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2009-10 School Site Council Training. Focus on School Improvement and Student Achievement. 1. Workshop Topics are:. Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities of the SSC Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Linking Student Achievement and Expenditures Council Composition (definitions)
2009-10 School Site Council Training Focus on School Improvement and Student Achievement 1
Workshop Topics are: • Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities of the SSC • Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • Linking Student Achievement and Expenditures • Council Composition (definitions) • Duties of Officers/Members • Tools for a Successful SSC • Areas Outside the Scope of the SSC • Conducting the Meeting
Requirements of the SSC Develop and adopt a Comprehensive Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), including a budget aligned to the actions. Recommend the SPSA to the local school board for approval Monitor implementation of the plan and evaluate the results At least annually, revise the plan, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application The SPSA must be evaluated annually to determine the effectiveness of the plan. Mem-4631.2 outlines this procedure. Education Code Section 58510 requires districts operating alternative schools and programs of choice (i.e., Magnet Schools and Centers) to evaluate these schools and programs annually and to send a report of the evaluation to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Reference Guide 4798.0 outlines this process. 3
Requirements of the SSC The SPSA must be developed with the advice, review and certification of any applicable school advisory committees: English Learner Advisory Committee State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee Special Education Advisory Committee Gifted and Talented Education Advisory Committee All required advisory committees have a responsibility to advise the school on the special needs of students and on ways the school may meet those needs 4
Requirements of the SSC • Regularly attend SSC meetings • Develop a training program for SSC members • Review meeting and operating procedures • Develop an annual meeting calendar • Review bylaws annually • Review District policies • Become knowledgeable of state and local issues related to assessment, curriculum and instruction • Communicate with SSC members and members of the public • May appoint committees to perform tasks to assist the council in developing, monitoring and evaluating the SPSA
Requirements of the SSC Legislative role—SSC writes plan/budget Executive role—principal/school staff implement school plan Judicial role—local governing board makes and interprets policy and approves plan Advisory committees—advise the SSC 6
Requirements of the SSC Function The SSC is not to be viewed as an advisory body whose advice may be accepted or rejected Instead, the actions of the SSC constitute the first step in a formal process for developing improvement strategies and for allocating resources to support these efforts 7
Managing Complex Change Vision Skills Incentives Resources False Start Frustration Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Skills Vision Resources Action Plan Gradual Change Action Plan Vision Resources Anxiety Incentives Confusion Skills Incentives Action Plan Resources Vision Skills Incentives Resources Change Action Plan 8
The Single Plan for Student AchievementLinking School Goals and Expenditures to Improving Student AchievementThe Road Map to Success 9
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) The intent of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, and to ensure that all students succeed in reaching state academic standards. 10
Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Achievement School districts must assure “that Site Councils have developed and approved a Single Plan for Student Achievement for schools participating in programs funded through the consolidated application process, and any other school program they choose to include . . . ” [EC, Section 64001(a)] 11
School Site Councils Consolidated Application School Site Council Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) EIA-EDY Economic Impact Aid—Educationally Disadvantaged Youth Revise SPSA for ESEA/NCLB Program Improvement EIA-LEP Economic Impact Aid—Limited English Proficient EIA-SCE Economic Impact Aid—State Compensatory Education Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) Revise SPSA for QEIA SB 1133 Title I Title II Title III Title I (AARA) American Recovery Reinvestment Act 12
Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Achievement • Must be developed “with the review, certification and advice of any applicable school advisory committees . . . ” [EC, Section 64001(a)] • Plans required to be consolidated into a single plan: • Consolidated Application • School and Library Improvement Block Grant • Pupil Retention Block Grant • ESEA/NCLB Program Improvement 13
Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Achievement • Must be aligned with school goals for improving student achievement • Must be based upon “an analysis of verifiable state data, including the API, ELD . . . and may include any data voluntarily developed by districts to measure student achievement . . . ” [EC, Section 64001(d)] 14
Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Achievement Must address how funds will be used to “improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the performance goals, as established by the API index . . . ” [EC, Section 64001(d)] Must be reviewed annually and updated Must be reviewed and approved by the governing board 15
Federal and State Improvement Efforts What’s Driving Improved Student Academic Achievement? • Federal • Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA)/No Child Left Behind (NCLB) • Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO’s) State • Public School Accountability Act (PSAA) • Academic Performance Index (API) • Assessment, Standards, Rewards and Sanctions • Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) 16
Integrating Program Requirements Most categorical programs have planning requirements Integrating or merging two or more planning processes does not eliminate any of these requirements The combined process must include the requirements of all the programs involved 17
Integrating Program Requirements Title I Program Improvement (PI) A Title I school will be identified for PI when, for each of two consecutive years, the Title I school does not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the same content area (English-language arts or mathematics) schoolwide or for any numerically significant subgroup, or on the same indicator (Academic Performance Index [API] or high school graduation rate) schoolwide. A Title I Local Education Agency (LEA) will be identified for PI when, for each of two consecutive years, the LEA does not make AYP in the same content area (English-language arts or mathematics) LEA-wide or for any numerically significant subgroup, and does not meet AYP criteria in the same content area in each grade span (grades 2-5, grades 6-8, and grade 10), or does not make AYP on the same indicator (API or graduation rate) LEA-wide. Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) Assists the lowest performing schools, schools with a valid 2005 Academic Performance Index (API) that are ranked in deciles 1 to 2, to increase student achievement. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is one of six regional accrediting associations in the United States. The Commission provides assistance to schools located in California, Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and East Asia. 18
