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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Goals for this workshop:. History of MBTI Review your MBTI Results Complete “My Best Fit Worksheet” verify your true type Review personality type handouts provide career options chosen by your type. Understanding MBTI….

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

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  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

  2. Goals for this workshop: • History of MBTI • Review your MBTI Results • Complete “My Best Fit Worksheet” • verify your true type • Review personality type handouts • provide career options chosen by your type

  3. Understanding MBTI…. • You can and should have a career you love • The secret to loving your work…. • do what you naturally enjoy most

  4. Understanding MBTI…. • To find out what work you would love, you need to know yourself • One way of know yourself is through personality assessments • MBTI • Personality Dimensions

  5. History of MBTI… • one of the most widely used self-report inventories • based upon Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s (1875-1961) notion of psychological types • He believed that differences between people are not random, instead they form patterns – types • The MBTI was first developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katherine Cook Briggs in 1943

  6. Why do we use it? • Knowing your preferences could enable you to find satisfaction in your career and better understand other people

  7. Psychological Type… • Is NOT about skills, intelligence, abilities, or expertise • Does NOT tell you what you should or can do… ….and what you shouldn't or can’t do • People are influenced by more than their ‘Type’ • environment • culture • education and training • interests and motivations

  8. Activity # 1

  9. The MBTI Connection Your PREFERRED hand Feels natural, you didn’t think about it, it was effortless, looks neat and legible Your NONPREFERRED hand Feels unnatural, had to concentrate, was awkward, looks childlike

  10. The MBTI Measures your preferences on four different scales

  11. There is no right or wrong to MBTI results Each preference and type identifies valuable human behaviours

  12. Verifying Your Results Using the sheet My “Best Fit” Worksheet, fill in your preferences after we discuss each of the scales

  13. Please keep in mind… While both kinds of preferences are necessary and used by all people, each of us instinctively tends to favor one over the other

  14. Extrovert / Introvert Where do you get your energy from?

  15. Direct energy mostly to the people and things in the “outside world” Work out ideas by talking them through Direct energy mostly to the ideas in their minds Work out ideas by reflecting on them Extrovert / Introvert

  16. Find that they are easily distracted by what is going on around them May like to be involved in many activities Find that they can concentrate for long periods of time May like to focus on one activity in depth and dislike interruptions Extrovert / Introvert

  17. When at work… prefer lots of people contact out-of-office activities variety in their tasks At parties… Tend to stay late increasing amounts of energy When at work… prefer working alone one-to-one people contact continuity and concentration At parties… tend to leave early decreased energy Extrovert / Introvert

  18. Learn best through doing or discussing Have broad interests Readily take initiative in work and relationships Learn best by reflection, mental ‘practice’ Focus in depth on their interests Take initiative when the situation or issue is very important to them Extrovert / Introvert

  19. Are ENERGIZED by lots of action, people and things Acts first, thinks later Lots of action, people and things DRAINS their energy Thinks first, acts later Extrovert / Introvert

  20. Which one would you say you prefer? E or I? Write it on your sheet

  21. Sensing / INtuition How do you prefer to take in information?

  22. Sensing / INtuition Activity #2 (picture)

  23. Are often seen as.. realistic Practical good at grasping facts and details Are often seen as… imaginative Insightful good at grasping the big picture Sensing / INtuition

  24. Focus more on the present Often patient and careful with precise work and routine, want to master a skill Focus more on the future Often patient in projects with many intangibles and possibilities, enjoy new ways of doing things Sensing / INtuition

  25. Factual and concrete Observe and remember specifics Trust experience Imaginative and verbally creative Remember specifics when they relate to a pattern Trust inspiration Sensing / INtuition

  26. Which one would you say you prefer? S or N? Write it on your sheet

  27. Thinking / Feeling How do you prefer to make decisions?

  28. Prefer to understand experience through logical thinking Analytical Prefer to understand experience in the context of human relationships Empathetic Thinking / Feeling

  29. Use cause-and-effect reasoning Solve problems with logic Reasonable Guided by personal values Assess impacts of decisions on people Compassionate Thinking / Feeling

  30. Seek… objective truth fairness regardless of effects may be seen as firm Seek… harmony cooperation sometimes ignoring the consequences may be seen as warm and understanding Thinking / Feeling

  31. Can be “tough-minded” Fair – want everyone treated equally Decides with the head May appear “tenderhearted” Fair – wants everyone treated as an individual Decides with the heart Thinking / Feeling

  32. Which one would you say you prefer? T or F? Write it on your sheet

  33. Judging / Perceiving How do you prefer to live everyday life?

  34. Value order, structure, predictability Like the completion of a task (check it off the list) Value spontaneity and the challenge of dealing with the unexpected Don’t want to rush closure Judging / Perceiving

  35. Finish tasks… well before a deadline check it off the list Finish tasks… at the deadline have a last-minute rush of adrenaline to complete the task Judging / Perceiving

  36. Organize their lives Systematic Methodical Make short and long-term plans Flexible Casual Open-ended Adapt, change course easily Judging / Perceiving

  37. Likes to have things decided Try to avoid last minute stresses Like things loose and open to change Feel energized by last-minute pressures Judging / Perceiving

  38. Which one would you say you prefer? J or P? Write it on your sheet

  39. MBTI Card Game • Clear off a space in front of you • Keep the worksheet out • You will fill in each space in the “card game” line

  40. TypeFocus • You will now receive your results from the TypeFocus assessment that you took during your intake session • Write the four letters on your sheet • Are they different?

  41. MBTI Results Now you will get the results of your MBTI assessment It may be the same or different from what you have on your worksheet

  42. MBTI Results Take a moment find and read your preference type (s) on the back of the results sheets Complete the My ‘Best Fit’ section of the worksheet once you have verified your decision

  43. Thinking / Feeling Activity #3 (Who stays, Who goes?)

  44. Judging / Perceiving Activity #4 (Plan a Trip)

  45. EXTRAVERTS Are attracted to careers… where action and interaction are important business sales / marketing personal services food services public relations government INTROVERTS Are attracted to career… where ideas are important college teaching science research library work computers mechanical work electronics engineering PREFERENCES AND CAREERS

  46. SENSING Are attracted to careers… where production, management of a business or service is important Construction office details and accounting patient care police and military similar hands-on activities to solve immediate problems INTUITIVE Are attracted to careers… where communication or theory are important Counselling Journalism Teaching writing and art Religion Science Research law long-range planning in business or policy development

  47. THINKING Attracted to careers… skilled trades and crafts science and technology computers production management law police criminal justice work FEELING Attracted to careers… teaching health care clerical and office work personal and human services communication entertainment counselling ministry

  48. JUDGING Attracted to work settings… where plans, system, order, and deadlines are important tasks where they can assume responsibility PERCEIVING Attracted to work settings… where change, flexibility and innovation are important tasks where they can work independently

  49. MBTI and Careers Supplemental information provided… • About your preference type • Possible career occupations Highlight occupations to research

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