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LHCb Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh, January 11–12, 2006. LHCb expected physics performance with 10 fb –1. Olivier Schneider. Laboratoire de Physique des Hautes Energies (LPHE). Olivier.Schneider@epfl.ch. bb angular correlation in pp collisions at s = 14 TeV (Pythia).
LHCb Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh, January 11–12, 2006 LHCb expected physics performance with 10 fb–1 Olivier Schneider Laboratoire de Physique des Hautes Energies (LPHE) Olivier.Schneider@epfl.ch
bb angular correlation in pp collisions at s = 14 TeV (Pythia) (unchanged since more than a decade) The whole idea • Given the fact that • LHC will be the facility producing the largest number of b hadrons (of all types), by far, and for a long time • the Tevatron experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of B physics at hadron machines perform a dedicated B-physics experiment at the LHC,but with a new challenge: • exploit the huge bb production in the not-well-known forward region, despite the unfriendly hadronic environment (multiplicity, …) for B physics • ~ 230 b of bb production in one of the forward peaks (400 mrad),corresponding to nearly 105 b hadrons per secondat a low luminosity of 21032 cm–2s–1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
VELO: Vertex Locator (around interaction point) TT, T1, T2, T3: Tracking stations RICH1-2: Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors ECAL, HCAL: Calorimeters M1–M5: Muon stations Dipole magnet VELO proton beam proton beam LHCb-1 spectrometer (after this upgrade workshop) LHCb spectrometer (before this upgrade workshop) 1.9 < < 4.9 or 15 < < 300 mrad LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
LHCb pit (in December 2006) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
pp interactions/crossing n=0 LHCb n=1 Pileup and luminosity • LHC machine, pp collisions at s = 14 TeV: • design luminosity = L = 1034 cm–2s–1, bunch crossing rate = 40 MHz • average non-empty bunch crossing rate = f = 30 MHz (in LHCb) • Pileup: • n = number of inelastic pp interactions occurring in the same bunch crossing • Poisson distribution with mean <n> = Linel/f, with inel = 80 mb • <n> = 25 at 1034 cm–2s–1 not good for B physics • At LHCb: • L tuneable by adjusting final beam focusing • Choose to run at <L> ~ 21032 cm–2s–1(max. 51032 cm–2s–1) • Clean environment: <n> = 0.5 • Less radiation damage • Expected to be available from first physics run • 2 fb–1 of data in 107 s (= nominal year) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
MC studies REMINDER of important requirements for B physics • Flexible and efficient trigger • final states with leptons • fully hadronic final states • Excellent tracking: • Track finding efficiency • Momentum and mass resolution • Vertexing, proper time resolution • Particle identification (p/K///e) • Technical proposal (1998): • Rough detector description • No trigger simulation • No pattern recognition in tracking • Parametrized PID performance • Re-opt. Technical Design Report (2003) • Final detector design • Simulation of L0 and L1 trigger only • First version of full pattern recognition • “DC04” MC datasets (2004–2005): • Detailed material description • First simulation of High-Level Trigger • “DC06” MC datasets (2006–2007): • “Final” geometry and material description • Redesigned High-Level Trigger • “Final” reconstruction algorithms Background estimates: – based on a sample of inclusive bb events equivalent to a few minutes of data taking ! – sometimes can only set limits Today’s numbers: mostly from DC04 MC, at <L> = 21032 cm–2s–1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
PYTHIA+GEANT full simulation RICH1 VELO TT Magnet RICH2 T1 T2 T3 Expected tracking performance • High multiplicity environment: • In a bb event, ~30 charged particles traverse the whole spectrometer • Track finding: • efficiency > 95% for long tracks from B decays(~ 4% ghosts for pT > 0.5 GeV/c) • KS+– reconstruction 75% efficient for decay in the VELO, lower otherwise • Average B-decay track resolutions: • Impact parameter: ~30 m • Momentum: ~0.4% • Typical B resolutions: • Proper time: ~40 fs (essential for Bs physics) • Mass: 8–18 MeV/c2 * * with J/ mass constraint LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