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Desired Outcome Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures Reaffirm or Revise Goals Inform Governing Board or Seek Its Approval Seek Input Monitor Implementation Measure Effectiveness of Improvement Strategies Steps for Developing the Single Plan for Student Achievement The graphic represents the cycle of actions required by the SSC in the development, implementation and revision of the SPSA. 20
Developing The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 1:Measure the Effectiveness of Current Improvement Strategies • Analyze Student Performance • Analyze the Instructional Program [Education Code Section 64001(g)] 21
Certification of Advisory Committee Input Step 2: Seek Input from School Advisory Committees • Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC) • English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) • Gifted & Talented Education Program Advisory Committee The SSC must document the following actions: • Written recommendations from advisory committee(s) • Minutes should reflect acknowledgement of the written advisory committee recommendation. • The SSC should send a completed SSC Decision Form to the advisory committee within 30 days. • Dissemination of information regarding the SPSA to advisory committee(s) • Share final draft with advisory committee(s) • Recommendation for approval of the SPSA to Local District Note: If the SSC chairperson refuses to certify input, the minutes and sign-in sheets from the meeting where the approval was granted must be submitted with the SPSA. The local district superintendent or designee will decide whether to approve or send SPSA back to SSC for revision. 22
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 3: Reaffirm or Revise School Goals School goals must be based on comprehensive assessment of student academic achievement, using multiple measures of student performance. Step 4: Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures The SSC will adopt specific actions to reach each goal, specify dates by which actions are to be started and completed, identify expenditures needed to implement the action, and identify the funding source. 23
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 5: Approve and Recommend the SPSA to the Governing Board After appropriate advisory committees have reviewed the proposed SPSA, the SSC must approve it at a meeting for which a public notice has been posted. The Board of Education has delegated to the general superintendent and the local district superintendents responsibility for budget and program decisions related to SBIX and Title I Program Improvement schools, which includes schools in corrective action and restructuring. Restructuring Plans must be approved by the local district superintendent before implementation. Note: For schools identified as Program Improvement (PI), the SSC remains in place. 24
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 6: Monitor Implementation Once the plan is approved, the responsibility of the SSC is to monitor the effectiveness of planned activities and modify those that prove ineffective. Monitoring should follow the calendar of events established by the SPSA to verify timely implementation and achievement of objectives critical to the success of the plan. 25
The school plan serves as an official document in audits to determine appropriate expenditures of categorical funds, including equipment purchases, and personnel responsible to complete multifunded and semiannual certifications. The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) 26
CouncilCompositionSEE BULLETIN 4148.1: Advisory committees and School Site Councils 28
Composition of the SSCElementary Any school which has two or more grades in the K-6 grade span: 10 member minimum One half staff and one half parents/community members Staff includes: principal, majority of classroom teachers, other staff 29
Principal (1) Parents/ Community (5) Teachers (3) Other (1) Elementary Configuration 30
Other Elementary School Site Council Sizes Source: California Institute for School Improvement (CISI) 31
Composition of the SSCSecondary Any school which has two or more grades in the 7-12 grade span: 12 member minimum, if all categories are to be represented One half staff and one half parents/community and students elected by their peers Staff includes: principal, majority of classroom teachers, other staff 32
Secondary Configuration Principal (1) 1/2 Parents/ Community (3) Teachers (4) 1/2 Students (3) Other (1) 33
Other Secondary School Site Council Sizes Source: California Institute for School Improvement (CISI) 34
School Site Council Composition Exceptions: SPAN • Span schools will form their councils based on the District’s classification of their school (elementary, middle, or high school). Special Education Centers • Special education schools and centers with secondary students may use the same composition as elementary schools, or they may choose to follow the same composition as comprehensive high schools. Middle Schools • Middle schools may, but are not required to, include student representatives. (Education Code Section 33133-c) 35
School Site Council Composition Exceptions (continued) Continuation Schools In continuation schools, the membership of the SSC shall be no fewer then eight members and shall be constituted to ensure parity. Half the membership shall be (a) the principal, two teachers, and one other school personnel (staff side): and half shall be (b) two parents or community members elected by parents and two students representatives elected by the entire student body. 36
The School Principal Is a voting member of the council. Provides information and leadership. Is responsible for staff and student elections of the SSC. Is responsible for the proper functioning and implementation of the SSC. Is responsible for any program and/or fiscal implications due to non-compliance with federal/state policies, rules, and regulations. Directs staff to implement the approved Student Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and monitors in conjunction with SSC. Note: The principal may not delegate any of these responsibilities. (Refer to LAUSD Bulletin 4148) 37
The Principal The law is very clear that the principal is an active, voting member of the council SSC attendance and responsibilities CANNOTbe assigned to a vice principal or other designee He/she has no administrative authority over the council* In addition, the principal may not veto a decision of the council or make plan or budget changes without SSC approval Source: California Institute for School Improvement (CISI) *Source other than CISI 38
Teachers The California Education Code requires that classroom teachers comprise the majority of that half of the SSC which represents school staff.
