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In the world of divorce, there are many avenues that you must take before you get to the end of the road. Those avenues typically involve property division, child support, child custody, and alimony. Property division has been a topic of controversy in the Utah court system. Consult with a Salt Lake City divorce attorney Emy A Cordano helps you stay on top of the new or changed regulations surrounding divorce.
When Emotions Get in the Way of Property Division Agreements
Under Utah divorce law, the division of marital assets between divorcing spouses is based on equitable distribution. This means that if spouses do not agree on how to split their marital assets, the courts will divvy up the assets based on what is fair to both parties.
Assets With Emotional Attachments There are strong emotional attachments for one or both parties to specific assets. See below for some examples: Houses purchased by one spouse prior to marriage Pets Family property Family business
Pets If you are an animal lover, you probably understand how divorcing spouses may not be able to compromise on who gets to keep these beloved creatures in a divorce, which means leaving it up to the courts to decide where family pets will live.
Houses Purchased By One Spouse Prior To Marriage If the marriage is short, children were not raised in the house, and the spouse who did not purchase the house also did not provide substantial contributions to the home, it might stay with the original purchasing spouse.
Family Property When a married couple purchases one spouse’s family property, there may be a fight about who gets to keep it. For example, if a husband and wife decide to purchase the wife’s parents’ home to raise their family in, after years of considering it their family home, the husband may feel attached to the home where his children were raised and the wife may feel attached to it because it used to belong to her parents.
Family Business Similar to family property, if a married couple purchases the wife’s family’s business and the husband and wife operate it together for a number of years, the husband may feel attached to the business because he was instrumental in its growth and operation while the wife may feel like she has more of a right to it because it was originally her family’s business.
Get Help from Emy Cordano Divorces are difficult, to begin with, and property disputes make them significantly more difficult. Emy A. Cordano, is an experienced divorce attorney in Salt Lake City Utah who has represented divorce clients in contentious property disputes and is a skilled negotiator and trial attorney.
Contact: Address: 6465 S 3000 E, Suite 103 Salt Lake City, UT, 84121 Phone: 801-804-5152 Website: https://www.cor-law.com/contact-us.html