invariant mass With PID With PID invariant mass K invariant mass Particle ID performance No PID • Average efficiency: • K id = 88% • mis-id = 3% • Good K/ separation in 2–100 GeV/c range • Low momentum • kaon tagging • High momentum • clean separation of the different Bd,shh modes • will be best performance ever achieved at a hadron collider LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
l- K– Qvtx D B0 Bs SV PV K+ Flavour tagging • Performance assessed on full MC, after trigger and reconstruction • Kaon tags are the most powerful, e.g. opposite K (from bcs) • All tags combined with neural network • Tagging performance depends on how event is triggered ! • will be measured in data using control channels LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Trigger performance & rates • Algorithms and performance: • Level-0 trigger algorithms mature, 1 MHz output rate • High-Level Trigger (HLT) under development • Prototype available within time budget for a limited set of channels • L0*HLT efficiencies: • Determined using detailed MC simulation • Typically 30%–80% for offline-selected signal events, depending on channel • HLT output rates: • Indicative rates (split between streams still to be determined) • Large inclusive streams to be used to control calibration & systematics (trigger, tracking, PID, tagging) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
L = 21032 L = 51032 same-side K opp-side K vertex electron muon combined Physics performance vs L • Rough and quick study: • small DC04 MC samples generated at <L> = 51032 cm–2s–1for a few representative signal channels • backgrounds not investigated yet (but will be possible with DC06 samples) • Preliminary overall conclusion (for L = 2–51032 cm–2s–1): • Significant gain for dimuon channels • yield L • “Statu quo” for hadronic channels • yield ~ constant • Tagging performance seems ~constant (at least for Bs DsK) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Integrated luminosity scenario • 2007 (end): • Short pilot run at 450 GeV per beam with full detector installed • Establish running procedures, time and space alignment of the detectors • Integrated luminosity for physics ~ 0 fb–1 • 2008: • LHC reaches design energy • Complete commissioning of detector and trigger at s=14 TeV • Calibration of momentum, energy and particle ID • Start of first physics data taking, assume ~ 0.5 fb–1 • 2009–: • Stable running, assume ~ 2 fb–1/year • Availability of physics results: • with 0.5 fb–1 in ~2009 • with 2 fb–1 in ~2010 • with 10 fb–1 in ~2014 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Bs +– • Very rare loop decay, sensitive to new physics: • BR ~3.510–9 in SM, can be strongly enhanced in SUSY • Current 90% CL limit from CDF+D0 with 1 fb–1 is ~20 times SM • Main issue is background rejection • with limited MC statistics, indication that main background is b, b • assume background is dominated by b, b • LHCb expected performance: • with 0.5 fb–1: exclude BR values down to SM value • with 2 fb–1: 3 evidence of SM signal • with 10 fb–1: > 5 observation of SM signal LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
BR (x10–9) BR (x10–9) 5 observation Expected final CDF+D0 limit SM prediction Uncertainty in bkg prediction 3 evidence SM prediction Integrated luminosity (fb–1) Integrated luminosity (fb–1) Bs +– LHCb limit on BR at 90% CL (only bkg is observed) LHCb sensitivity (signal+bkg is observed) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
sin(2) with B0J/KS • Expected to be one of the first CP measurements: • Demonstrate (already with 0.5 fb–1) that we can keep under control the main ingredients of a CP analysis • in particular tagging extraction from control channels • Sensitivity (from TDR, improved since): • ~ 216k signal events/2 fb–1, B/S ~ 0.8 stat(sin(2)) = 0.02 • With 10 fb–1: • Should be able to reach (sin(2)) ~ 0.010 • to be compared with 0.017 from final BaBar+Belle statistics • Can also push further the search for direct CP violating term cos(mdt) ACP(t) background subtracted, 2 fb–1 (toy MC) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Full simulation 0.5 fb–1(signal only, ms = 20 ps – 1) Entries per 0.02 ps Reconstructed proper time [ps – 1] BsDs+ sample and Bsmixing • Measurement of ms: • CDF observed Bs oscillations in 2006: • ms =17.77 ± 0.10 ± 0.07 ps–1 [hep-ex/0609040]compatible with SM • LHCb expectation with 0.5 fb–1: • ~35k Bs Ds-p+ signal events with average t ~ 40 fs and Bbb/S < 0.05 at 90% CL stat(ms) = ± 0.012 ps1, i.e. 0.07% • will be completely dominated by systematics on proper time scale, but at most ((B0))/(B0) = 