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Human Motivation

Human Motivation. Quality of Work Life (QWL) Focuses on. Enhancing workers’ dignity. Improving workers’ physical and emotional well-being. Enhancing the satisfaction individuals achieve. Basics of Motivation.

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Human Motivation

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  1. Human Motivation 2002 South-Western

  2. Quality of Work Life (QWL) Focuses on Enhancing workers’ dignity. Improving workers’ physical and emotional well-being. Enhancing the satisfaction individuals achieve. 2002 South-Western

  3. Basics of Motivation • Motivation is the result of the interaction of a person’s internalized needs and external influences that determine behavior. • Enlightened managers have discovered that motivation is not something that is done to a person. • It results from a combination of factors, including: • Individuals’ needs. • Ability to make choices. • An environment that provides the opportunity to satisfy those needs. 2002 South-Western

  4. Basic Motivation Model 2002 South-Western

  5. To Satisfy a Need,a Person Must Evaluate Several Factors • Past experiences • Environmental influences • Perceptions • Skills are a person’s performance capabilities. • Incentives are factors created by managers to encourage workers to perform a task. 2002 South-Western

  6. Past Experiences Environmental Influences Perceptions Integrated Motivation Model Skills Needed Incentives Supplied by Manager 2002 South-Western

  7. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Four Premises • Only an unsatisfied need can influence behavior; a satisfied need is not a motivator. • A person’s needs are arranged in a priority order of importance. • A person will at least minimally satisfy each level of need before feeling the need at the next level. • If need satisfaction is not maintained at any level, the unsatisfied need will become a priority once again. 2002 South-Western

  8. Reaching Your Potential • Independence • Creativity • Self-Expression Self-Realization Needs • Responsibility • Self-Respect • Recognition • Sense of Accomplishment Esteem Needs • Companionship • Acceptance • Love and Affection • Group Membership Social Needs • Security for Self and Possessions • Avoidance of Risks • Avoidance of Harm • Avoidance of Pain Safety Needs Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs • Food • Clothing • Shelter • Comfort • Self-Preservation Physical Needs 2002 South-Western

  9. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory • Hygiene Factors • Are extrinsic to the job. • Do not relate directly to a person’s actual work activity. • Are part of the context of the job, not its content. • If factors are of low quality, employees feel job dissatisfaction. • Do not necessarily act as motivators. • Are not necessarily stimuli for growth or greater effort. • Are the primary cause of unhappiness on the job. 2002 South-Western

  10. Hygiene Factors Include • Salary • Job security • Working conditions • Status • Company policies • Quality of technical supervision • Quality of interpersonal relations among peers, supervisors, and subordinates 2002 South-Western

  11. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory • Motivation Factors • Are the primary cause of job satisfaction. • Are intrinsic to a job. • Relate directly to the real nature of the work people perform. • Relate to job content. • Different people require different kinds and degrees of motivation factors. 2002 South-Western

  12. David McClellandNeed for Achievement • Theory that holds that certain types of needs are learned during a lifetime of interaction with the environment. • McClelland’s three needs relate to: • Achievement, or the desire to excel or achieve in relation to a set of standards. • Power, or the desire to control others or have influence over them. • Affiliation, or the desire for friendship, cooperation, and close interpersonal relationships. 2002 South-Western

  13. Achievement Motivation Two Important Ideas • A strong achievement need relates to how well individuals are motivated to perform their work. • The achievement need can be strengthened by training. 2002 South-Western

  14. High AchieverMcClelland and an Associate,David Burnham • Performs a task because of a compelling need for personal achievement. • Prefers to take personal responsibility for solving problems rather than leaving the outcome to others. • Prefers to set moderate goals that, with stretching, are achievable. • Prefers immediate and concrete feedback about performance, which assists in measuring progress toward the goal. 2002 South-Western

  15. Alderfer’s ERG Theory • Proposed a needs theory that compressed Maslow’s five need levels into three: • Existence. Existence needs relate to a person’s physical well-being. • Relatedness. Relatedness needs include needs for satisfactory relationships with others. • Growth. Growth needs call for the realization of potential and the achievement of competence. 2002 South-Western

  16. Expectancy Theory IncludesThree Variables • Effort-performance link • Performance-reward link • Attractiveness 2002 South-Western

  17. To Motivate Behavior (Vroom, 1964; Porter and Lawler, 1968) • Understand that employees measure the value associated with the assignment. • Find out what outcomes are perceived as desirable by employees and provide them. • Make the job intrinsically rewarding. • Effectively and clearly communicate desired behaviors and their outcomes. • Link rewards to performance. • Be aware that people and their goals, needs, desires, and levels of performance differ. • Strengthen each individual’s perceptions of his or her ability to execute desired behaviors and achieve outcomes by providing guidance and direction. 2002 South-Western

  18. Reinforcement Theory Holds Behavior is influenced by the rewards or penalties experienced in similar situations in the past. Much of motivated behavior is learned behavior. 2002 South-Western

  19. Developing Motivated Behavior • Tell individuals what they can do to get positive reinforcement. • Tell individuals what they are doing wrong. • Base rewards on performance. • Administer the reinforcement as close in time to the related behavior as possible. • Recognize that failure to reward can also modify behavior. 2002 South-Western

  20. According to Goal-Setting Theory, Managers Should • Work with employees in setting goals. • Make goals specific rather than general. • Provide feedback on performance. 2002 South-Western

  21. Immaturity to Maturity Chris Argyris (1957) • Tend to be active rather than passive. • Are independent rather than dependent. • Are self-aware rather than unaware. • Are self-controlled rather than controlled by others. • The formal chain of command limits self-determination, making individuals passive and manager dependent. • The span of control decreases a person’s self-determination. • Unity of direction places objectives under the control of one manager. • Specialization of labor limits initiative and self-determination. 2002 South-Western

  22. Development of ExpectationsJohn L. Single (1980) • Subordinates do what they believe they are expected to do. • Ineffective managers fail to develop high expectations for performance. • Managers perceived as excellent create high performance expectations that their employees can fulfill. 2002 South-Western

  23. Providing an Effective Reward SystemDavid Van Fleet (1991) • Rewards must satisfy the basic needs of all employees. • Rewards must be comparable to those offered by competitive organizations in the same area. • Rewards must be equally available to people in the same positions and be distributed fairly and equitably. • The reward system must be multifaceted. 2002 South-Western

  24. Job Enrichment Should Include Variety of tasks Task importance Task responsibility Feedback 2002 South-Western

  25. Intrapreneurship GuidelinesKuratko and Hodgetts (1989) • Encourage action. • Use informal meetings. • Tolerate–do not punish–failure be persistent. • Be persistent. • Reward innovation. • Plan the physical layout. • Reward and/or promote innovative personnel. • Encourage people to go around red tape. • Eliminate rigid procedures. • Organize people into small teams. 2002 South-Western

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