Definition of “Other” School Personnel INCLUDES: Classified personnel (e.g., clerical, instructional, custodial and food services staff) Administrative personnel (e.g., vice principals, certificated administrative assistants) Certificated support staff-not assigned as a classroom teacher of record (e.g., counselors, resource teachers) Itinerant staff (e.g., PSA Counselor, nurse, psychologist) Source: California Institute for School Improvement (CISI) 40
School Site Council Composition Other staff may include: • Assistant Principals • School Nurse • Counselors • Clerical Staff • Paraprofessionals • Custodial Staff • Food Service Staff • *Resource Teachers • Coordinators • *Instructional Coaches • *Library Media Teachers • Community Representatives • Parent Resource Liaison • *Non-classroom teachers refers to those full-time employees whose classroom teaching assignment, if any, is fewer than three (3) periods per day in secondary, or less than half-time in elementary. 41
Parent/Community Eligibility • Parent is defined as the parent or guardian of a student at a school, unless that parent is a paid employee of the school district at that site • Community is defined as any person having an interest in the local school process and is elected by parents to take one of their slots 42
Council Composition--Parents The term “parent” includes a guardian A “parent” CAN be an employee in the district, but CANNOT be employed at the school in any capacity (e.g., noon-duty, recreational assistant, substitute) A community member may serve in the “parent” position as long as the person has been selected by parents of children in the school Goal: It is the hope of the legislature that the School Site Council reflect the school community, including all socioeconomic, ethnic, racial groups Make attempts to assure that parents of students participating in various programs are included* Schools must have more than 20 parents present in order to conduct the SSC parent election, except in schools with fewer than ten teachers or fewer than 300 students. (BUL-4148.1) Source: California Institute for School Improvement (CISI) *Source other than CISI 43
Duties of Officers/Members The council shall elect officers, including: Chairperson to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the council Vice-Chairperson to serve in the absence of the chairperson *Secretary to record events and actions taken at council meetings Parliamentarian to resolve questions of procedure, often with the help of “Robert’s Rules of Order” or similar guide Other officers as needed to perform stated duties in support of the work of the council * The principal may assign someone to take notes (in their absence); however that person may not vote or participate in the discussions unless it is to make a comment on an agenda item just as any other member of the public. 45
Tools for a Successful SSC • Member roster and phone numbers/email addresses • Copy of School Site Plan • Copy of most recent Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) or Western Association of Schools and Colleges(WASC) • Copy of School Site Council budget • List of all revenue sources and expenditures • Student achievement data (STAR, API scores, AYP results, Reading and Math benchmark assessment results, CELDT results, grades, attendance rates, suspension rates, etc.). 46
Tools for a Successful SSC • Knowledge of the implementation of the various components of the SPSA. • Information regarding the effectiveness of the strategies contained within the SPSA and an understanding of the SSC’s ability to make modifications as needed. • Local board policies. • State and federal requirements. • The District’s core instructional program. • The SPSA Budget including proposed expenditures. 47
Tools for a Successful SSC Access to state content/performance standards, state frameworks, CDE publications: It’s Elementary; Taking Center Stage; Aiming High 48
Areas Outside the Scope of School Site Councils A school management committee A policy-making body A political organization A personnel committee A grievance committee A fund-raising organization An extension of the PTSA A social group 49