0.5% • Importance of BsDs+ sample: • Normalization channel for all Bs branching fraction measurements • First absolute measurement from Belle, BR(BsDs+) = (0.68 ±0.22 ±0.16)% [hep-ex/0610003], expect soon ~10% measurement • Control channel for all time-dependent analyses with Bs decays • Measurement of dilution on cos(mst) and sin(mst) terms • Important step towards measurement of other Bs mixing parameters • e.g. mixing phase or CP violation in mixing LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Statistical sensitivities on s for 2 fb–1 Bs mixing phase s with bccs • fs is the strange counterpart of fd=2: • s very small in SM • sSM = –arg(Vts2) =–22 = –0.036 ± 0.003 (CKMfitter) • Could be much larger if New Physics runs in the box • Golden bccs mode is Bs J/: • Angular analysis needed to separate CP-even and CP-odd contributions • Expect ~130k BsJ/() signal events/2fb–1(before tagging), S/Bbb= 8 • Add also pure CP modes such as J/(’), c, DsDs • No angular analysis needed, but smaller statistics • Combined sensitivity after 10 fb–1: • dominated by BsJ/ • systematics (tagging, resolution) need to be tackled • hopefully >3 evidence of non-zero s, even if only SM stat(s) = 0.010 [LHCb-2006-047] LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
In April 2006, including CDF’s first measurement of ms After LHCb measurement of s with (s)= ±0.1 (~ 0.2 fb–1) >90% CL >32% CL >5% CL from hep-ph/0604112 After LHCb measurement of s with (s)= ±0.03 (~ 2 fb–1) After LHCb measurement of s with (s)= ±0.1 (~ 0.2 fb–1) Constraints on New Physics in Bs mixing from s measurement 2009 courtesy Z. Ligeti 2009 2010 from hep-ph/0604112 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
bsss hadronic penguin decays • Time-dependent CP analysis of penguin decays to CP eigenstates • B0 KS: • 800 signal events per 2 fb–1, B/S < 2.4 at 90% CL • After 10 fb–1: stat(sin(2eff)) = 0.14 • Similar to a B factory experiment • Bs : • CP violation < 1% in SM (Vts enters both in mixing and decay amplitudes) significant CP-violating phase NP would be due to New Physics • Angular analysis required • 4k signal events per 2 fb–1 (if BR=1.410–5), 0.4 < B/S < 2.1 at 90%CL • After 10 fb–1: stat(NP) = 0.042 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
AFB(s), theory AFB(s), fast MC, 2 fb–1 s = (m)2 [GeV2] s = (m)2 [GeV2] B0 K*0m+m- • Suppressed loop decay, BR ~1.210–6 • Forward-backward asymmetry AFB(s) in the rest-frame is sensitive probe of New Physics: • Predicted zero of AFB(s) depends on Wilson coefficients C7eff/C9eff • Other sensitive observables based on transversity angles are accessible (cf A. Golutvin) • Sensitivity (ignoring non-resonant K evts for the time being) • 7.7k signal events/2fb–1, Bbb/S = 0.4 ± 0.1 • After 10 fb–1: zero of AFB(s) located to ±0.28 GeV2 determine C7eff/C9eff with 7% stat error (SM) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Hiller & Krüger, hep-ph/0310219 Other rare decays • B+ K+l+l– decays • /ee ratio equal to 1 in SM: • New Physics can have O(10%) effect • After 10 fb–1: stat(RK) = 0.043 • Radiative decays: • K*: • ACP < 1% in SM, up to 40% in SUSY • Can measure at <% level • : • No mixing-induced CP asymmetry in SM,up to 50% in SUSY • : • Right-handed component of photon polarization O(10%) in SM • Can get 3 evidence down to 15% (10 fb–1) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
g from Bs DsK • Two tree decays (bc and bu), which interfere via Bs mixing: • can determine s + , hence in a very clean way • similar to 2+ extraction with B0 D*, but with the advantage that the two decay amplitudes are similar (~3) and that their ratio can be extracted from data m = 14 MeV/c2 Bs Ds–+ background (with ~ 15 larger BR) suppressed using PID: residual contamination only ~ 10% Expect 5400 signal events in 2 fb–1 Bbb/S < 1 at 90% CL (to be updated soon with DC04 MC) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Both DsK asymmetries 10 fb–1, ms = 20 ps–1) Ds–K+: info on + ( + s) Ds+K–: info on – ( + s) g from Bs DsK • Fit the 4 tagged time-dependent rates: • Extract s + , strong phase difference , amplitude ratio • Bs Ds also used in the fitto constrain other parameters (mistag rate, ms, s …) • s(g) ~ 13 with 2 fb–1 • expected to be statistically limited LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Weak phase difference = Magnitude ratio = rB ~ 0.08 colour-allowed colour-suppressed from B± DK± • “ADS+GLW” strategy: • Measure the relative rates of B– DK–andB+ DK+ decays with