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CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER OSTEOPOROSIS. THE LIVER. It breaks down fat Filters the blood Produces cholesterol Storage of vitamins Produces amino acids The liver can regenerate. CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER. the liver slowly deteriorates

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  2. THE LIVER • It breaks down fat • Filters the blood • Produces cholesterol • Storage of vitamins • Produces amino acids • The liver can regenerate

  3. CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER • the liver slowly deteriorates • Scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, partially blocking the flow of blood • The liver can no longer do it’s job causing organ failure and can lead to cancer of the liver • Complications/death

  4. RISK FACTORS/CAUSES • Excessive alcohol consumption • Hepatitis B, C, D • Drugs • Obesity • Diabetes Type 2 • CVD’s

  5. SYMPTOMS • weakness • fatigue • loss of appetite • nausea • vomiting • weight loss

  6. TREATMENT • Medication • Eat a nutritious diet • Avoid alcohol • Surgery

  7. PREVENTION • Eat a nutritious and balanced diet • Do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol • Maintain a healthy body weight

  8. OSTEOPOROSIS • Thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time • occurs when the body fails to form enough new bone • Throughout youth, the body uses calcium and phosphate to produce bones. • If you do not get enough of these minerals, bone production may suffer.

  9. OSTEOPOROSIS • During late adulthood the body may reabsorb minerals from the bones, causing them to weaken

  10. RISK FACTORS • Too little calcium in the diet • Low body weight • Excessive alcohol • Smoking • Vitamin D deficiency • Other illnesses & complications

  11. SYMPTOMS • Bone pain or tenderness • Fractures (small then large) • Loss of height (as much as 6 inches) over time • Stooped posture or kyphosis

  12. TREATMENT • Medication • Lifestyle changes • Exercise (weight bearing) • Diet (increase calcium & Vit D) • Prevent falls

  13. PREVENTION • Consume PLENTY of calcium and phosphate rich food during bone growth (childhood/youth) • Weight bearing exercise for life • Get sunshine(Vitamin D) • Drink alcohol in moderation • Don’t smoke

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