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In this presentation, you will obtain the best guide about Private Security Bodyguard. A bodyguard (or close protection officer) is a type of private security guard, government law official, or ex-military officer who protects a person or a group of people from unwanted potential risk, liability, harassment, and harm. Are you looking for the best private bodyguard for hire security for your event or commercial spaces? Then donu2019t worry about the best company and contact Corporate Security Australia. Corporate Security Australia is one of the top-rated security companies which is known for offering you the best private bodyguard services as per the need of the clients.<br>To know more about services please feel free to contact us or visit the website- https://www.corporatesecurityaustralia.com.au/sydney-bodyguard-hire/
Guide About Bodyguard & Their Types Corporate Security Australia
Presentation Overview What we learn What is a Personal Bodyguard? Who can hire a Bodyguard? Types of Bodyguard Services Corporate Security Australia Our Social media profile Contact with us
What is a Personal Bodyguard? A bodyguard (or close protection officer) is a type of private security guard, government law official, or ex military officer who protects a person or a group of people from unwanted potential risk, lability, harassment and harm.
Who can hire a Bodyguard? Some of you may be wondering who hires these private security bodyguards, and you wouldn’t be wrong for wondering. A person does not hire a bodyguard unless a threat or risk is present, whether that risk is low or high. Our Sydney bodyguards are hired by government officials, celebrities, entrepreneurs, sports stars as well as wealthy families who simply need extra security during periods where they feel vulnerable or at risk.
Types of Bodyguards Therearemanytypesofbodyguardsavailableintheprivatesecuritymarketandhereareafewofthe personalprotectionbodyguardsarecommonlyrequestedbythemarket. PersonalProtection On-siteBodyguard ArmedGuardsAustralia APersonalProtection Officer (PPO) isaspecialist withintheprivatesecurity sector. Theyneedtodo morethana2daycourse (CertificateIIinSecurity qualification) inorderto behiredasapersonal protectionofficer. Anon-sitebodyguardis usuallyhiredwhen privatesecurityis requiredforwhen constantsurveillanceof privatefunctions, propertyorevents. Anarmedcarriesa firearmforonepurpose only, protectionof his/herlifeorthatof anotherperson ( Self DefenseOnlyandnot actuallyforthejob duties).
Types of Bodyguards UnarmedBodyguards VIPCelebrityBodyguardsServices InAustralia, Bodyguards cannotbearmedwitha firearminanystate, onlyin VictoriaduetoaGovernorin Generalexemptionisa bodyguardallowedtocarrya batonortowearaballistic vest. VIPBodyguardServicesare sometimesrequiredforcelebritiesas wellashighprofileindividualswho maybetouringoronabusiness trips.TherecruitedVIPBodyguard sometimesassistwithsecure transport, aswellasprotectingthe clientagainstliabilityandthreat.
Corporate Security Australia Ifyouarelookingforprofessionalbodyguardsin Australiaorperhapsinterestedinbodyguardhire, looknofurtherthanCorporateSecurity Australia. WearebasedinSydneyandcanofferyou professionalbodyguardsandsecurityguards, Australiawide. Wepartnerupwithexperienced & professional bodyguardsinordertoprovideclientslikeyouthe levelofcustomizedsecuritythatyouneed.
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