neutral D’s observed in final states such as: K–+and K+–, K–+–+and K+–+–, K+K– • These depend on: • Relative magnitude, weak phase and strong phase between B– D0K– and B– D0K– • Relative magnitudes (known) and strong phases between D0 K–+ and D0 K–+,and between D0 K–+–+ and D0 K–+–+ • Can solve for all unknowns, including the weak phase : • Use of B± D*K± under study () = 5–15 with 2 fb–1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Weak phase difference = Magnitude ratio = rB ~ 0.4 colour-suppressed colour-suppressed g from B0 D0K*0 • Treat with same ADS+GLW method • So far used only D decays to K–+, K+–, K+K–and +– final states () = 7–10 with 2 fb–1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Sensitivities to from BDK decays • All channels combined (educated guess): • () = 4.2º with 2 fb–1 • () = 2.4º with 10 fb–1 Signal only, no accept. effect LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
00 +– 2 vs –+ 70 expts superimposed (2fb–1) average gen Sensitivity to • SU(2) analysis of B0 +–, ±0, 00: • Main LHCb contribution could be B0 00 • Time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B0 +–0 (Snyder & Quinn) • 14k signal events/2fb–1, B/S ~1 Distribution of fit error 15% (< 1%) fake solutions with 2 (10) fb–1 stat() < 10º in 90% of the cases (2 fb–1) LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
10 fb–1 (2014) Impact of LHCb on UT LHCb + LQCD only • LHCb (2 fb–1, 10 fb–1): • LHCb: • (sin(2)) = 0.02, 0.01 • () = 4.2º, 2.4º • () = 10º,4.5º • Lattice QCD (2010, 2014): • 40, 1000 Tflop year • ()/ = 2.5%, 1.5% • Central values: • SM assumed (just for illustration) 2 fb–1 (2010) From V. Vagnoni, CKM workshop, Dec 2006 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
from B and BsKK 2 fb–1 If perfect U-spin symmetry assumed • Penguin decays, sensitive to New Physics • Measure CP asymmetry in each mode: • Adir and Amix depend on mixing phase, angle , and ratio of penguin to tree amplitudes = d ei • Exploit U-spin symmetry (Fleischer): • Assume d=dKK and =KK • 4 measurements and 3 unknowns(taking mixing phases from other modes) can solve for • With 2 fb–1: • 36k B, B/S ~ 0.5436k BsKK, B/S < 0.14 • Sensitivity to Adir and Amix~ twice better than current world average stat() = 4 If only 0.8<dKK/d<1.2 assumed 2 fb–1 stat() = 7–10+ fake solution LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Charm physics • Foresee dedicated D* trigger: • Huge sample of D0h+h– decays • Tag D0 or anti-D0 flavor with sign of pion from D*D0 • Performance studies not as detailed as for B physics • just started • Interesting (sensitive to NP) & promising searches/measurements: • Time-dependent D0 mixing with wrong-sign D0K+– decays • Direct CP violation in D0K+K– • ACP 10–3 in SM, up to 1% (~current limit) with New Physics • Expect stat(ACP) ~ O(10–3) with 2 fb–1 • D0+– • BR 10–12 in SM, up to 10–6 (~current limit) with New Physics • Expect to reach down to ~510–8 with 2 fb–1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
s b b s s b Summary • LHCb can chase New Physics in loop decays: • couple superb highly-sensitive bs observables • Bs, Bs mixing phase • expect interesting results with 0.5 fb–1 and 2 fb–1 already • can measure down to SM with 10 fb–1 (in case of no New Physics) • several other exciting windows of opportunity: • Exclusive b sss Penguin decays (limited, even with 10 fb–1) • Exclusive bsll and bs • B hh Penguins • High statistics charm physics • LHCb can improve significantly on from tree decays: • use together with other UT observables to test CKM even more But … • this is only MC, performance not demonstrated in real life yet another 2 years to go ! • while thinking about upgrade, please make sure LHCb-1 will work LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
spares LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
g from BDK Dalitz analyses • B± D(KS+–)K±: • D0 and anti-D0 contributions interfere in Dalitz plot • If good online KS reconstruction: 5k signal events in 2 fb–1, B/S < 1 • Assuming signal only and flat acceptance across Dalitz plot: () = 8 with 2 fb–1 • B0 D(KS+–)K*0: • Under study • B± D(KK)K±: • Four-body “Dalitz” analysis • 1.7 k signal events in 2 fb–1 • Assuming signal only and flat acceptance across Dalitz plot: () = 15 with 2 fb–1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh
Unitarity triangle in 2014 Without LHCb With LHCb at 10 fb–1 From V. Vagnoni, CKM workshop, Dec 2006 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh