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P2P Session vCenter Server Migration from 2.5 to 4.0

P2P Session vCenter Server Migration from 2.5 to 4.0 . Matt Mancini 12/10/09. Speaker Bios. Matt Mancini Leader of the Phoenix VMUG Server Room Administrator at John C Lincoln 20+ Years in IT matt.mancini@vmugphoenix.com. vCenter Server Migration.

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P2P Session vCenter Server Migration from 2.5 to 4.0

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  1. P2P SessionvCenter Server Migrationfrom 2.5 to 4.0 Matt Mancini 12/10/09

  2. Speaker Bios • Matt Mancini • Leader of the Phoenix VMUG • Server Room Administrator at John C Lincoln • 20+ Years in IT • matt.mancini@vmugphoenix.com

  3. vCenter Server Migration • This is a basic guide that I used to create my new vCenter server 4.0 and migrate my ESX hosts to it. • Its not a complete guide, some areas not addressed are vCenter Security and overall setup. • This guide is for migration of ESX hosts and it abandons the database on the old Virtual Center Server.

  4. vCenter Server Migration • Overview – • Old Virtual Center server 2.5 • HP DL140, 2 x 80GB IDE Non-Raid, 4GB RAM, Dual CPU • Windows 2003, Virtual Center server 2.5, SQL 2000 • New vCenter Server 4.0 • HP DL360 G6, 3 x 146GB SAS Raid 5, 4GB RAM, 1 x Quad Core • Windows 2008, vCenter Server 4.0, SQL 2005 • 12 x ESX Hosts HP BL460c, 32GB RAM, 6NIC / 2 FC, ESX 3.5 U4

  5. vCenter Server Migration • Basic Steps • Install new hardware, SQL2005, and vCenter Server • Migrate Hosts from old server to new • Test and ensure all is okay • References – • Sysprep locations • http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1005593 • PDF Guide for vCenter Server • http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vsphere4/r40/vsp_40_admin_guide.pdf • Video of VC 2.5 with SQL 2005 • http://www.getyournerdon.com/chris/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=6 • Moving a managed ESX host from one VirtualCenter to another VirtualCenter server • http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1004775

  6. vCenter Server Migration • Install Hardware • Setup RAID 5 of 3 x 146GB HD’s • Update Firmware with HP Firmware Update CD • Install 2008 OS with HP Smart Start • >>OS C: Drive of 30GB • Data E: Drive of 240GB

  7. vCenter Server Migration • Install SQL 2005 • Step 1 – Watch this video and take good notes • http://www.getyournerdon.com/chris/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=6

  8. vCenter Server Migration • Good SQL 2005 Install Notes from Video.. • Install SQL 2005 and SQL2005 CD2 Management Tools on the vCenter server • Install SQL2005 Service Packs and Updates • During the SQL 2005 install ensure the Data is placed on the E: drive. • Ensure network and network SQL Agent are installed and are running • Ensure SQL 2005 is in Mixed Mode Authentication • Ensure Remote and Named Pipes are enabled

  9. vCenter Server Migration • SQL 2005 Settings for vCenter Server • 2. Launch SQL Server Studio Manager • Create User vcdb • Click on security > Logins and create the user vcdb • Choose SQL Server Authentication then enter a password • Uncheck Enforce Password Expiration • Uncheck user must change password on next logon • On the left click on Server Roles • Choose sysadmin, then click on OK

  10. vCenter Server Migration • Create the Database vcdb • Right Click on Databases > choose New Database • Enter the Name vcdb for the database name • Click on .... to add the owner / user of vcdb • On the left click on Options, choose simple for recovery mode • Choose OK at the bottom • Click on Security > logins > right click on vcdb choose properties • Change default database to vcdb

  11. vCenter Server Migration • Create User vmupd • Click on security > Logins and create the user vmupd • Choose SQL Server Authentication then enter a password • Uncheck Enforce Password Expiration • Uncheck user must change password on next logon • On the left click on Server Roles • Choose sysadmin, then click on OK

  12. vCenter Server Migration • Create the database vmupd • Right Click on Databases > choose New Database • Enter the Name vmupd for the database name • Click on .... to add the owner / user of vmupd • On the left click on Options, choose simple for recovery mode • Choose OK at the bottom • Click on Security > logins > right click on vmupd choose properties • Change default database to vmupd

