “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, {which is} new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and {I will write upon him} my new name.” (KJV) • What a blessing and a privilege to be in a situation where we would not go out any more. • Here we are in danger of falling, of being tempted to sin, of being wronged and hurt and offended by the sins of others. • There it will be only peace, harmony, and confidence! • Don't you want to be among those that overcome?
Conclusion: • Jesus said many things in which people were to "Go“ • If you haven't obeyed the gospel, can't you hear His word saying to you "Go, obey My truth while you can."? • We ought to be ashamed to refuse the one who tells us to go • It will be terrible for those who hear but do no obey. • Jesus also said to “COME” • Matt. 11:28-30 • Rev. 22:17 • Are you going to "go forward" and “come to Jesus” today? Why not now?