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Dive into the Fascinating World of Cnidaria: Jellyfish and More

Explore the characteristics, classification, and diversity of Cnidarians like jellyfish, anemones, and corals. Learn about their unique anatomy, reproduction, and symbiotic relationships in the marine ecosystem.

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Dive into the Fascinating World of Cnidaria: Jellyfish and More

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  1. Phylum Cnidaria - Coelenterata (Cnido = nettle)

  2. Jellyfish - not real fish

  3. Blind sac- a bag with only one opening Diploblastic - ~epidermis functions in protection, mucus, flagella and nematosysts sensory reception food capture respiration excretion ~mesoglea functions in body support cements epithelia nerve and muscle pathways diffusion pathway

  4. ~endoderm = gastrodermis functions in digestion enzyme secretion food uptake respiration excretion

  5. Everting intracellular organelles (cnidae) ~nematosysts = stining capsules small hypodermic syringes venom neurotoxic (nerves) myotoxic (muscles) hemolytic (destroys RBC’s) necrotic (digests tissue) not all of the 30 types inject venom ~spirocysts - adhesive organslles anmones, corals and the like ~ptychocysts - used in the construction of tubes of tube dwelling anemones

  6. nematocyst

  7. Digestion is extracellular and intracellular Skeleton hydrostatic- fluid filled, muscels operate against an incompressable fluid hard skeleton as with corals Reproduction - ~metagenesis---alternation of generations polyp or polyp colony = asexual stage medusa = sexual stage

  8. ~Larva = planula ~dioecious or monoecious

  9. Classsification ~class hydrozoa (hydra, hydroids, siphonophores, hydrocorals) no mesentaries or septa in coelentron gastrodermis lacks nematocysts hydromedusae have velum = a small shelf of tissue projecting in from bell margin structure perisarc=non-living outer protective sheath coenosarc=living tissue of hydrozoan within perisarc hydrocaulus=stalk of colony thecate - where the stalk and polyps surrounded by perisarc hydrothecate=feeding polyp gonotheca = reproductive polyp athecate- only stalk surrounded by perisarc

  10. Hydromedusae - free living, ‘pelagic’

  11. Gonads visible

  12. Aequoria

  13. Hydra-common freshwater form

  14. Hydra, budding

  15. Obelia- thecate marine hydroid

  16. Hydractinia symbiotic, athecate marine hydroid Pagurus

  17. Velella velella - by the wind sailor

  18. Fire coral

  19. hydrocoral

  20. Physalia - Portugese man of war

  21. ~class Scyphozoa--true jellyfish Tetramerous - 4 parter No velum Gastrovascular cavity gastric pouches gastric filiments gastrodermal nematocysts Manubrium Rhopalium = sensory organs statocyst chemosensory pits ocellus Most dioeceous - planula Diversity

  22. cassiopea

  23. Chrysaora

  24. Aurelia - moon jelly

  25. Pelagia

  26. ~Class cubozoa - box jellies Chironex = sea wasp

  27. ~Class Anthozoa- anemones, true corals, sea fans, sea pens, soft corals anemones, zoanthids General characteristics- radial symmetry nematocysts 1. Tentacles 2. Pharynx 3. Siphonoglyph 4. Gastrovascular cavity 5. Primary septum 6. secondary septum 7.tertiary septum 8. Acontia- nematocysts 9. Pedal disc

  28. Mouth K.O.D.

  29. Aggregating anemone - Anthopleura elegantissima

  30. A. xanthogrammica. in the surf zone

  31. A. xanthogrammica…closed with sand

  32. Malu-movement

  33. Hermassinda crasicornis and red anemones

  34. Clown fish

  35. Octocorals - 8 parter radial symmetry-skeleton-colonial Soft corals

  36. Sea pen

  37. Sea fan- Also sea pansies, sea whils Anthozoans- prostaglandins painkillers coral skeleton used in human bone repair

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