  13. vCenter Server Migration • 3. Launch Data Source ODBC • Create System DSN for vcdb database • Click on System DSN Tab • Click on Add • Choose SQL Native Client • Enter the database name of vcdb • For Server Choose the local server name • Click on next

  14. vCenter Server Migration • Choose With SQL Server Authentication • Ensure Connect to SQL is checked • Enter Login ID of vcdb and the password Click on Next • If this fails ensure SQL is Mixed mode Authentication • Ensure that Change the Default Database to is checked and vcdb appears below it, Click on Next • Choose Finish • Click on Test data source and look for TESTS COMPLETE SUCCESSFULLY! • Click on OK, then OK again

  15. vCenter Server Migration • Create System DSN for vmupd database • Click on System DSN Tab • Click on Add • Choose SQL Native Client • Enter the database name of vmupd • For Server Choose the local server name • Click on next • Choose With SQL Server Authentication • Ensure Connected to SQL is checked

  16. vCenter Server Migration • Enter Login ID of vmupd and the password Click on Next • If this fails ensure SQL is Mixed mode Authentication • Click on Next • Ensure that Change the Default Database to is checked and vmupd appears below it, Click on Next • Choose Finish • Click on Test data source and look for TESTS COMPLETE SUCCESSFULLY! • Click on OK, then OK again

  17. vCenter Server Migration • vCenter Server 4.0 Install.... • Load the 4.0 CD ROM and double click on Autorun • Choose vCenter Server to install • Choose OK to US • Choose OK to accept Web server Warning • Click on Next • Click on next to accept terms • Enter License Key and click on next

  18. vCenter Server Migration • Choose ‘use an existing support database’ • Choose the correct DSN • Click next • Enter the password for vcdb • Ensure the ‘Use the System Account’ is checked > click next • Click next to the default destination folder • Choose create a standalone VMware vCenter Server Instance • Ensure all the TCP Ports are okay • Adjust as needed • Click next • Click on Install

  19. ESX Migration • Removing the ESX host from VirtualCenter • To remove the ESX host from VirtualCenter: • 1.If the managed host is in a cluster, right-click the cluster. Set the DRS mode to manual and disable VMware High Availability by de-selecting Configure HA. • 2.Click OK and wait for the reconfiguration to complete. • 3.Click the Inventory button in the navigation bar, expand the inventory as needed, and click the appropriate managed host. • 4.Right-click the managed host icon in the inventory panel and choose Disconnect (wait for the task to complete). • 5.Right-click the managed host icon in the inventory panel and choose Remove. • 6.Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the managed host and all its associated virtual machines.

  20. ESX Migration

  21. ESX Migration • Adding the ESX host to a new VirtualCenter • To add the ESX host to a new VirtualCenter: • 1.Connect VMware Infrastructure Client to the new VirtualCenter. • 2.Click Inventory in the navigation bar. • 3.Expand the inventory as needed, and click the appropriate datacenter or cluster. • 4.Choose File > New > Add Host. • 5.In the first page of the Add Host wizard, enter the name or IP address of the managed host in the Host name field. • 6.Enter the username and password for a user account that has administrative privileges on the selected managed host. • 7.Click Next.

  22. ESX Migration • Migrate the Hosts from Old to new... • On the old Virtual Center Server • Disable HA & DRS to Manual on the Cluster • Right click on the host to migrate choose • Disconnect • Right click on the host to migrate choose • Remove • Choose Yes to this message

  23. ESX Migration • On the new vCenter Server • Right click on the cluster • Choose Add host

  24. ESX Migration • Type in the host • Username / Password • Click on next • You might get a security • alert. Choose Yes

  25. ESX Migration • Confirm Host • Confirm VM’s • Choose Next

  26. ESX Migration • If this is your first host, choose the second radio button • Leave the default name of ‘Grafted from SERVER XXX’ • Choose Next

  27. ESX Migration • Confirm and Choose Finish to complete

  28. ESX Migration • Note that you server is now in inventory • Note your VM’s are listed under • the grafted resource pool • Just move the resource pools • to the root and you are set.. • Repeat until all hosts are migrated..

  29. Conclusions

  30. vCenter Server Migration • SysPrep Files – Don’t forget to add these files to your new vCenter Server • For Windows 2008 place them here -

  31. vCenter Server Migration • Issues and Notes • All Notes that were placed on VM’s will be lost on new server • All Performance data will be lost • Windows 2008 Service Packs, SP2 not supported.. • Windows 2008 C: 30GB too small, 50GB better

  32. vCenter Server Migration

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