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The game of chess has been around in one form or another for over 1000 years, yet the basic worldview and rules underlying the game still remain in place today. What if we changed the game? What if we imagined a new one reflective of the new world we live in? Let's start with 6 rules for the 21st century!I heard about this contest from a slideshare email I received.
Changing the game (imagine) mag ne by Shannan Butler & Corinne Weisgerber
“Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles” - Garry Kasparov “You cannot play at Chess if you are kind-hearted” - French Proverb “Chess, insanity & politics have always been inextricably connected” - Sarah Hurst
...to crush the opponent’s mind” - Bobby Fischer
“Pawns are the soul of the game” - Francois Andre Danican Philidor “The way he plays Chess demonstrates a man's whole nature” - Stanley Ellin “When the Chess game is over, the Pawn and the King go back to the same box” - Irish saying