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Political Parties. Intro to Political Parties. D efinition : group of people w/ common interests who organize to win elections , control gov’t and and influence gov’t policies Party Systems Single = One Party (i.e. Nazi Germany).
Intro to Political Parties • Definition:group of people w/ common interests who organize to win elections, control gov’t and and influence gov’t policies • Party Systems • Single= One Party (i.e. Nazi Germany). • Multiparty= Many parties compete (most commoni.e. Italy, Israel, etc). • Two Party = Twoparties compete w/ minor parties (i.e. U.S.)
History of Parties in US • No mention of in our Constitution • Founding fatherswarned about dangers of politicalparties • Has always been a part of American politics • 1st parties =Federalists & Democratic-Republicans • disagreed over size of fed. govt. • Democrats -1828 -Jackson first president • Republican party -born in 1850s as an anti-slavery party Lincoln first president • Symbols:Donkey = Democrat, Elephant = Republican; both became popular due to Thomas Nast
Third or Minor Parties • Third party is any party other than the two major parties • Types • Single issueParty (ex: free soil party) • Ideological Party (ex:communist party) • SplinterParty(ex:Tea Party splinter group of Rep Party today) • Impact • draw votes away from major candidates ( 2000 Nader andGore) • promote new ideas • Obstacles • getting on ballot • financing ($)
Federal official vote for the state of FloridaPresidential Election 2000 In nearly 6 million votes cast in Florida; DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BUSH AND GORE = 537
Benefits of the Two Party System • Makes voting easier (vote for party candidates) • The loyal opposition acts like a watch dog • Reduction of conflict • Moderate policies to attract lots of people • Transfer of power happens peacefully
The Political Spectrum Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Reactionary A person who believes in swift and major changes in existing institutions towards something never seen before ex. Communists A person who favors gradual changes through the current system and wants government support of social programs ex. Green Party & Democrats A person who has beliefs from each side of the spectrum ex. some Democrats & some Republicans A person who values traditions, believes in existing political institutions, & favors limited government involvement in the economy/ social programs ex. Republican A person who is extremely displeased with existing conditions and supports a return to earlier ways ex. Amish, KKK